Why i am not getting through in life

I dont do the magic, i have a magician friend to help me out, demon Azazael has told my friend that i was hexed by a family member, which ancestor do u recommend for example Grand parents ?

Any ancestral spirit should be willing to help as they usually have a vested interest in your life. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the spirit of a family member though. it could be a god that your ancestors venerated (like Odin was for me), or even a demon or an angel.

You could have your friend contact Azazel again and ask him whether some force bound you. However, it is important to keep in mind that you may not be bound at all. Simply because your life is not going the way you want it to does not automatically mean it is the fault of someone or something else. Be prepared for that possibility.


I agree , but i realize that the money spells dont work out for me as what u said so i am thinking some higher power is out there which is holding me back. But i am hoping i find out my ancestor thing. But it seems my anchestor were very dark cause i also cleared up there side and this was from my father side.

@Lady_Eva need your help on this please.

Thank you, though this post isn’t mine you have made me crack two theories regarding my past lives.

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This is what I have posted:

Also try this:

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I need to find out something from the Ancestors .

Well, this explains a few things for me now.

Don’t worry it’s all good. :wink: :+1:

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@Lady_Eva need your help plz

Dude reading this thread screams the “Lake Of Fire” ritual all over the place!!!

In my opinion it’s a must for your ascent!!! Hands down!!!

What does the lake of fire ritual do ? @Blaze.1.pr

@Lucifer1 the book of azazel has the ritual. You basically have to be willing to “die” in a sense. Take on the 4 gatekeepers being possessed at the same time. Being consumed by the current of power Azazel talks about in the book. “Intense” doesn’t begin to describe the ritual and what it does to you

I cannot coach you 1-2-1 on ancestors right now, sorry, I have too many other things I have to do. :+1:

But how does this help me in my situation ?

It is one of those rituals you have to do to find out

That’s not usually the case. For example, in Slavic mythology, Bog Mokosh, wife of Bog Perun, has a holy day on Friday and any women who are caught working on Friday will be punished unless they give an offering of wool to a nearby spring (Mokosh literally translates as moist, so wet things are very common for her). And many of the tutelary spirits will also grow quite vengeful if they felt they’ve been mistreated, like Domovoy, household spirits.

Maybe OP should check if his Domovoy is unhappy and start from there.

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Some Hindu deities can also take action on someone if they do not stick to their promises. Even ancestral promises.

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Work on your limiting beliefs everything is subconsciousness im sure you can remove all setbacks with a change of your beliefs.

Yes, the Bogi are bad news for anyone who breaks an oath. Bog Veles will smite them with disease and Bog Perun will cause your death in battle. Which is ironic because those are the things that they’re supposed to protect against, it’s almost as if they’re greatest punishment is just withdrawing their hand from your life.

I’m not certain on the descendants of oathbreakers. But, oathbreaking isn’t a problem with OP unless he’s been making vows to gods.

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Some Spirits can turn your life around in an unpleasant way. That’s why you must always be careful when promising something.