Which demon helps with money fast?

I looked at my bank account and almost cried x_x
Please tell me one spirit that can help me get a well paid job fast or money from someone randomly. Idk
I been trying to get hired, went to interviews but they never call back again after the interview :sweat_smile:


You may try Baphomet, Lord of Finance:


Duke Bune. Or, even if not a demon, you could try to work with St. Expediteā€¦ he delivers so fast.
If you use the search option you can find a lot of post about thatā€¦l Good luck!


For cash I second Bune or Expedite.

For jobs those are about more than cash, try Berith to ā€œhide flawsā€ in combination with one of the many that bring persuasiveness, like Paimon or Dantalion.


Bael or Mammon

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How about You? As in, yourself?
See money flowing around you and through you everywhere you go and in everything you do like itā€™s in the air you breathe, itā€™s everywhere and you are part of it.


You may wanna try this too:

Archangel Michael can get you a burst of money extra fast. Heā€™s done so several times with me. Itā€™s his strong Mercurial nature that builds energy and flashes it off into the world. Short lived effects but super strong and swift results.


If you have a patron diety I would recommend asking them first


King Asmodeus helped me get $200 within 24 hours!


Pahaliah and Purson combination has power to attract financial support, i tried several times and it was highly successful


Yeah Purson is being slept on, big time!

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What we are here here talking about? Iā€™m new here to learn and understand.
To get money to start business or for all sort of things?

How fast , how much money these spirits can deliver? $500, $1.000, $10.000?

Which of them are easy to summon ,I not abuse them, after I got money will these spirits stalking me or asking for more rituals?

I try start an online business and I need more creative ideas, help ,getting success on all what I doing and get wealthy

I feel good about Lucifer can not explain it, maybe he us the eight spirit for this?
And I have questions about my past life anf next reincarnation too.

Shoukd I work with 2-3 spirits or will Lucifer the right for all these things in my life?

It is entirely up to you. Ask as much as you want/need and they may or may not agree to bring you that certain amount.
I would ask only 1 Spirit for now though.

Pahaliah and Purson, Bun, Paimon, Baphomet often they can deliver money?
Small or bigger sums like $5000 every month or more?
Are they easy to summon?

I wanted to attract financial support for paying my rent and now one of my relatives pays a part of my rent monthly.

I think the summoning easiness level depends on method which you use, but they worked wisely in my case.

Mammon helped me get exactly the job I wanted. So Id recommend him.

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Please be mindful of the point of a topicā€¦. You can always start your own thread inspired by this one. :sunglasses::+1:

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