Why do I keep falling asleep?

Honestly, the title basically sums it up.

I have a sort of unique way of contacting/evoking a spirit where I do so in a bath. I’ve found the water acts as both a shield from and a conductor for spirits. I don’t do full rituals in the bath often, but for communication (like asking what offerings they would like or even if they’ll help me) and even astral work, this method works really well for me… Except for the time a spirit grabbed my foot and yelled hello, scaring me so bad I jumped, but that was unusual :sweat_smile:

With that out of the way, it brings me to my question; why do I keep falling asleep when I try and do this lately? Almost every damn time. It’s like every time I try and get into my “zone” lately, I either fall asleep or I just can’t make the connection. So I’m at the point where I’m wondering if maybe I’m just too tired (I try to avoid magick when tired or sick because it goes awry) or if there’s something else at play. Like, could something be blocking me? Could a parasite or something be making it hard to evoke anything for whatever reason? Because even when I don’t fall asleep, I get nothing. I’m the TV trope of a witch who’s lost her powers lol.

Is this something anyone else has experienced? Do you think it could be something stopping me? Or should I just sleep for a few days? It’s so annoying…


I think it’s because you are too tired, I always fall asleep or cannot even concentrate on a single thought when trying to do some meditation lately. But what I do is if I plan to do something lately at 1 am at night, I will sleep around 9:30 pm allowing my body and mind to get some rest


TGS is the state between waking and sleeping, it’s like balancing on an edge and if you’re too tired it’s common to sort of pass right through it into sleep or wake right up.


It’s just been really weird because I’m usually good at walking that line. Well, good for a relative amateur - I’m very much still learning. Everything I’ve achieved so far has been due to natural ability, aka luck lol.

I expect it to happen sometimes, but it’s been every time for the last month, probably longer. It’s happened even when I’ve tried just meditating on an enn. Hopefully I work it out

I don’t think I’ll ever not be tired lol.

Yeah lol but at least you ll be less tired