Why'd You Choose Demons over angels?

That is interesting. I mostly work with Angels, I figure they will cause less trouble for me and I have had plenty of trouble. But sometimes they drive me up the wall and I don’t always get them.

Can you tell me more to maybe help me understand? How were angels antithetical to your long term goals?


Also since I have called Belial he has never left, is he stuck with me?
Would he be able to leave if we both wanted?

The way it was explained to me, angels have their own agenda as far as what they want for your life and how you reach your full potential. This can lead to them coming off as overly stern and controlling as they push you towards what they want rather than what you want. Demons are a bit more flexible in this regard and treat the interaction more as a mutual exchange. They also understand the human condition a bit better and are a lot more forgiving of screw ups.

Of course, if your will is already strong and you its you won’t put up with any shenanigans none of this becomes an issue. Also, you have to consider that this information of going through my own subjective filter. So your mileage may vary.

As for your issue with Belial, of course he’ll go away if you truly desire him to be gone. The issue you with is you seem pretty hesitant. If any part of you regrets banishing him, then its not going to work. Contemplate what you want out of your relationship with him, and if there’s anything valuable he can teach you. If you search within yourself and find that he really is bad for your development, you have the power to reject him. No entity has the power to impede on your ascent unprovoked.


Yeah for a sec after that one guy said that, I thought maybe Belial was stuck with me.
I think I am at the point where I want to Belial to stay and have a relationship with me.
Working with the angels from back when I thought he was menacing and maybe he has been taking advantage at times or something, but I feel like I have been working out the boundaries. I am trying to tell my angels that I want to pursue my relationship and to only interfere if it is one of several absolute emergencies and now, they are coming more than ever. It is so strange cause they encouraged it from me to pursue Belial back when I was one of the most serious about getting rid of him, now I’m the most happy and content and thinking that maybe I am working something out and want them only stepping in if it is an absolute emergency, suddenly they are here all the time. Is it such an emergency? Or is this doing there thing wanting what they want for me in the way they want it and over doing it? And how do I know?

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These are questions that can probably only be answered by you intuitively.

Either the fact that you’re getting too comfortable with Belial is a danger in and of itself and they’re trying to make sure he doesn’t persuade you into doing something shady, or the angels just eager to run interference because he’s going to get you to go against protocol. Or it could just be your warped sense of perspective throwing off the whole interaction.

To make things easier, just banish everything, create a neutral zone, and ask a divination tool if “insert spirit here” can be trusted to help you obtain your goals, whatever those are.


I guess considering what you know about the situation that sounds pretty good.

Don’t forget a lot of the demons are fallen angels. There could be nothing wrong in your working with both, but there can be bad blood between a Fallen and an Angel. I worked with Archangel Micheal, and he is a chill personality. You may need to step away from all involved here and call on Micheal for example from the angel side, and I am going to use my favorite Fallen Angel Azazel for the other side since I know he wanted to speak to you. Both sides can be sword happy sand overprotective. So, maybe like @DemonMonk mentioned banished all parties and take to those not so closely linked to you.


We didn’t choose demons over angels, black magick isn’t only demons.

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Well I am asking those who did as some do.
But I do wonder if I am a bit confused as to what black magick is perhaps, when I was young it meant the same as baneful magick, so what would you say black magick is?

I am still new to magick and such but I seem to have had a much easier time with the fallen angel Lucifer and actually got responses from him rather than than the angels.

There was a point in time where I was unable to get food or money and I was literally starving as I was left alone and unable to work as I was in a place where it was difficult to find jobs. A lot of people were unemployed and struggling back then. I would call for angels and even the Christian God, to help me but nothing would come to me even though I would cry and get on my knees and beg for help.

Eventually, I gave up on calling for them and out of desperation ,even though I had a fear of him because of my Catholic upbringing, asked for Lucifer to help me, within a few days a neighbor began to give me food and eventually offered me a job babysitting her grandchildren so I had a constant stream of food and money until I was able to leave that place. I did not even get along with that neighbor but she suddenly started helping me out of nowhere.

I would still like to work with angels one day as I feel really drawn to Archangel Raphael but, for now, I do not see that happening. I want some things in my life but from what I have been told on this forum (please correct me if
what I have been told is wrong) is that Angels will not do a lot of things for you due to their morals and will make your life the way THEY want it to be, not the other way around. I might buy some books about magick with angels but I do not think I will work with them for some time.

That time really opened my eyes and made me realize that demons are not anything like what the bible has said about them. Lucifer, who I had always been told was “evil” and would harm me just because he is “evil” and “enjoys harming people”, gave me what I needed to survive long enough for me to get away from that place and get back on my feet. I admit, I still have a small fear of demons but I am working hard to get over it. I will work with Lord Lucifer for now, as I am grateful for what he did for me.


That is hilariously untrue.


You’re right. But keep in mind that angels are not anything like what the bible says either. Angels are much older than that. The bible is a collection of myths, stories and spells. But there are more stories than the ones included in the book, much more. The problem is they did not fit in the picture they had in mind, so they were left out and many were lost or forgotten.

I never experienced them in that way. It all depends on how you see them. You spoke of Raphael, let me make an example. If you only know Raphael from the Book of Tobit and call him for healing, imagining only this aspect of him, then that’s what you will get.
Raphael (and every angel/demon) can do much more than only one thing, and has much more lore to offer.
If you expect angels to work in a moralizing way and expect demons to do evil, then this is what you will get.

Although in my experience angels and demons do work differently. The distinction isn’t always easy.
In my experience angels often like to pull the strings in the background, paving your way to your desire, maybe without you noticing it. (Also they like to talk in riddles…)
Whereas demons seem to work in a more straightforward way. (Or maybe just more understandable for our mind.)


Lol, yeah. I have been told that by multiple people on this forum and it just seemed…off… to me. I have been wanting to work with angels but most books I can find are all religious stuff and ideas mentioning the same things as those people who said all that stuff about the angels and their morals and stuff and they end up talking about magick being evil and all that other stuff we have most likely all been told by religious family members.

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Think about it, how can angels be good if magic is evil? Angels ARE magic. Well, it doesn’t fit into those peoples’ heads. Although they don’t notice that them praying for something is not that far from doing some spell.
Forget the narrow-mindedness of religion. Their very core is magical. The only reason they began to deny that is to keep people under control. I’m not only talking about christianity, but every religion out there.


Yes, I like to believe that angels are capable of many things as well. Lucifer himself is a fallen angel and he is said to be capable of doing anything.

I have been trying to research more about angels but only keep finding religious stuff and ideas. I do not even know how to communicate with them. I have been looking at the GoM books on angels to decide if I should buy them. They seem to have good reviews so I might get them. I would really love to start working with angel, I feel like Raphael keeps calling for me, yet I am still trying to learn how to even contact them. No luck yet. I think I will have to give those books a try.

YEEEESSSSSS I have always tried to tell people that a lot of people who practice magick do it in the form of prayers. Some even work with the Christian God and are practicing witches. Then if all magick is evil, wouldn’t that make their God evil for helping witches do the magick that they do?


Oh, thank you so much! I will!

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I didn’t choose. I just have a better connection with them. Natural tendency i guess.

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Same forces, different attitudes and methods.


I have worked with both. However these days I never give angels of the non-fallen variety any attention at all. I worked with angels a lot in my early career as a magician. I found that they never let me run my life, and would never honor the reason that I called them in the first place if it didn’t resonate with the vision that THEY had for me. There excuse was always “Not now”, or “it’s not for your highest good” or “we’ll get around to it”. They would ALWAYS shine me on, patronize me, give me the run around and sending me on a fruitless spiritual wild goose chase. All the information I received from them only ever led me more and more into a state of powerlessness. Nor would they teach me any magick that went toward any selfish or self serving end. Simply put, when I was working with the angels I was not even allowed to THINK about bettering my lot in life. In point of fact, they also ran interference when I got tired of their BS. and started looking into the LHP. They went to extremes to not let me contact the infernal and demonic. Even going so far as to try to kill me and my dad in a car accident. We would have died had it not been for the demon that would become my patron’s intervention and protection. So… from the deepest recesses of my scorched black heart, FUCK ANGELS!

Many, many magicians feel that one can work both sides of the fence. For me it simply isn’t so. Either way I hope everyone has great success in their ascent. No matter what means you use. Just remember Not to ride those who say it’s best not to play both sides. Because they genuinely might have a VERY good reason why.