Which entity will help me to become more masculine?

This ^^

Very good advice.

Also calcium d-glucarate (CDG) can remove excess estrogens, or use a formula such as Natural Factors AndroSense which includes it. Depends what makes more sense for you.

I used to find CDG essential because of all the xenoestrogens we get in our packaging and whatnot.

Can’t even drink a bottle of water without an infusion of unwanted xenoestrogens, unless you’re in a country like Germany where they use mostly glass.

Zinc glycinate or Zinc ZMA at night, with your final meal or snack (zinc will hurt like hell on an empty stomach!), can also boost T levels quite well. Even generic forms of zinc glycinate work really well, as long as it’s from a trusted source.

Mulberry again has very good advice here. T shots as a last resort. I would definitely go with things like zinc (to feed your testes) before T shots, as T shots can unfort shrink your testes.

However, if you need ‘em, you need ‘em. Some older and or even chemically wounded people do require them.

If you ever start going truly heavy on the zinc, though (some guys end up loving it and taking huge amounts), then take 2 to 4mg of copper bisglycinate in the day to balance it out. So copper at say, lunch or breakfast, and zinc before bed. That works great.

However, if you’re very yin, you probably don’t need copper at first. It’s just something to be aware of long term.


King Paimon will help you become a dominant man. Alpha, sigma or otherwise.

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Great advice about the nutrients parts, I was totally unaware about that part.

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I heard king paimon is female,i only want to work with male deities only

King Paimon is male. Some spirits seem to like to gender swap. but traditionally, King Paimon is a male. I know several women who are married to him.


Mod note: This thread is beginning to descend into gender/identity politics, which is against forum rules, and because of that, I have edited the OP and removed any mention of the words “alpha” or “sigma.” Please keep the focus on how to help the OP.

Use this Hormone Regulation (reduce estrogen) Energetically Programmed Audio. - YouTube

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Food is also very important so I should probably say that all you really need is chicken, mash potatoes & rice. & probably throw in some brown gravy.

I know that this extra stuff with vitamins and minerals are helpful, but dude… Ugh, that’s a bunch extra stuff. Like people who actually know a thing or to about working out find out that it’s very simple.

Just get some chicken and whatever sides you want & meal prep that for a week at a time.

Everybody’s got there own opinions, but when it comes to testosterone… it’s probably better to take the advice from an actual man who is real about there workouts & there are underrated successful people on youtube you can find very easily. When you incorporate entity’s in magic, I would just pick the best one for the Job, like Belial. That shouldn’t be necessary, but if you hit a road block then yeah an entity is very helpful to break those blocks. I just started talking Belial recently, I think he’s been calling me all along.

Honestly… I just realized that the op hasn’t really responded to what he wants to do?

I mean… Masculinity. Okay. The easiest & best way is working out of course & keeping it simple and not falling for the bullshit.

But how about personality.

Do you want more understanding on the characteristics that go into be a dominant a male?

Or do you want to learn the trait on how to be more challenging?

Do you even know what you really want…?

Well… No matter what, working out will get you 50% of the way there & running energy + charging intention will be the other 50%.

Being masculine is you have to first figure out who you really are.

You want to be kind-hearted masculine then that will be the hard one.

You wanna be cold hearted? It’ll be kind of hard, but in reality it will be much more easier since everything is just a “ fuck you “ kind of attitude.

You wanna be in the middle? well… This one might be the hardest. You don’t want to loose yourself and dissociate from your body. ( this is currently what I am doing, although I tend to lean towards the kind hearted way).

I mean… You gotta ask questions dude, like what are you doing? Your just gonna sit there in the corner and collect information that your never gonna take action on? Get on with it!

Ooo another I forgot to mention is Sorath.

The Sun demon is perfect for the masculine arts, setting your own trend and not being compelled by others.

There’s a EA Koetting channeling of him on YouTube that may help if you listen to it every morning or at least once a day…

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You know what I thought about it… & do you have a father?

Is that what you really need?

I think that you think you need a gentler approach, but in reality your just scared aren’t you?

I understand that… I leave you alone. Sometimes a father can be very harsh when you really need it.

I lost my father 5 years ago

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Well holy shit… there you are finally.

Welcome :slightly_smiling_face:

Honestly I think you need say a little more than that… There’s people willing to help you &… All you gotta do is just ask.

I’m going bed man, or should I say nap? :face_with_monocle: Whatever dude duck

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Hey it’s been a moment,. You know… I can sit hear a divinate all day for you, but… I think you just need a psychologist.

Not a psychiatrist, you don’t want to be diagnosed and ruin your life, also the pills will probably ground you so much you’ll probably be one of those zombies.

A psychologist is always better.

& you need to work out homie.

Do you even know how to define “manly energy” yourself? What is that, that you want exactly ?

After several introspection on myself, and spiritual work. Being an alpha man starts by making your will rule over your body and mind. In other terms, get your shit done so that you strive to your ideal way of being, every day. This what imho, defines a man in the most fundamental way.

But first, one must know what is his “ideal”, since we are all here, I guess it encampasses magickal progression or the great work as you call it. Then, surely a man needs to have health and maintain his physical shape, that’s when the “gym” gets in, but it doesn’t need to be, if you feel like practicing some sport is enough then shall it be.

Please do not just blindly focus on going to the gym and naively believing that it will solve all issues in that regard. I know so many ripped dudes, with great musculatures and yet they sometimes display clearly feminine traits or lack masculinity in some situations, to a point where some females often tell them that their physique don’t match their character … Just that I know, some other guys who don’t care about their body shapes but exert authority and try to act like “alphas”.

At the end of the day, mind > body. Discipline, willpower, freedom (whatever it’s financial, emotional or sentimental) are the core fundamental traits you want to focus on and eventually everything that results from them such as , physical shape, finances and women are just secondary “rewards” that you’ll get when you progress through the basic aspects of masculinity, focusing on those secondary rewards instead of the foundations is a grave mistake in my experience.

As for spiritual work, I think dieties that grant you wisdom and confidence are the most suited such as Ganesha, Horus, Michael.

work out.
eat meat.
get a job.
don’t fap.
help others
your welcome

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I thought this would be great :rofl:

9 posts were split to a new topic: Talking about Belial