Who is "Satan"?

I can see where you’re coming from. I’m certainly not a Christian scholar. Just what I’ve researched, combined with what’s commonly taught in Christian schools.

:joy::joy: Ya cheeky cunt. Reckon you could apply that one to both sides of the argument



Who is Satan ?\

um a small error, angels are never ever called shayateen, only humans and jinns. :slight_smile: just a little insight since im a muslim myself, just wanted to correct your last sentence

Really? I saw a VK blog saying that Belial does except the title Satan I would screen shot it but I’m not sure if it’s against the rules

A title first then a being who I suppose uses the title as a name.

Afaik historically Satan is Saturn, Set or Molech, identified with the kabbalistic sphere Binah.

Lucifer is another name for the morning star (Phosphorus = Lucifer in Latin) i.e. Venus or sometimes Mercury.
In Hermetic lore Venus is the guardian of the Astral Light. In Hindu Jyotish Shukra/Venus is the Ruler of Demons. Venus identifies with the kabbalistic sphere Netzach.

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I agree with cryptic. Its a title. Like God is a title.

Satan is…how you experience him

Yahweh is one example.

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Ok, I’ve asked my spirit allies and the answer was that Satan is a conglomerate. So, Belial, Lucifer, etc are a part of the conglomerate.

Secondly, there is an entity called Satan. I spoke with him once about money and business. He appeared as a black winged serpent, and had a strong energy, and a business-like manner.

Does that help?

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Research Gods Set, Saturn, Moloch, Shaitan and other familiar Deities.

Read up on quora, reddit and HERE.

Ask yourself. Meditate on it. Make a sigil.

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Set was not considered Satan until religious dogma, Satan was only a title before religion and LHP made it into a singular entity with it’s own individuality.

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If I’m not mistaken…Satan is actually a Title?? He’s actually not a real spirit apparently…is that true? I was watching a video about papa Legba and the person in the vid said this but if that’s the case then how are people able to evoke Satan if Satan isn’t a real spirit?

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Originally satan was a title, later people started claiming experience with a being named Satan. Which I personally believe is still the title and the being is just telling them it’s title instead of its actual name.
Satan within the infernal Empire was a title held by a few entities who used it as their name/position.


Is it possible that the titles may be taken by different individuals of different names??? I keep getting the feeling that there may be more than one entity going under the title Satan. Such as (just for example’s )sake 3 entities (personalities) who simultaneously hold the title?

Also , a name is bound to repeat in the disincarnate world as well right???I’m compelled to ask because it seems or at least feels like beneath the surface, things are deeper.

I’ve met a few infernal demons who held the title Satan (not at the same time apparently), that’s why I don’t believe it’s a real being but rather a title taken as a name. However, given it is taken as a name I suppose a person can choose to call the being satan or their “real” name. That’s just my opinion.


Yahweh is a fine example of that indeed

Not in my experience.

Basically I treat Satan as a symbol of being my own god. I think Satan also is an archetype of the shadow aspect of the divine which I think is why in demonolatry tradition Satan is perceived as the 5th element of spirit.