Why are you here?

Why do you do magick?


Because itā€™s here! Itā€™s magic! Does anyone really need another reason? :slight_smile:


Because Iā€™d been doing magick all my life without realizing it, and once I found out how much of the truth about our own internal power is kept from us, it was a given to learn to handle all this power properly.

Because they lied when they said the material world is real and the spirit world is imaginary. Itā€™s the other way around.


Because why not. Because its useful. Because it works


You joined 2 days ago, so why you are here ? would be the more logical question.

Why I do magick?

Magick for me is just a way for the will to operate and cause change by using occult knowledge and natural forces that most people donā€™t know about. Why do medicine ?! itā€™s the same principle. The same reason. You gain knowledge, knowledge provides you with power. And you use that power to cause positive change in your life :slight_smile:


Assuming thats just a new account of old member considering the regular status


I stand corrected, thank you

Still would love to hear his point of view on the subject.


It began with the desire of meeting ā€œthe devilā€ and to practice that certain ascension through stones, metals, plants, animalsā€¦
Somewhat this isnā€™t changed as Iā€™m still interested in seeing the entities and, more than in the past, about the spiritual side. Currently Iā€™m focusing on training but Iā€™ll probably resume some attempts at relationships and money, in order to subsequently proceed towards, indeed, greater goals (the one about spiritual growth, but also world/society).

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I have way too many opinions.

Just this once, i want to be quiet and listen to you guys.


Its a desire I now have to do and become what the ordinary brainwashed public say cannot be accomplished. To bend the universe to work in my favor and say that my life IS NOT in the hands of higher power, But in my OWN hands.


Because through ā€˜magicā€™ and things non physical i have been able to heal myself a lot emotionally. I also just question everything. I am just a curious cat, maybe it is because i am a tiger in chinese astro, cat in celtic astro and a leo rising lol


We need air to breathe, water to hydrate, magic to live.


Because I can


Thatā€™s a great question to ask. I always saw life as magical, the whole cosmo/nature synergy was intertwined at a young age. Nature, people, birds singing, wind, trees, breath, consciousnessā€”these were all things that fascinated me. Iā€™m not a materialist, but I shine like a star, as we all do. Itā€™s bright in other ways though. People who are into magick work have many layers to their personality.

I wanted to know about the occult as a kid, my academic aptitude was extremely poor because I never wanted to exert effort into something that wonā€™t satisfy my spiritual quotient. I wanted to focus on the tides of emotions that humans experienced and what has and could be done with it.

After all, emotion is energy in motion and those who donā€™t believe in magick wonā€™t ever find it. Weā€™re meant to be this particular way, because we are.



Im here for the money, power, sex, drugs, and rock n roll. Absolute freedom. Fuck everything else. :wink:


ā€œOne of lifes great mysteries. Why are we here? Are we just the product of some cosmic coincidence or is there reallyā€¦God watching over us? I donā€™t know man, but it keeps me up at nightā€

If anyone gets the reference I will know Iā€™m truly not alone


I found out I was good at it . I found I could bend things to my best outcome.

I like the fact that I can help heal people if needed, or cause harm to people who are deserving without going to jail.

I like the energy I feel at evocations and it is almost addictive when you see changes you caused. I like my relationships I have built with spirits who tell me the truth about things I cannot understand about people and circumstances out of my direct control.

Loads of reasons really. Ascension, knowledge, growth


Also enlightenment, knowledge, and ascension. Priorities. Gotta use these things to get other thingsā€¦

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Iā€™m here to get pussy.(joking)