Why has there not been a UFO thread thread

we have been taught aliens are bad since childhood watching walt disney.
on the radio before television , the many movies about invasions from mars or who knows where.

doesn’t that sound a bit like Christianity brain washing or religious good vs evil, isn’t it the person that makes evil happen or is it the nature of life.
bad gods and good gods both subject to our will , but wait as we are to their will also.
equal two way street right ?

now lets throw in a few space ships or thought forms aliens channeled to earth telling us that how we accent be it in peace or war determines where or what happens to us .
again sounds a bit like Christianity to me… so i’m guessing what we do and how we treat others is a pretty good standard to live by.
but everyone loves the bad boy its human nature

“I have simple, green-spirited, free-flowing faith in the sanctity of all life and in the mystery of existence. I strongly agree with the statement that ‘beliefs divide us’, (as expounded by Tim Freke, author of ‘Jesus and Goddess’) and don’t want to force yet more limiting structures on people which create ‘us’ and ‘them’, ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ standpoints. Wicca is now a religion and I am non-religious by definition as the word religion derives from the Latin words ligo (to bind, tie), ‘religio’ (moral obligation, duty) and religiosus (god-fearing). Surely to be bound to one way of seeing, in a condition of fear, is undesirable for a free-thinking spiritual seeker? Also I have never really understood the need for a human-shaped, human-referenced religious deity in a Universe that is surely multi-dimensional and unfathomably vast; it is this limiting human-centricity that I desire so passionately to get away from!”

poppy palin

I took a class in University called 'The History of UFO's in America'. Believe it or not, a Professor of History dedicated his life to the Grey abduction agenda, his name is Professor David Jacobs. He went with the historical events, mostly starting in the late 1800's of mass sightings throughout the country. The Barney & Betty Hill case is what seems to have lit the fuse on the abduction phenomena back in the 50's, publicly anyway. He focused more on the project Blue Book stuff in the class, and was friends with Dr. Allen Hynek too who did the Air-Force 'debunking' for project Blue-book(the swamp gas guy, and guy who invented 'Close encounters of the XX kind classifications), but later admitted there were around 5% of cases that were legitimate.

He’s written a ton of books on the topic along with Budd Hopkins, I don’t think it’s just an astral phenomena, women get pregnant, lose the child when they are re-abducted, etc.

I don’t claim to know where they come from or the extent of their abilities, but yea astral ability combined with high technology seems to be the word on the street.


They seem to target certain bloodlines & families.

First, I can’t believe that your university has that kind of classes.

Second, I read this book called “Communion” of Whiteley Striber. That was two and a half years aprox, and I had been slaying astral greys for a while at that time.

So anyway, after reading that book which freaked me out a lot, I rememberd some dreams I had when I was a kid, seeing this ugly looking people ouside the window of the bathroom, my bedroom (both at second floor) and stuff. I remeber cleary the uglyness, the big eyes, all the shit, but it was so traumatic that at the beigning in my memories they seemed like giant moths, the face of a moth with big black eyes.

I grew up with motephobia, which is fear of moths and butterflies, strange think, many people of my generation grew with that in my town, which is a little minning town in the middle of nowhere in the desert. UFO sightings dated in the town since forever being the biggest one on 1971. That year was a socialist president in my country and everybody in town believed that the three giant white ships in the sky where some Russian communist stuff, my grandpa still thinks were the communist (but he’s kind of fixed about the commis), but even my father and my grandma said that it was no plane nor like anything they had seen.

That fucking communion book got me digging about ancient abduction Lore, and abduction symptoms on my family and some friends and people (the “motephobia crew”).

The dream of a friend, was that he entered a classroom with all this classmates but they all had animals head except for one that had the head of a grey alien. When he looked at him the dream becomes hypnotic and he had the feeling that he was looking at somthing he wasn’t supposed to look and the dream ended.

Many people on my town used to dream about grey aliens and we used to discuss the subject in school breaks because it happened periodically after some months.

Anyway, I stopped diging after a while and convinced myself that was all an “astral phenomena” because is too fucking weird. I mean who the hell is going to believe what I say?.

Anyway I’m not afraid of moths anymore, or any insect btw, and I’m not afraid to think about the subject or to watch grey alien movies, but I still have the slight phyisiological memory trauma that gets triggered when I see a “moth-like thing”.

After starting with magick all that went into the background, is not important anymore but at the same time is not resolve and I’ll probably never going to find a clear answer anyway.

However, if I saw grey aliens, phyisically I mean, I would like to kill them, torture them and a great desire of mine is to slay the whole race of those bastards for good (and painfully good). I hate them with all my soul.

About the pleyadian guys, the info gets really weird, I had just had those few astral visits, but some people say that those guys were the angels of the myths, the reptilian where the demons being Lucifer the chief reptilian and blabla, annunaki blabla. Everything gets obscure when dealing with that. Other folks talks that pleyadians are the Elf from the norse paradigm, but just because of the physical descriptions.

Does anyone here has had any weird encounter, physically or astrally? I think this is the place to write about.

Not many people can believe it:

Course 2062

  1. UFOs in American Society (3 s.h.) S.


we are brainwashed , lied to race of people , barely scratching the dirt of human history , let alone any thing in space , i wonder if its all a great big play, really, do i want to be a god or ???