When to thoroughly quit?

CHILL! Stop beating yourself up dude, you’re making it worse! You’re not a loser at anything you touch! That’s just the story you’re telling yourself, and what you have to know is that the story that we tell ourselves repeatedly is what manifests! But you know what the good thing is? Even if you got yourself in a bad situation. YOU are still doing this. You are still the creator. What you have to do is convince yourself that it is just as easy to manifest what you want as it is to manifest “being a loser”. You need to reprogram your mind and simply adopt a better self concept, and I know that can be hard but it can and must be done! We are all struggling at times, believe me. It’s OK.


Whether this is snark or not this is besides the point I am making, but moving on,

You came back like how long ago, three months? Thats not a long time.

And @alicia92 is right. You are manifesting a constant bad state of mind for yourself, you just gotta change it. Remember what you learned in Kybalion.


Completely agree


Another thing @Nightside is this really the kind of attention you want to bring yourself on this forum. Wallowing in self pity and self defeating ideas and posting this…is this the conversation you really wanted to have with your peers?

Its one thing to be brave and honestly face your shortcomings and fears and reach out to others to help you overcome these. It’s another to throw an attention seeking pity party so everyone can tell you you’re not a loser.

I’m sorry but this pisses me off. It’s like another poster said above. Man it’s time to do better.

The only real losers are the ones who quit on themselves and thier art.


I’m all the way new to this. Mike _ Bee, maybe starting from ground zero. I know that re-doing things is beyyond tough. Especially, those that invested so much of themselves. What do I think. I don’t me re- learning the same material or ways tho.


This is in regards to fuego. Asking your opinion. He’s had a lot knowledge on here.


@Fuegos problem is that he is an armchair occultist. Real magick takes practice, practice practice. Failure, failure, and more failure. Finding what does work and then running with it.

I’ve been so frustrated with magick I’ve quit several times. But I always get up, dust my self off and try and try again.


Ah. So what qualifies as proof it was real by the ritual alone?

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For me, soo much damn information which become a detriment man. I had to decide on start on pressing issues ( my inward) before i start any outward. I made my own self confused looking for band- aid solutions


Yeah I understand you, too much information can sometimes lead to hesitation and overload. The wisest move was looking inward for your own light to light the way.


I agree wholeheartedly. It took me a while before I found what worked for me. Many failed petitions, rituals, spirits not willing to work with me for various reasons known and unknown, heartache, heartbreak, anger, the list goes on. I felt I had no choice but to move forward because I’m in control of my life. Just because things don’t happen the way I want to at times, it doesn’t mean I’m going to give up.

What works for me is creating and working with servitors because it allows me to channel my own energy, working with my own energy to manifest my own desires. I feel more fulfilled working with servitors. That’s my lane and I’ve learned to stay in it because it works for me. Finding what works and running with it is what I recommend also @Nightside , and that’s going to take some trial and error, ups and downs. You may get lifted up in the process, and you may also get slapped around a few times…the key is to not give up. If you have to take a break, so be it, but if you know deep down this is what you want, then keep at it after your break. There’s nothing wrong with stepping away for a bit.


Great post I totally agree.


You know this is extremely subjective.

But a good foolproof method I have learned from someone, try this. Request a spesific amount of money. Like 2 dollars and 70 cents or whatever, it should be spesific enough that when you get this amount you know you succeeded.


Persistent neuroticism, unchecked behavioural changes (shift in psyche, energy drainage, low mood, or maybe best to say, best to thoroughly quit when thoroughly satisfied :slight_smile:


Me too. " Baby steps to 4 o’clock" i definitely be over thinking shit. Sometimes making lame-ass excuses not follow through.


Many everything on your journey man. You know folks here got a lot to love for ya here !


Fuego, I don’t think I’ve ever spoken to you directly or indirectly before. Bro, you need to break that loop of negativity and self-pity.

Try this. Instead of saying everything you do sucks - say “sometimes, some things suck”.

If you don’t wanna break that loop of self hate, you can definitely start by changing how you talk about yourself.

Do this - write out some of the things you say about yourself. For now, fuck magic. Write out how you talk to yourself. Choose a statement and modify it.

Negativity can be addictive, but growth is far more fulfilling. If you wanna change, you will.


Im being literally honest. Everything I touch turns to crap. Thats why magick must not be for me.

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Then, it’s simple. You don’t want to change. You’ve been given solid advice, and you choose to complain about how everything sucks. Nobody here can save you from yourself.

