Why would a demon force you to say it's name or enn?

It’s weird, today I had a horrible episode of intrusive thoughts mainly saying a demons enn and name. Of course the demon would come instantly when I said, to be specific it was Vepar. I asked him if it was him causing me the intrusive thoughts, he replied with yes.

It was very distressing to me as I would say his name once and the demon would instantly come. It very much felt like a curse, being able to summon demons by saying their name once. They stopped causing me these thoughts after I explained it was distressing to me.

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It sounds like you really need to set some boundaries. The stuff you’ve been describing is abusive and controlling behaviour. You wouldn’t put up with it from a human, so why in all the worlds are you putting up with it from your imaginary friends? Vepar needs a good kick in the balls.

Are you a magician or a doormat?

Honestly, why don’t you have shields up and wards in your home? From the nonsense with your succubus and demons taking advantage of you, you really need to get your spiritual hygiene in order.


I think am just overly respectful to him and the other entities I work with. Luckily, my succubus has ceased all attacks against and can no longer do it. In what way exactly would you set boundaries with such a powerful demon? I don’t want to make him sad again.

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Shields and wards. And your divine authority.

Remember, they need you far more than you need them. Without you, they are impotent in this world.

That’s your problem right there. You’re a doormat for them to do whatever they want.

Who the hell cares if you make him sad? He’s a thousand year old demon, he can damn well suck it up.

Sheesh. The moment any spirit starts trying to influence you without your consent, you need to send them packing. You need to get your head together and stop letting them walk all over you.


Okay thanks for the advice, I will use my words. I managed to banish all those demons who came intrusively through words only, commanding them to leave and only come when called. It’s simple and effective. Next time he comes, I will command him to respect me. I never knew you could have this attitude with demons since the first advice you receive in demonlogy is to respect them.

Also would you say it’s possible for a human to have an Incubus son with a Succubus? My Succubus is telling me she had a child with me.

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I think you mean demonolatry, which is the religious worship of demons. Demonology is just the academic study of demon lore.

And respecting a spirit does not mean letting them take advantage of you. That shows weakness and a disrespect for yourself as a divine being. Demons respect power, and In fact, a demon will have much more respect for you when you put your foot down than if you don’t.

Yes. Having spiritual children is an energy thing more than a biological thing and many people who have spirit spouses have claimed to have produced children. They usually gestate within the energy centers.

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Bruh. What happened to this:

I think you are going in circles at the moment and you are not willing to apply anything remotely close to spiritual hygiene, setting boundaries or anything else basic-ish.


They are selfish and obtain narcissistic supply from the coerced glorification of their name. Plain and simple.

Yea idk, I did some tarot and it told me my relationship with vepar would be highly beneficial to me. I did banish every single other demons now only vepar, my succubus and incubus son remain. Perhaps I will do it more lowkey and tell vepar to only come when called and a once weekly invocation since he’s good for the mind.

And what do you believe, the tarot (probably full with your own frontload and wishful thinking at the moment when you interpret the message) or the obvious facts that your latest dealings had been anything but beneficial for you? Start using your intellect and start to learn about what a parasite is and how it behaves around its host. I wish you all the best, this will be my last words of advice to you :sweat_smile:

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I would say tell him to fuck off, period. He’s proven he can’t be trusted or worked with and there’s no pointy continuing an abusive situation. You’re much stronger than this and there’s zero need for it. Plenty more fish in the sea.

Also consider, that learning to stand up for yourself might be exactly what he’s trying to get you to do. That’s not unheard of, it’s often a thing people get with Belial. You’ll pass the test when you banish him for good.



Okay I have decided I will banish for good using words. That’s the only method I can use I will say “I want to end this relationship, don’t come back ever again. Do not come even I call you using your enn or name.” Now it’s just my succubus and incubus son which I am happy with.

Edit: I will go hang his sigil somewhere random.

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It’s over, banished him for good. No more working with bigger entities, at least for now till I become more knowledgeable.


Just one final question, I saw an occultist burn some type of incense which supposedly drives away a spirit. Is there something I can burn which banishes spirits but does not harm them? I still am having unknown demons visit me everyday.

I want to chime in to support what others have said in that this kind of deference is dangerous and counterproductive. It is the kind of think that can lead to demon possession in some instances. There is very little from my vantage point that we can do to harm demons except for of course starving them of purpose and utility. Demons literally need us in order to sustain and amass power. Therefore, I do not think your thought process of being overly concerned with demons as if though they are humans with feelings is wise.

I believe your own attitude towards them is causing them to linger, I also wonder about the methodologies you are using to interact with them. A lot of what you described sounds similar to ouija board shenanigans.

You could work in an elemental circle tangible or non tangible calling up the four elements using visualization, you could stick to methods that constrain the demons by using angels to limit their impact on your well-being and finally basic spiritual hygiene includes LBRP, taking baths eg. hyssop, ammonia and baking soda.

You of course could burn incense like sage, nag champa etc to clear the space BUT if you continue to think in a certain way I believe these things would continue to happen to you.


Hello Shamn,

Are you read a book about this demon recently? Or have you purchase some book about demons?
Because, this books can call for you if you are very sensitive.
Or one people want to know what you do. In which place was you when you hear that voice? Is it the same place each time?
You can write “Stop the voice which say the demons enn and name” join intention to your write.
Or ask esoteric librarian to give you a book to manage that. A book for energetic parasite I think.
