Share all ufo sightings here. haha
My favorite was when I saw three metallic copper colored spheres spinning while moving through the sky together, also moving around eachother. It went behind a couple of trees, and was supposed to come out the other side of them but never did, so it was a multi-dimensional craft.
Rule no 1 of UFO sightings: never look away from the UFO.
We officially look mental now…
Yeah, magic is one thing, but UFO’s … now even the other magicians will be calling us crazy.
I consider that somewhat of an honor.
And I am not the one who kills cats Devin. lol.
Hehe so many of you think that these entities, these beings you call magical, are not from another world/ dimension/ planet? To understand true magic one must understand the complexity and the variety of the Multiverses. To be open to all possibilities and differences. Magic is Universal, and an open mind receives more information
What sigils would one use when constructing a tinfoil hat for maximum protection?
Those damn Greys, always probing anuses and controlling teh governmentz. A menace I say! A menace! They must be stopped! We must all awaken to the reality of alien mind control! Fashion your foiled hats my brethren and begin purging your minds of their influence!
On a serious note, damn those Greys.
I never cared for the greys… killed many on the astral.
Fight the good fight!
When I was 16 years old, I was walking home from school with my friend.
We were going back to his house and he lived out of town in a small village.
It was about 3.30pm a beautiful sunny afternoon. The sky was crystal clear.
I looked up into the sky for some reason and there it was. A shiny metalic silver disk ‘space-ship’ in the sky. I could see it very clearly. It made no sound. It was spinning round in the center and flying away from us quite slowly. It looked very similar to what you would see in a typical UFO book.
We watched it for about 5 minutes. When we got to my friends house, we were one hour later than normal with no explanation as to were the missing ‘hour’ had gone.
Anyway it gets stranger. For some reason I totally ‘forgot’ about this sighting until about TEN YEARS later when I saw my old school friend again.
He said ‘Do you remember that UFO that we saw that time when we were walking home from school’. Then it all came flooding back to me.
I honestly feel that those fuckers took me into their spaceship and fucked about with me and then fucked about with my memory so I would forget it.
Earth is like the StarWars Tatooine: A ghetto planet filled with crooks, swindlers, and a peasant slave population.
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
Aliens stop here for fuel & booze, they stay for the weed.
I was always wondering why humans were concerned about so-called ‘aliens’ when for all we know, we ARE the aliens.
[quote=“Gnosis, post:12, topic:487”]Earth is like the StarWars Tatooine: A ghetto planet filled with crooks, swindlers, and a peasant slave population.
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
Aliens stop here for fuel & booze, they stay for the weed.[/quote]
if i was alien passing by and watched people defecate in their drinking water, i would ONLY smoke the weed, get fuel, & booze and keep going
[quote=“Gnosis, post:12, topic:487”]Earth is like the StarWars Tatooine: A ghetto planet filled with crooks, swindlers, and a peasant slave population.
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
Aliens stop here for fuel & booze, they stay for the weed.[/quote]
Darth Vader came from Tatooine…
If Earth is like the Tatooine of our galaxy…gasp…DIBS ON BEING VADER!
yeah fucking grays and their nasty probings, I have wonder if the so called abduction are not just astral experiences, although I have seen ufo and they definitely seemed physical
so what do you guy’s think about pleyadians and human origins in “lyra” and stuff? Ashtar Sheran, leage of galaxy friends, all that stuff
yeah fucking grays and their nasty probings, I have wonder if the so called abduction are not just astral experiences, although I have seen ufo and they definitely seemed physical
so what do you guy’s think about pleyadians and human origins in “lyra” and stuff? Ashtar Sheran, leage of galaxy friends, all that stuff[/quote]
I am wary of any entity that shows up and calls itself my friend.
I looked into the Pleyadians and I couldn’t help but think “What is in it for them?” Maybe I am just untrusting but even the “nicest” entities I have come across have an agenda.
I am wary of any entity that shows up and calls itself my friend.I looked into the Pleyadians and I couldn’t help but think “What is in it for them?” Maybe I am just untrusting but even the “nicest” entities I have come across have an agenda.
Yeah, specially if they come saying “I’m your friend” or something, I mean what the fuck do they want?
I have seen two or three times “pleyadians” and they speak strange stuff about humanity being “trapped in the split of a second” among other weird stuff but they stop comming about a year ago.
I think any entities that comes without being asked is up to something bad m’kay… or perhaps I’m just untrusting too, but I know too many hippies being visited by their “guides” and are just spiritual leeches.
yeah fucking grays and their nasty probings, I have wonder if the so called abduction are not just astral experiences, although I have seen ufo and they definitely seemed physical
so what do you guy’s think about pleyadians and human origins in “lyra” and stuff? Ashtar Sheran, leage of galaxy friends, all that stuff[/quote]
I took a class in University called ‘The History of UFO’s in America’. Believe it or not, a Professor of History dedicated his life to the Grey abduction agenda, his name is Professor David Jacobs. He went with the historical events, mostly starting in the late 1800’s of mass sightings throughout the country. The Barney & Betty Hill case is what seems to have lit the fuse on the abduction phenomena back in the 50’s, publicly anyway. He focused more on the project Blue Book stuff in the class, and was friends with Dr. Allen Hynek too who did the Air-Force ‘debunking’ for project Blue-book(the swamp gas guy, and guy who invented 'Close encounters of the XX kind classifications), but later admitted there were around 5% of cases that were legitimate.
He’s written a ton of books on the topic along with Budd Hopkins, I don’t think it’s just an astral phenomena, women get pregnant, lose the child when they are re-abducted, etc.
I don’t claim to know where they come from or the extent of their abilities, but yea astral ability combined with high technology seems to be the word on the street.
They seem to target certain bloodlines & families.
yea i think it goes back to the positive - negative blood , negative being of the cosmos, positive being earthly,
O negative blood being the master race of alien-human bond, but how many of us really read old books or believe aliens breed with humans to create gold digging slaves.
remember we as humans are still discovering the planet earth , oceans and middle earth , what we know about the history of earth, oceans, or middle earth, is like the earth being flat but it was round , yes there is intelligent life in space , but like we all know how disgustingly we treat the earth why would intelligent life want to help?