Why am I this way. What causes this?

the shamans brew tea that has DMT in it they drink it and have visions plus OBEs…

No probs

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also would like to add you are female women have more sensitive powers men are more secular and women are more spiritual emotional…

Yea I meant more go get a good opiate addiction, cocaine. Psychedelics tend to open one up, but it’s rare to hear of anyone tripping constantly.

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Yyeeaa… Haha I think I’m gooddd.


go snort that line Azazel is a party demon and would be proud of your hard-core party skills

Have you asked the spirits helping you about this? Not to sound stupid, but can you ask them to give you a break so that you can focus on school? Or is this a situation where you are given no choice?

I truly have no imagination of what you’re going through. I’m sure many people would trade places with you in a heartbeat. It doesn’t make it easier for you but they’ve obviously chosen you for a reason. No one escapes their destiny for long. It would just be nice if they’d give you some time to breathe and be a college student.

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Naw, not any more, defeats the purpose anyway.

It would be nice. As far as the spirits I work with I’ve put everything on hold. It took a bit for them to finally stop coming around (Belial, lilith, Hecate and Hel) but they finally agreed to let me have a break. I got rid of all the open sigils, did a cleansing, banished. Totally freed myself up in that aspect. So it’s more… events and happenings that I dont mean for to happen.

I’ve asked Azazel why I’m this way, though he wont give me a direct answer. He only says “I think you know.” But I feel he over estimates me. I have my speculations, though none of them are solid and all quite frankly just whacky. None of them have proof… just a few clues here and there like the fact that he appeared to my mother when I was 2 years old (scared the shit out of her) and then came to me when I was 13, and when I was around 3 I kept telling my mother that spirits were telling me God didnt care about me.
Im… not really sure if that’s a normal thing for a 3 year old to say or not but I’m guessing not?
Then again children do say the damndest things.
I have a few other clues that all point to times I was really really young. I guess if you’re gonna investigate gotta start at the beginning.


Wait what?? Would you mind going into detail here?

Well, that’s understandable. You’ve (from what I’m guessing) lived a “normal” lifestyle up until recently. It’s kind of spooking you. Don’t be afraid of your power. It’s yours like you wanted. Embrace it. It’s yours.

And in all honesty if you ask for it and put your foot down you’ll get it.

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I think he sees your potential.


It’s never been any sort of normal whatsoever…

It was pretty incredulous. I’d be happy to explain but quite honestly a little nervous to let the entire forum hear. I am considering making a post on it but it was just too profound to even put into words or describe… but there were a few things they explained well enough to allow me to share.
I’m actually planning on writing a book about it, it was so much information.
If youd like to PM me I can tell you more.

He always has I suppose.

Itd have to be the other way around. I can’t access pms at this time. I left and made a new account.

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A wise woman once told me, paraphrasing, “Belial is attracted to the worthless, Azazel is attracted to those not living up to thier potential.”


Ah I see. Then i will PM you :blush:

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Oh geez and if they’re both my main patrons :sweat_smile:


Me and you both sister, me and you both.


sounds like me azazel is my guardian demon as well

Don’t get rid of your gifts, not a wise thing to wish for. Just learn to roll with it so that it doesn’t feel like a baggage . Things like this helps a lot in ascent and will pay for sure in future.

And if it helps you manifesting things easily then manifest some hot dude, or lots of money and have fun for some time, forgetting magick all together for the time being. You will feel light.