This is the second time this was mentioned to me by a family member but a different one this time. That my eyes appear completely white to them? I look in the mirror and can’t see it but they do? What does that mean?
Do you have very pale blue eyes? Not sure it means anything at this point.
No i have blue-grey-green eyes.
I can’t see any difference but it’s how it appears to others? Like an illusion of completely white eyes. I just think it was odd that two people said it within a week. It kinda freaked them out.
Have you been working on glamour magik? Or any magik that could bring shapeshifting?
It means that you are possessed v.k. has a video on that
I wouldn’t jump to possession especially based on v.k, but have you assessed the mundane possibilities?
I just wanted to list a possibility
I asked for personal protection and shielding. @Mulberry
Well, all I’m feeling is your intuition says this is significant, and I’m not going to gainsay that.
There’s no really obvious causes, so at this point I’d break out the Tarot cards and do probably more than one divination asking if there are spirits around you, if there’s a message you’re not seeing etc.
I suggest paying close attention to other signs around you at this time, which can come from any source from videos you watch, to more things people around you say, to the configuration of the clouds and the behaviour of animals. There’s probably more to it that needs awareness and careful thought to uncover.
The ones who have been around me recently are Beelzebub and (Asmodeus - he comes and goes.)
I worked more frequently with the legion i was given but Beelzebub especially is very physical with all these insects that are popping up. In dreams and real life. I had flies, mosquitoes, beetles, spiders and other various insects i haven’t seen before. It’s pretty much everday. I bought the Beelzebub compendium after he appeared repeatedly in my dreams. I asked him specifically for healing because i have the dreaded virus. Since the book arrived and I’ve been reading from it i had the insects turning up at my house and a candle that i have (dedicated to an Angel - Raphael) is doing all sorts of weird stuff. Black smoke shooting out. The inside is black. It’s a white candle and i saw one tiny black orb shooting out. Shortly after i put the candle out. Then a moth appeared out of nowhere. Lol now i don’t know if there are some conflicting energies there because i can’t sense angels.
I’ve been wearing Asmoday’s sigil more frequently. It’s hard for me to pinpoint which one has caused my eyes to appear white to others.