Why is this never mentioned on this forum?

I don’t think its the dancing per sea, more like you have programmed your subconscious to raise the energy and then you completely focus on something else and it has the ability to manifest.

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I had made a post awhile ago talking about how I danced to spread the energies and invoke my chosen feelings.

It works pretty well and it gets you in that childish state of creation

Ritual: Increase self image and money

Song to dance along with

Yeah yeah :money_mouth_face:


Great observation and insight! Rasputin believed in dancing as a form of transcendence! Brava☆☆☆☆☆☆


Dancing is one of the oldest talents from Satan given. Evoking Satan and dancing for him is an awesome experience



I guess when people think of magick, they don’t associate it with dancing.


Many people think they can’t dance, or they’re not ”good“ enough, which is why they‘re reluctant to give it a go. Much like singing or chanting, it’s an extremely powerful and quick way to alter your consciousness.

FYI: Spirits don’t give a fck whether you look graceful or like Mick Jagger on speed when you dance, as long as you enjoy yourself and invite them to participate in the beautiful energy you generate. Sometimes they might even dance with you. :clap::dancer::man_dancing:t2:


Interesting, so years ago i used to go to punk and thrash shows, skanking it, moshing and the likes. Its a frenzy of energy, the fluid movement of the group as a whole builds up insane amounts of energy and endorphins. And dancing in circles while howling, chanting, yelling, etc its extremely powerful. Something similar i thought of with this is a Catholic mass; stand, kneel, stand, kneel, genuflect, stand, kneel, walk in circles, kneel, and the likes. Its a process of movements in a ritual to gather spiritual energy, if all of those people believe as such that they are gathering admiration of doing so the said spirit is gathered there with them. In my own ritual practice theres walking in my ritual circle, up and down, gestures and motion of the arms to move the energy in me and around me like qigong to communicate better with the spirits. Dance no matter how its put is a strong spiritual practice, glad this thread was made :slight_smile:


If you’ve ever been a drum circle and seen the ladies dance, then you understand what the OP is saying.

Not to mention, when the band starts playin’ and the people in the church pews get up, run down the aisles and get movin’ and groovin’ when the “Holy Spirit” hits them!

There is a primal, earthy, even sensual energy that you can feel when the rhythm takes over your mind and body. Just watching the ladies “get their groove on” can put you in a trance!

The LBRP banishing ritual can be turned into a dance in a sense. Alister Crowley mentions dance and music several times in his books.

So, dance and tap into that energy for magick.

These rhythms and frequencies have been measured by science and are known to be in the Theta-Gamma brainwave range and are known to cause trance, visions and hallucinations. Also, known as gnosis, TGS, ecstasy and rapture.

E.A. should come out with a book or video about the use of dance and music in magick ritual.

What the OP is saying that this topic needs to be mentioned and researched more on this forum.

I can’t do it. I do not have the time. There are already several books on this subject. I’m sure this forum’s search function can find some things about this.


I have posted some ocassional insight about belly dancing, ritualistic dancing and trance in my journal when working with Hecate.

It is not often spoken about because it is a very easy tool to use I reckon, with amazing results.

And you don’t need to grab people’s attention to drain their energy, unless you are physically attempting to increase their sexual energy so that you drain it afterwards.


How I dance in ritual.



What you said is on point, but listen, you need to ask yourself: “Is this behavior going to produce a change of standards in evocation and affect my fellow magicians?” Because the answer is “yes”, and the last thing I need is Asmodeus himself to utter “DAYUM, BRO. YOU IS THICC” and demand that I twerk.

Other than that, you are pretty much right. :stuck_out_tongue:


You know exactly why it’s never mentioned but I’m not gonna say it.

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I don´t…

Here’s to all you belly dancing ladies on BALG this is your song… HAIL SANTANA!


I’m so glad someone posted it allready :heart_eyes: Dance is my very favorite way of self-inducing trance :heart_eyes: In cooperation with some native american/indian/chinese music playing on the background, or in my earphones, it’s personally not only one of the most potent forms of any ritual I’ve ever tried, but also in my current situation is actually the only form of ritual I can safely afford to perform without my family knowing what I am doing :joy::stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Combine it with intention of using the energy, that Your body creates in constant movement of dance, for manifesting Your goals/goals of the ritual, and You will see some nice results. Tell Your energy where it have to go and create more of it by dancing. Sooner or later results should appear and, from my experience, quite strongly :wink: Good luck :slightly_smiling_face:

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Dancing in the pit is a hell of a lot of fun!

I think dance can be viewed as any other form of active meditation. Give your mind something to focus on while your intent lies elsewhere.


I’m sorry that I took so long to respond, but I’ve been very busy.
I’m so happy that so many people like my thread and have found it useful! I can’t reply to each person separately but I hope you all see this!
You don’t have to be graceful or perfect to perform a dance ritual, all you need is to be confident and enjoy what you are doing. Don’t even think whether you’re doing it right, as long as you enjoy it you know you’re doing it right! The main goal is to raise energy, not to look good. Find a quiet place without distractions and use music that you feel expresses you. And don’t be afraid to get creative and go crazy!


Some people really take themselves way too seriously on here.

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Wait! What’s wrong with twerking?

I also wondered if some how dance dance revolution could be utilized ritualistically.


If you’re referring to me, I literally just got done calling myself a whole ass meme.

Otherwise, it’s true. People think they’re big shit.