Why some magicians don't have any money but appear to be very wealthy

Damn man that’s awesome to hear!!

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Thanks bud :wink:

I hope things go well for you too.

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Well said!!!

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You are missing the point my friend!

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Welcome to BALG! You are amongst friends here!

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This is great! I am thinking in a completely different direction now.
Thank you for sharing!


So, for someone with a lot of student loan debt… what would you say to them? I totally hear you, but realize many, especially Americans, are crippled in debt that doesn’t even allow us to buy homes, start families, keeps us in abusive situations, forces us to take any menial job to try and at least pay the student loans off…

I think that’s why they chase money. Why I chase it. So what would you say to myself and others like me?


Personally I would suggest not chasing the money. Instead manifest jobs and opportunity that would naturally bring the money to you. Don’t focus on the money, focus on bringing the opportunities into your life that would result in money being accumulated.


What @UnseelieDiabolus said.


I’ll take this approach! Thank you :slight_smile:


Wow, this just totally hit the nail on the head. This is almost exactly my experience too.

In the beginning I kept trying desperately to manifest money and it didn’t happen and didn’t happen and didn’t happen. I started wondering what I was doing wrong.

Recently, I’ve become aware that although I earn a LOT less than my friends and colleagues, I’ve somehow managed to accumulate everything I want or need pretty effortlessly. My job is fun and I hardly suffer from any stress. I get to spend my free time doing the things I love. For the first time in my life, I’d say I’m 100% content.

I have been working very closely with King Belial and he has taught me that I have everything I need to be happy at my fingertips. Whenever I worry about money, I have been reassured that everything will find a way to work itself out and that happiness and creativity (I’m an artist), not money, should be my primary focus.


Congratulations, Adam!

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I agree with this. I’ve never really been one to chase money. In my earlier years, it resulted in lack, of course, but it was because I would sit idle being lazy…not really having a purpose or putting effort into anything.
As I grew to realize money was still necessary to live, I had to adjust my attitude.
My work ethic didn’t change but eventually my attitude about what I have/want and what is important to me did.
I’d be grateful for what came my way and focused on becoming comfortable with life.
I found what works for me.
I began to notice sometimes I would receive the money for something I needed or wanted…and other times I would just be provided with what I wanted, itself.
Either way, I received my want.
I’m nowhere near your capacity, but I’m happy.
It’s also nice to have it confirmed that it is real. You can live well without being a slave to money.


So an update, for those of you who follow me on the forum here. Today I had court and as some of you may know have been assigned Duke Eligos, by the bright morning star himself. This seems to be the way things go for me. I go directly to either Nachash himself or the void chaos dragon mother. One time Gadreial aka Nachash aka Lucifer actually told me to call my mother Lol which I did later that day and my regular void meditation spiraled into an amazing astral journey which resulted in some much needed enlightenment.
Anyway I’m getting side tracked here, so I gathered my oils, herbs, stones and candles and set up my ritual space I crafted this sigil from copper which is the metal corresponding to Eligos and painted the reverse side green and polished it to a mirror shine and engraved the sigil. Placed it on the north altar after my quick invocation of Lucifer on the east altar I began the evocation of Eligos who appeared almost immediately in the angel statue. I played some Alan Parsons Project the song Lucifer to be exact as my ritual music used my Lucifer wand to direct the energy and wave the incense and oils fumes. Proceeded to give gratitude for my spiritual attorney and to Lucifer as well as Eligos. Burned the yellow pillar candle and placed the stones around it as well as the copper sigil.

I busted out some bay leaves and the herb irresponsible to Eligos is Thyme so I got some of that on there and burned it over the yellow candle. Got it all charged up with intent. Threw the stones herbs and a small pigeon feather into a mojo bag which I put in my court file folder. Did my little ritual and a visualization meditation the next night before court today. As I’m sitting in the court room waiting for my name to be called I decided to go ahead and start influencing the situation. The prosecutor was sitting in such a way that I was in his line of sight. I busted out my copper engraved sigil and allowed him to catch his eye on it every time he glanced forward and slightly to the left. Next thing you know the first guy goes up to the judge and get this, the surprised judge says it looks like you talked him into dismissing the case so case dismissed. Then the next person also gets her case dismissed and the third guy a court supervision. Then my turn comes up and I remember thinking to myself “this is working out well I wonder if I can get some kind of postponement so I can and up this magick and really knock it out of the ballpark come my actual trial date”. I wasn’t even really ready for pretrial and had not even met with my attorney. I went up to ask if I could be bumped up the list because I had a dental appointment I was afraid I was going to miss. The balif leads me over to my appointed attorney and I finally got to speak to the guy. He says yeah I’ll do you next. So he grabbed my file and low and behold the prosecution never sent over the police reports. My attorney made a formal request for the reports and they rescheduled my pretrial conference for two months from now on this case. Wow! It worked out great! Now my attorney andvI have adequate time to prepare for the case and I have time to do a proper ritual. Not to mention all the things in my life that would have been disrupted by having to do all this right now. Feeling amazing about today’s outcome and just had to share with everyone. Cheers everyone!


Thanks for posting this! Makes a lot of sense. And imagine the sense of freedom there must be…not having to slave away for a few dollars!

My question is…how would this apply in the situation of a place to live? My husband and I are looking for a place to live. He wants to get a nice apartment that costs 1200/ month…I want to go with the option that is 850/month because of all our other responsibilities… at the moment we have a limited income so I don’t see how it can work.

That’s what I don’t get…all the extras of life are whatever…ok great…they will come…but what about rent, food, utilities, car note, etc…the necessities. …?


I’d say that money still has it’s place - I mean it’s hard to live without. But I would focus on manifesting, for example, your dream home where you and your family are happy, rather than trying to manifest the money itself.

So far, in my experience, the money seems to take care of itself. For example, I really wanted to buy a guitar but couldn’t afford to. I kept focusing on how good it feels to play the guitar - and literally days later I went online and found a 60% off sale on the exact Fender I wanted.

I wouldn’t say I’ve had 100% success rate manifesting things, I’m still learning. But, I’ve had almost a 100% failure rate trying to manifest money but when I’ve switched my focus to the thing I wanted the money for, I’ve had better results.


Work your job be smart about your budget and don’t live outside your means. Be creative about cutting corners and be thrifty. Get into stoicism and read up on Diogenes, change your outlook from one of how am I going to make ends meet to one of what is the best most efficient way to do this or that on the cheap etc. Trust in Lucifer and your spirits while being active in maintaining your attitude of gratitude and basic needs will come as well. I hope it works out for you.


That makes sense. Thank you. I guess I just have to put more practice into that… focusing on how good it feels to have whatever it is. I have to admit that I am still attached to the whole money idea as much as I hate it… the chase I mean.

I’m going to give it a try with something simple… and work my way up as a see success.

Maybe starting small will help to see success and build up the confidence.


Got it! That makes sense. It always comes down to that shift in perspective. Thank you!

I’m going to give this a try over the next few months as best I can… I’ll come and let you all know how it turned out!

Thank you for the inspiration!


I love your copper sigil.
I know you won’t need it, but good luck at trial. :raised_hands:t3: