Why is it a high spiritual cost to ask for satan's/lucifer's help?

Embrace it by doing what exactly though? I have heard of Hekate, I sometimes do research to further understand in more detail particular deities. How do you know you have power within you to be a witch?

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Within your self! There is no step by step into how to embrace. You just need to do a serious SELF CHECK . what’s most important about your spiritual journey ? What do you recognize in your darkness? Can you look into your own soul and ACCEPT yourself & ways of life? Dont hide . Be the light in your darkness .

Also new moon is coming up the 23rd.
A crossroads preferably dirt pathed 3 or 4 way . Preferably 3 way. Go under her dark moon with an offering . Speak to her & let her inspire you and enlighten you with potential .

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To obtain knowledge, self improvement, improvement of psychic abilities I have, to heal trauma and be the best version of self, improve my health, my life, to manifest what I want in my life.
I live in the UK, so not sure we have crossroads and I don’t drive either.

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What type of relationship do you have with Hekate? Does she always expect something in return? Do you physically see and talk to her?

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Go in the woods . There are usually crossroads somewhere along trails or off trails near parks, schools, woods surrounding open fields

Meeting her at a crossroads isnt a deal you are making with her. You give an offering for respect. Even if you dont see her with your PHYSICAL eyes. Focus on the SPIRIT . I usually hear her voice in my head . If I’m worthy to hear her voice. Or she will just put thoughts in my head . Dont be afraid if you feel like your feelings are being probed for whatever reason . She wants to understand you . Be open and let her in . Do not show fear or fetish . State your intentions and what relations youd like to have with her.
When u leave the crossroads do not look back .
You can do more research on hekate crossroads on google .

I want to be a witch, but I am also interested in vampirism and various forms of witchcraft and alternative belief systems. I know blood magic is dangerous, not something you can undone, a pact is the same.

Anyone can perform witchcraft(technically) with the right materials. Only you can know if you’re truly a witch.

What you mean when you say don’t show fear of fetish? I know what fetish means, I am into that type of thing. How do you know if she is there? If she accepts you or would respect you?

You’ll know. Or you wont .

Hmm okay, seems a bit vague.

How has Hekate helped you if your allowed to say? I am already psychic and a empath, but I need to strengthen my aura, deflect negativity from others and learn to block it.

I mean it’s just not too much more to describe. When you go . Pour your heart out . Tell her what you desire. Give your offerings . What do you seek ? Wait . Soak it all up . Do you feel her presence ? I mean you’ll KNOW if she makes herself known . If it feels like nothing … maybe it’s just not the time for you. She often will come to me when I’m at my darkest hour . When I’m spiraling out of control she offers me sanity .brings me back . It all depends . However meeting at the crossroads is a great way to connect with her

Okay, thanks for explaining it in a way that I understand.

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I don’t have privacy to practice witchcraft, I prefer have privacy.

I have limited money, no privacy, so I am going to do a simple spell for now and see what happens.

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I use the bathroom a lot for spells and manifest things in the shower.

I just did a Hekate invocation, meditation, I felt light energy around me, I felt like I was floating and heavy at the same time,and a hand on my head. I heard a voice, but I couldn’t hear everything it said clearly.

If anyone can give me advice for working with hekate or spirits/deities in general then I would appreciate it. I’m new to working with spirits or deities. I am going to make separate threads related to things I am interested in.

Never once since I have been practicing lhp or rhp, have I ever been required or expected to sacrifice a human or animals life in return for something that they agreed to do. I do not do pacts, because as of yet I fail to see that they are even necessary for a ritual to work. What I offer to do in return for their assistance is something that I’m happy to do and knowledgeable about. They usually accept this from me. What I offer is to expose xtian it for the pile of horse shit it is to anyone who is either a Christian, or a non practitioner who is considering church. I offer this without a pact, and I almost always get results.