Why can't demons create physical changes?

My bathroom has no windows and one source of light. I went in and looked at my eyes from as many angles as I could think of before and after I did the thing. Before I did it, the outer edge of the iris was a dark brown, afterwards, it was a bright silvery-golden.

The whole thing was a quick little experiment to test the versatility of a technique someone else mentioned about alchemical processes to create change.

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The author of NAP says that he has, done by magic, making the hair grow back. And Jason Miller in his book : Elements of Spellcrafting says that is impossible…

What’s impossible for one magician is not impossible for all. You’re only limited to the stretch of your imagination and creativity, mostly.


This reminds of the old witches myth of turning someone into a toad. No demons can’t change your physical bone structure or your genetic makeup to include the coloring of your eyes. Demons can enhance life and make you wilt but they cant change human DNA through magic.

There are dna mutations which modifies a person’s genetic makeup, the most common causes are disease or aging, but i have never heard of a successful ritual with a demon actually changing someone’s dna components radically, with tangible change through magic of a person’s height or eye color.


Most of the time these issues come down to your definition of ‘Magick’. See Aleister Crowley’s brilliant definition.

Back thirteen years ago I performed some Magick via an email. On that caffeinated afternoon at 3:30 as I pressed ‘Send’ I irrevocably altered the lives of millions of people – the vast majority of whom will be conceived and born long after I’m dead. Sure it was an email, but it was also the bitter culmination of - at that time - a nine year working that cost me my then life; applied with the knowledge I had gained by being involved in Magick since I was younger.

I used Paradigm Magick and probably destroyed any hope the O.N.A. ever had of achieving their Aeonic goals - if so, that wasn’t intended. Does that count as a physical result?

For eye colour, use coloured contact lenses. Easy.


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I admonish you all to harken to these words!
Well stated!



I shake my head and weep…

Use the contacts only if they are implanted by aliens… I have read about this in several Steven King novels. Seriously!!!

You wouldn’t consider poltergeist activity affecting the physical plane?

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You dont need demons to gain height though.I did it with hanging bar and gravity boots,but when i get to hang I only do it with one leg,then another.Truly painful but it gave me two inches already.
As for eye color change,look for subliminals,alchemy,and biokinesis.
About levitation,oh boy that one is truly hardest but I would suggest working with Krehl’a’Teral.

Yeah you’re definitely never going to see it done “without effort”

He’s also admitted he made up most of the “testimonials” so I wouldn’t use that as evidence.

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Hello Uncle-Al, nice post! Do you mind sharing the ritual/spell you used?

Lol. Documented cases of demons taking physical form and killing people, offering pacts, delivering messages from hell, and doing plenty of other things that alter the physical plane drastically abound. Seek and ye shall find. Sometimes even if ye don’t, you’ll be found first…

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They can, and they do, as can any other astral being around, if provided with enough energy to manifest in the so called “physical world”.

But they, as well as us, are bound to the rules of The All. We can bend these rules a little, by using what we call “magick”, but the results are usualy limited.

So, if you want to change reality in such powerful evident ways, you first need to get in direct contact with the mind of The All, by yourself or through an entity that can make things easier for you.

So, theoretically, you would be able to change anything imaginable by manipulating The All directly. But we are constrained by our own natural limits. Thats actually a good thing, or else this universe would be total chaos, or would have been destroyed a long time ago.


I don’t actually want to change my eye color or gain height, I just gave those as examples of unchangeable things in humans, because changing the unchangeable is better proof of magick than “Oh i lost weight, it was magick hehe”

Not without all effort. Magickal effort is allowed, physical effort is not. Because if something is achieved with physical effort, then it is not really the work and effects of magick.

Maybe, but the results could have been coincidental.

Actually I never saw someone working with demons for height gain or eye color change,you are on point on that.

That wasn’t what I meant. I know you knew it would require some effort but my point was that this is above and beyond. I’m still new to this and learning how to get simple results so I definitely don’t have experience in that, but everyone I see here who claims to have done those kind of things always describes them as being difficult. You will see less of them because less people are capable of them


Chance is but a name for a law unrecognized.

-The Kybalion

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For the death I used a Goetic spirit and for the Aeonic stuff I used paradigm manipulation via various legal linchpins. I went for the weakest parts of a powerful system and now that system is self destructing and taking millions of people down the drain.

Larry Cox and his killer were both expendable filth and I asked that their deaths be credited to me. The Aeonic stuff was just me and via it I have become a living God as I’ve destroyed the lives of millions of contemptible people whilst radically altering what would otherwise have been the future of this world.

P.s. The future is Chinese.