Who is the spirit of leraje

This daimon is more like an archer who focuses on human conflicts and wars between them.In my experience, a bow and arrow means fighting for justice, which is expressed in wars between people. I am currently working with Leraje and studying her essence, I will be glad if someone else writes something about working with her

To awnser your question, I think we have to invoke the mighty @A_Pariah . She is the closest person to Leraje that I know lol.


Locked and loaded :sweat_smile:

@gromovm404 as i don’t see a direct question coming from that post I am not sure about what to respond :slightly_smiling_face: just hit me up via pm if there is something you’d like to discuss. I feel uncomfortable about acting as some sort of mouthpiece or claiming interpretational sovereignty in any way, so there are things I naturally won’t discuss when it comes to interpersonal workings/channelings etc, if thats okay :sweat_smile:


I’m very fond of Leraje. I work with him for his skill with mental strength. He’s currently helping me on a team working on phycological healing for a friend who has PTSD, with great success. I find his presence to very calm, quietly confident, warm and steady.

I see him as masculine, but I don’t see the sense of masculine vs feminine as fixed in the spirits. I believe they don’t have physical bodies, and sex is a function of biology, thus, these beings give a sense of yang or yin relative to your own system, hence different people sensing them different ways. I’m very yin and, as a human, female, so most entities feel more masculine, energetically speaking, than me.