Why did some angels stay loyal to the tyrant god?

Perhaps the term “fallen angels” comes from the same misinformation that misrepresents the real YHWh


@Fuego Me too. Also the slightly before my time hippy paraphrase of it “peace love and understanding is there no room for them today?” I think there should be room for that stuff in the world anytime not just then not just now.

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Well personally I don’t really care how they’re called, it’s a way to signify they have left their home to me


Could it be that YHVH is but one of many masks of God? Just as Lucifer has many masks perhaps YHVH does.
Perhaps because people were tribal and had to be told exactly what to do, perhaps early tribes were a tad dull.

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That’s my theory

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I know. This is why I left the christian youth group I went to for a few years when I was a teenager.
My mother taught me about a real loving god. Not one who throws his children into eternal hellfire.


On a lighter note… how could they fall if they left? Was there a big ass staircase they tripped on on the way out? jk :v:

Seriously though if there’s no gravity in space how could they fall? That’s just a thought

Add: As to those that didn’t I still figure it was just selfishness of preferring what they knew over an unknown change of venue (if the premise of a rebellion or walk out is held to).


I like to think of a lake on a mountain top as “source” that everyone talks about then all the different expressions of thought and religion as different rivers trailing off. We just all have to find out current or river. Even atheism is one.


Perhaps the Fool card has the answer to that @Kish

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Mabye it was a sign of growth or self expression and just another step the Angels considered “unfallen” will take eventually to?

Add: children grow up and develop their own sense of being. I think YHWh would want that to unless he is a tyrant.


What if the fall was a case of ignorance, symbolic. Not to mention the story of the Qlippoth, so too much light was handed down or whatnot that led to leaky vessels and their fall. Then somehow they became evil.

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There are myths of creation in any religion and pantheon.
I won’t dare to claim I know the truth about how humans were really created.
So I can just go with what I think: evolution. Simple as that.
We know a few things about our own evolution, but we don’t know about how other entities were created, and I think that’s the point we’re missing.
I don’t think we are subjects to some creator god. We are free and powerful just like any other species. In a difference sense, of course.

But that’s leading too far away from the topic so I suggest we don’t engage further into creation. (Although it is for sure connected to the topic)


Or the fall was falling outside the box in thought, splitting from mentalism. Personally, I’ve always wondered if YHVH is a gold dragon. There is later talk of Leviathan and a red dragon, so could it be there are dragons of each color, like the rainbow?

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@Nightside i don’t think somehow anything somehow just became evil. There’s yin and Yang in everything (case in point the human body: males produce traces of estrogen/progesterone and females produce traces of testosterone sometimes resulting in beard hair growth post menopause in some genes).

If there’s yin and Yang (good and bad) in everything they couldn’t suddenly become all Yang or all yin.

So I think that premise of yours is incorrect.

Add: as to dragons that’s a whole other kettle of fish there cuz then you gotta discuss if they got 1 head or 7 or 9 and what color what shape etc. let’s skip the dragon talk for this thread (make a thread about that if you wanna go there k?)


Mabye the “fall” was simply an unavoidable state of being

Add soon as so much love and light exists then darkness is right there with it.

Add soon as light illuminates it creates the concept of darkness unavoidabley


@Undying.Embers That makes some sense. Whenever you shine a light somewhere it does create shadows where the lights not hitting.


From what I know they don’t actually serve him, when Yahweh and the Anunnaki came down here, the divine plan was to accelerate the development of humanity because by the time we became conscious enough in real time the sun would’ve gone too big and destroyed the planet, so they kinda rip the skin off of the snake in a way instead of letting it shed naturally, this experiment was obviously never done before in the universe, so history is being made

Literally trillions of stars watch us, we have more Allies than enemies, yahweh was more like that necessary evil that had to happen so the archangels only did so because of that divine order and the fact Yahweh was a catalyst for that or more like a fire under humanities ass, even the “evil” in this world was designed perfectly to fit in the bigger picture, I blamed the Anunnaki and myself for a long time because I was also an Anunnaki that fell, but then I realized we descended with humanity to help them develop, and that if those things didn’t happen, there wouldn’t be humanity left on this planet

It’s very complicated, but I can tell you that they don’t serve Yahweh and least not directly, it’s more like a liaison type of relationship, Yahweh is a catalyst for the collective shadow work so the angels assist with that, this is where humans mix things up just like how people think Lucifer and Michael don’t get along when in reality it’s the complete opposite

Justice can be ugly. With the flood the people minds was continually set on evil & Egypt killed the first borns of Israel, Moses barely got away. Egypt first borns could’ve been saved if they would’ve let Israel go.

The teaching about good & bad happenings by some is not true.

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Without understanding, I agree with you totally. With understanding, you yourself would want to put Yahweh first.

Small example - Sodom & Gomorrah isn’t burning now.

Understanding is powerful Kish

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The Tao that can be named is not the eternal Tao.

YHVH/Yahweh is a pale shadow of an entity. It has nothing to do with God.

Also I’d caution against taking anything in a literal sense when it comes to origin stories and the like.

The world is not as black and white as a Jedi vs Sith battle/idealogy