Which form of Lucifer is the easiest to summon ? Lucifer, Satan, or Baphomet?

Which form of Lucifer is the easiest to summon ? Lucifer, Satan, or Baphomet ?

Lucifer… as Lucifer is Lucifer, the other two are not, and he’s the only original spirit here.

Satan is the lead of all the satans, or “adversaries”/“accusers” and is the personification of evil per the church, he was invented by the church as a demonization of the pagan fertility gods, which is why he looks like a herd animal. You want your herds to breed well, really.

Baphomet was invented by Elphias Levi in, I forget early 1900s or something and is a teaching image to describe the principles of magick, later made into an egregoric entity.

Lucifer is the Morning Star, or Venus. They are three completely different conceptsfrom different currents.