Why I’m scared of Lilith

Clear your fucking browser cache and get some new interests and hobbies, if you click one thing YouTube will deliver a whole bunch more like it.

SERIOUSLY. Don’t let them lead you down a pathway with that stuff and start building profiles on you.

If you do NOTHING else, do that, find out the best privacy tools so they can’t start shaping your mind this way.

There is NO upside, for YOU, of allowing that to happen.

That was why societies had codes, like, you ask a girl to the May Fair and we all know that’s the first stage for courting, but if she says no, she’s not turned YOU down, she’s just not interested in going to the May Fair, and for her, she’s not just been asked if you can fuck her, you just asked her to the Fair, so she’s not been objectified. Etc.

Luckily we burned down millenia of lived experience and the wisdom that came from it, because… well I forget the exact reasons, but I’m sure they seemed like a good idea at the time.

And now everyone’s so happy and full of love, right? :roll_eyes:

It hurts me just to read this. :heart_decoration:

Okay I mean this in a nice way, but I don’t understand why you even want to work with this being, least of all meme-Lilith, when there are male gods and demons who can give you help without sex being a factor, and goddesses like Hathor who have a much more stable energy and loving manner?

It’s like me saying I’m scared of snakes, they give me nightmares and make me uneasy, so where do I keep my pet cobras I have on order.

Figure out what the kinds of women you like are into and go there, instead, that way you’re meeting them when they’re being people and they’re seeing you as a person as well.


PS also suggest you find two hobbies you like which you can retreat into when life kciked your ass that day, ideally one being some kind of craft or art and the other a topic where you can research, away from social politics, gender woowoo, dating, etc., like for example military stuff from ancient Rome, the history of some kind of invention or device, etc.

Knowing that’s waiting for you as a field to develop and grow, without dating being involved, will help you reclaim mastery within your mind, over all the understandable problems of living in a sick society.

But just clearing your browser partway through the day, and then each time you close it to sleep etc., is going to be the biggest good service you can do for Future You.



Yep! Yep! Yep!

Try working with Jahi - same as Lilith and Inanna/Ishtar. Personally, I don’t think we should classify men as being avese to love and emotions, it honestly depends on the person. There are men in my life who are more loving than I am. It can honestly depend on the personal circumstances of a person on how they love.

Europe, in my understanding, has a more open cultural acceptance of sexuality. There is no hush-hush and even in the public domain, the naked body is displayed.

:grinning: Truth!

Since I have only worked with Jahi, I don’t know if this true or not. However, for some Jahi is the same as Lilith. And I never talk about my experiences with her, for personal reasons. I’ve never felt aggression from Jahi though, it’s only been genuine pushes to become better.

I second this! :grinning:


Ofc I dont mean to say all men, but in my experience it is what I have witnessed.

There’s a lot of expectation. Society teaches that masculinity is represented by virility and sexual prowess. So, yeah! Lots of pressure.

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It’s represented by creating,
strength, and being grounded , if you want to be a respected person then you have to funnel your energy out of negative thought patterns and into creating skills and a character people respect .

The problem is with people they get caught up in stuff they read online and then just kind to dwell on that head space all day and their lack of belief in themselves keeps them from action , so they stay trapped in their head in a bad place too much

Unless you want a world of pain, don’t work with her at this point. That’s my straight up advice because if that’s truly what you believe, then that’s what you’re going to experience.

Try working on your beliefs. Release your limiting beliefs and anything else that feels crappy or wrong to you. Anything that feels good is what you should keep, even if it takes you off the beaten track of what’s considered to be normal. Just make sure to keep it healthy.


I’m honestly surprised no ones suggested you work with Sammael yet. He’s the masculine energy counterpart to Lilith.

True; however, not everyone in magic follows the Jewish pathogens. From my understanding, Samuel is only present within the Zohar.

I’d like to know the benefits of working with Samuel, can you give some insight?


Protects warriors, will punish those who harm you, strong male energy where he encourages men to go after what they want like a dad would. Mars energy.

He’s also seen as an archangel

ID’s can be convincingly faked, a number of ways. When I was underage I had one & Cop’s couldn’t even tell digitally. I did this by paying off a DMV worker who was just told by her boss that at the end of her shift was her last day at work - she was “let go” (meaning, she was losing her benefits). I paid her for an extra ID & she made it for me & left the birthdate space blank (I filled that in at home on my PC & with a special printer used to make various things, such as work IDs) (it was my Dad’s).

She had also registered my State ID as a driver’s license (though I never took the test).

So yeah - IDs don’t mean a damn thing.

I bought Cigarettes & Alchohol with mine all the time until I was old enough. And well in my late 20’s I still looked like a Highschool Sophmore who could easily pass as a Freshman. But,vI had already Graduated College & was like not far from 30.

I totally understand @Johnny_Samhain
& their plite. I’m on the Spectrum myself & have my own troubles with sexuality & stuff (always have) … a lot of mixed feelings. It’s very confusing & complicated.

I personally identify as both Omin-sexual & Graysexual. Omni-Gray . Non-binary, Gender Fluid … Polyamorous (yet, I prefer Monogamous sexual partnerships) … Panromanic … ‘Queer’ just to sum it all up.

I too tend to avoide dealing with Powers that deal with Lust & Sexual Energies ext.

I personally wouldn’t mind not having any sexual feelings ever & no drives either. I wouldn’t mind keeping the romantic ones … I like romantic feelings (they’re confusing & don’t always make sense … but they are sweet & make you feel nice).

I’m a little wary of Lilith & her kind too … also wary of Asmodeus & others like him.

I don’t really care for them. Don’t hate 'em , but just don’t like 'em.

Soooo yeah.

Nice info dump … :grin:

I do that too. It’s hard not too.

No one is going to go out of their way to fake an ID for sex, an ID means more than simply going off appearance of a person and risk illegal trouble.



Thank You!

I generally do not work with angels. I will maybe look into this.

Thank you! Yes! IDs can be fake, and teenagers can look like they’re in their 20s and vice versa. Especially girls when you consider make up. I get that teen girls wanna look older and adult women wanna look younger. But it’s so confusing on my end.

And I feel the opposite. I like sexual feelings, but not romantic ones. Both can feel awkward and uncomfortable, but sexual feelings I understand. I’m more comfortable with sexual feelings. They just feel more natural. Romantic ones are more intrusive.

And I can’t say I know Asmodeus myself. However, the image I get of him is the hyper masculine biker/rocker type that likes to get into fights at bars. So, not my type just yet. Lilith, though, I visualize as like the black leather dominatrix type.

So it sounds like you are a virgin who has watched way too much porn and fantasizes about having “anime” like relationships. In those relationships the girls always chase the men. Hell you claim you want a Harem…but you can’t even talk to a woman without feeling like you are asking for sex? In essence, you have zero confidence and are afraid of being hurt, so you created fantasies and rules, it was your way of taking control over the situation. Believe me, I know a lot of guys who either are or were in your situation at one point.

Best advice I could give, go get a hooker. Seriously get laid man, multiple times and then realize that sex is fun but it is nothing to put on a pedestal. You don’t need to be mister smooth, great looks, super rich etc to get laid. That is fantasy nonsense. Also, most women absolutely want to have sex, and are also thinking about sex just as often as you are. They also feel insecure but what may creep them out even more then a man showing unwanted interest, is the creep who is always shy but stares at them when he doesn’t think they notice…they notice.

As others said, stay away from Lilith, you are a child in the realm of sex and love and she would tare you apart. Her world is no world for the inexperienced or those who lack confidence. I also like the advice of going to the gym, get your body right, focus on your career and hobbies and leave yourself open to the possibility of sex or meeting a good partner.

And again…seriously…just go get laid. It will break the spell you placed over yourself.


Yes, thank you!

If you want something you have to put youself out there. If you’re just staring that might be why girls don’t approach you too. (You as in @Johnny_Samhain).

What a good point! I forgot that some of these spirits are not for people who don’t have experience in what they’re asking for. Super important.

What you saying makes sense…but you got wrong end of the stick bud!

Thank you.

Don’t beat yourself up over all the criticism. There’s a path to get out of this with the right entity, hard work, and humility.

I’m sure there’s someone here who’s shared a similar experience as you and has persevered, and they’ll have better insight on how to help you. Don’t give up.