OK so this is about chanting enns. I talk a lot on a daily basis. I am a very social person, even though I can be a little awkward sometimes, I generally enjoy being around people. I’m often gab Bering with fiends and just goofing off, i’m that person you see dancing in a grocery store or making weird sounds in public just because I’m a goober. Do you mean reason why I mention that is because my voice does not usually get worn out, it takes a lot for my vocal cords to start to get tired.
That being said.
I have noticed that whenever I start changing enns, my vocal cords feel tired and warm and my whole throat starts to heat up. It’s not painful it’s very unusual and mildly uncomfortable, is this normal for anyone else? maybe I’m doing it wrong? Am I putting too much energy into the chant or is this just how it’s supposed to be?
I have noticed that for certain entities the feeling is accompanied by other sensations such as a sharp tapping feeling in my back, hot feeling in ears, dry mouth, labored breathing, pressure on the top of my head, etc, etc.
When talking normally we are not normally intentionally also moving energy around trying to directly manifest changes in reality. So I would put all this down to energy moving in your body.
I edited the title to say enns instead of ends- I think your autocorrect gotcha!
I’ve had times where singing a lot more than usual or chanting or screaming strained my voice box and made it sore, so I wonder if it’s just because you’re not so used to the sensation?
Maybe take it in small doses and see if that helps you build up to longer use? I’m not sure I’m going to have to google it… but it might make sense that over use of a new type could tire the muscles.
Edit: I guess I mean that I understand it’s cords and vibrations, not exactly muscles but still seems like they (the vocal cords) could simply tire from excessive use.
I use to be in the choir, so I do know how to properly project my voice and control my breathing. I use the tones and a volume that is easiest for my voice and have tried quite a few things to help the sensation, but it hasn’t eased up yet.
I sing alot, it’s something I do daily, so I’m not sure if it’s that. Not saying it can’t be that, just i feel like it’s not a strained voice box issue. I’ve had that before when I was a teenager rehearsing for our school’s tmea choir competition. Like I said, it doesn’t hurt, its just vaguely uncomfortable and it doesn’t impede my chanting at all.
on a side note, i do sometimes find myself hearing words underneath the enn while I’m chanting. Haven’t yet figured out what THAT’S about but maybe other ppl hear it too???