Why do people choose vampirism

Of course ^^
For instance, a big narcisistic ego has a distinct energy. So does someone who’s angry, negative and complaining all the time. You don’t even need to be sensitive to notice those. I try to connect to that and pull some of that energy out. The more I practice this, the more I seem to be able to sense more subtle energies in others like this.

I would like to mention, that I don’t recommend this method for anyone. I am specifically doing this to try to learn how to transmute harmful energies.


Sometimes we don’t. It’s just the way we’re wired and eventually it shows. Vampyric powers start to show.

what do you guys think about VK Jehannum and Satania?

Some folks think it’s a rather glamorous/ col lifestlye

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In general, I think V.K. Jehannum is awesome he shares a lot of valuable information for free.

I’m not that familiar with Satania.

Well if you can’t recieve it, like you’re banned from the waterfall you have to get it from a place like the puddle, why do you think there is so much bloodshed on this planet? the demons need fuel too… war and things that cause people to feel great emotional pain(in w/e way) is just food… for demons!

No this is a complete failure to take personal responsibility: “Demons” don’t make humans do shitty things, weak humans do that all by themselves.

There is no devil and he didn’t make you do anything you didn’t want to. Nice excuse tho.

Because they do not understand that the body is an powerful energy factory, it is possible to nourish the body and strengthen its mechanisms and will.
Most think they’ve really tried everything and vampirism is really the only option.
They think they are different, children of darkness, vampire, that’s why they have to steal energy.
No matter how you look at it, it is a disability, not a reason for pride, originality or anything like that.
I know all this and I managed to escape from this vicious circle.
Besides, I’m not good at vampriism, I’ve always had a bad association with it, even though Lilith tells me that i am different.
My cultivation took a different path.
Yes this is possible.

I am of the conviction that YES they influence humans in all the realms, mental, emotional, higher astral. They can give you that push over the edge, and you are absolutely right that humans choose to do the shitty things, it is and was their free will choice. I think it’s very pagan to think that nothing really matters and ‘there is no good and evil’.
When watching a documentary about ted bundy he stated he felt the urge to kill increasing to unbearable levels if he didn’t commit schmurder again. Are you saying that he just liked the color of blood or the sight of corpses? Plausibly he wanted the thrill of it but of course everything is freakin deniable on this flying space rock but I am certain that he was possessed, even maybe carrying it from a different lifetime to this, by a demon that needs the energy of ‘schmurder’ to feed on, just like some people/entities need the ‘rape’ energies and not every rapist is a schmurderer or vice versa, some are even ‘apalled’ by the other. I trailed off but ted bundy also had the feeling of an entity urging him to commit harder and harder acts. But it’s not like “the devil made him do it”
(did I avoid the “forbidden word” filter?)
" But Bundy himself said a “malignancy” of his personality possessed him.

“There was a voice that he called the entity that would speak to him about committing violence to women,” Berlinger described. “And that voice grew louder and louder.”

(Ted Bundy’s victims. — Netflix)

“The tension would be too great and the demands and expectations of this entity would reach a point where they just could not be controlled,” Bundy himself described."

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Ok, but I don’t believe in “demons”, for reasons I’ve reiterated so many times I won’t bore you with it yet again, I’m not religious at all, and I never said I never said nothing matters.

I said, stop blaming the boogie man for human choices, grow a spine and own up to the fact that the nastiest thing on this planet is a human that doesn’t care.

There’s no invisible sky daddy or shadow whatsit making these people do bad things, they chose to. That’s on them, period.

To say anything else has a name, it’s called being mentally and emotionally deranged at best, and basic bitch criminality at worst.


Now now, children. Stop your bickering, you are both right in some way ^^

Everybody and I mean EVERYBODY is responsible for their own actions. The most heinous people in history most definitely acted out of some sort of unresolved trauma combined inability to deal with their psychological imbalance/ problems, perhaps in a perfect storm combined with some sort of physical deficiency and/ or hormonal imbalance. For every heinous “evil” person there’s an example of somebody in a similar situation that either was able to manage themselves or even become a diamond, instead of a turd. There’s no devil whispering in anybody’s ear. The hard and uncomfortable truth is: as much as it’s easier for some people to be nice than others, there’s only yourself to blame if you are being an a-hole.
At the very least there’s entities feeding off the chaotic energy in someone’s being. I’ve had entities like that surrounding me from time to time my whole life. It can maybe drive you to act a bit more chaotic in some situations, but they can’t drive you to be a mass murderer or serial killer. If anything it can make you think a bit more deeply about your actions and why you do certain things. You are still responsible for your own actions regardless. However difficult your situation, no matter how much there are mitigating factors for why you act the way you do.

I do however believe that this entire modern time for the last say 200 years or so (maybe even longer) has been very much influenced by the infernal empire/ demons/ spirits from certain types of currents or however you wish to call them. More so than any previous (recorded) era’s.
Their agenda is not one of chaos and destruction for the sake of doing as much damage as they can. For as much as I’ve been able to gather, the driving inspiration is always evolution (mostly spiritual, perhaps also physical to some extend) and freedom. Evolution and growth does not come out of order and comfort, there’s always the necessity for catalysts and a certain amount of chaos to inspire evolution.

(I’m not bickering, do people not know what a dialogue is?)

And I don’t want to go against you, but if you feel like it do me a favour and do a ritual from the DOM book and don’t banish

I’ve had multiple entities standing at my bed after I performed one of the rituals. You just see(or feel-seeing, maybe others hear them or actually see them) oval-like entities with a definite feeling of being not of this world(especially when you think about)
apart from that I’ve had two instances of calling on Glasya Labolas, who I had the feeling of that he felt flattered by me, when I said his name I felt, no I KNEW that he was standing before me, one time he helped me and the other time when I mindlessly said his name on the toilet I felt he appeared and had the feeling of what resembles someone throwing a glass jar at the wall like “What do you want?!” I’ve been more mindful of my intention now. Kehehe, and maybe he doesn’t appear now when I just mindlessly state his name, we both learned from that!

Well it is the Kali Yuga. And there will probably come an golden age in this era, but will be more localized as that is unplausible in 3rd world countries

Oh he did blame it on something, and that’s NEVER an excuse


  • first, do what you want and believe what you want, it’s not my say so. I just told you what works for me.
  • Second, I never banish. … OK, I banished Hecate once, because she was annoying me,
  • Third, I don’t own the Demons of Magick book and don’t intend to.

I use E.A.'s methods, and while he calls them “demons” as well, I just don’t share that worlddview.

What you FEAR is what you find. If you think “demons” are out to get you, you made that true.

That’s fully on you. I treat people as people and everybody has something going on, not all people are easy or nice, dealing with them as individuals is what I do instead of tarring them all with the same, dumb JCI-polluted and rather broad brush.

My beliefs around karma are quite different. I see it as action-and-reaction.
Yes I vampirized someone and my Karma is having a lot of energy because I drained someone while their Karma is being lifeless because they didn’t set protections.

I think both concepts can be compatible :smiley:

Some people do it to debilitate the person when you wanna attack them… if that makes sense.
As a way of destroying the natural defences to make them more vulnerable for baneful workings.

That doesn’t explain why they eat it. I use energy draining techniques banefully, it’s a good way to make someone you want to limit weak. But I don’t want that shit inside me, especially NOT from someone I’m feeling negative about. It’s even easier to drain it into the Earth than bring it all the way to you as they are directly connected to the Earth or close to it.

The difference between regular magicians and vampires is the ability to repattern any energy into a compatible format. This is the same kind of transformation that usually takes years of practice to achieve for ones own negative energies but it is a natural capacity from a more evolved soul designed to do it to any energy source. Only real risk is overload on too much energy or being sloppy and not taking a few minutes to digest your meal and letting it stagnate.

From humans I find that unlikely, as they are not great sources of a lot of energy, not when you are able to siphon abundantly from the sun or cosmos or anything really.

The greater risk is picking up imbalance in the energy including unregulated emotions and sickness including cancers, addictions, childhoos traumas and mental instability: all that is in the energy system of anyone with those issues.

This is the “dirt” I am referring to in the analogy of the muddy puddle. Unless you’re siphoning from a meditating monk you’re not going to avoid that no matter how much you try to filter it, … you are what you eat is pretty literal in this practice.

More importantly, the simple fact that most people claiming to “be vampires” don’t have the sensitivity to feel these thing as they take, makes them all the more vulnerable. You can’t “filter” what you can’t feel is there.


That’s a very interesting technique thanks for sharing that :+1: