Why i am not getting through in life

This is what I have posted:

Also try this:

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I need to find out something from the Ancestors .

Well, this explains a few things for me now.

Donā€™t worry itā€™s all good. :wink: :+1:

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@Lady_Eva need your help plz

Dude reading this thread screams the ā€œLake Of Fireā€ ritual all over the place!!!

In my opinion itā€™s a must for your ascent!!! Hands down!!!

What does the lake of fire ritual do ? @Blaze.1.pr

@Lucifer1 the book of azazel has the ritual. You basically have to be willing to ā€œdieā€ in a sense. Take on the 4 gatekeepers being possessed at the same time. Being consumed by the current of power Azazel talks about in the book. ā€œIntenseā€ doesnā€™t begin to describe the ritual and what it does to you

I cannot coach you 1-2-1 on ancestors right now, sorry, I have too many other things I have to do. :+1:

But how does this help me in my situation ?

It is one of those rituals you have to do to find out

Thatā€™s not usually the case. For example, in Slavic mythology, Bog Mokosh, wife of Bog Perun, has a holy day on Friday and any women who are caught working on Friday will be punished unless they give an offering of wool to a nearby spring (Mokosh literally translates as moist, so wet things are very common for her). And many of the tutelary spirits will also grow quite vengeful if they felt theyā€™ve been mistreated, like Domovoy, household spirits.

Maybe OP should check if his Domovoy is unhappy and start from there.

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Some Hindu deities can also take action on someone if they do not stick to their promises. Even ancestral promises.

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Work on your limiting beliefs everything is subconsciousness im sure you can remove all setbacks with a change of your beliefs.

Yes, the Bogi are bad news for anyone who breaks an oath. Bog Veles will smite them with disease and Bog Perun will cause your death in battle. Which is ironic because those are the things that theyā€™re supposed to protect against, itā€™s almost as if theyā€™re greatest punishment is just withdrawing their hand from your life.

Iā€™m not certain on the descendants of oathbreakers. But, oathbreaking isnā€™t a problem with OP unless heā€™s been making vows to gods.

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Some Spirits can turn your life around in an unpleasant way. Thatā€™s why you must always be careful when promising something.


Welcome @IDRIPGOD. Please take a moment to post an introduction in the New Magician and Introductions area, and tell us a bit about yourself and any magical experience you may have. It is a rule of this forum.

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I never thought that I had such a thing happen to me before, then I had a demonic binding spell put on me with malicious entities attacking and well, I am pretty sure I know who it was from, but I wanted to make sure, and found this site, Iā€™d still like a way to know in abundance who it was from or how this all happened to me even though I am pretty sure, but the post I saw had a person complaining about what seemed to me to be a pretty ordinary string of bad luck. And I got excited cause if that is reason to believe you were hexed than I really ought to seriously consider that there has been more on me. How do you know or find out and or do all that and remove them? How did you do it all Darkest knight?

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Could I ask about your money spells?
Well first do you do other magick that works?

Do you find your self having a harder time believing the money spells will work?
I was never able to get a money spell to work but here are somethings I did a bit differently this time.

  1. Though I had used a green candle before- dark green is what you want, it makes a difference.
  2. If you do use the candle magick route give it money sigils in the candle-the more the better obviously but more important use mint oil rather than peppermint, the difference is like an expensive bottle of campaign vs a cheap bottle of sherry but it makes a lot of difference, like if you were to try to wow potential investors with the sherry vs the expensive classy champagne. - 1 final note on the candle magick thing is combining it with other rituals is better than just lighting a candle with sigils oils, and putting the oil on the right way.
  3. If you have done other magick that works, have you noticed that you bring in an energy? Money is just an energy, just the same as any of the energies you have brought in before, I think after realizing this it has started working a bit better for me.
  4. Money is where the rubber meets the road. It is a very tangible result and it is one of the magickā€™s where doubt is the easiest to creep in. Start with a smaller amount.

The last time I did mine it worked instantly. Did I get money instantly? Well yes and no, as I said money is just an energy, I instantly got the energy and started prioritizing and re budgeting and got things figured out a lot better. A few days later I won the lottery.

I made $25, okay thatā€™s not the amazing lifestyle I want exactly but I never play the lottery, I almost didnā€™t get a ticket accept someone offered to buy me one if I went to the store for them, I almost didnā€™t say yes but remembered my ritual, I bought myself a second one just because. I made the money on the second one.
Then sure on top of it I have to give back a bit to charity but meh, I got it in my DNA that this works now, from here I can start to re summon it and do it better and better. So that I think is the start of making it work. And If anyone knows better please message me and let me know. lol

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