When Dreams Won't Shut the Fuck UP

Simply put, I’m having dreams about a person that put me through a lot of confusion that I have since then figured out like a blind psychic working for an intelligence agency. Sure, some confusion lingers, but at this point investigating it is leisure and I have other ways I’d rather spend my time.

So WHY do I keep dreaming of this person? I don’t want their answers or excuses, nor do I want them in my life unless it’s a body in a freezer. And even then, I can utilize freezer storage for more important pieces of shit.

I’m not looking for dream interpretation, but curious as to what you draw from the annoying experience of redundant dreams, and perhaps how you reorient the direction of your dreams? I feel like it’s stuck and I don’t know how to get out of this loop. :crazy_face:

It sounds like your conscious mind has moved on, but dreams come from the subconsious, and your subconscious is still trying to future it out.

One of the most common dream elements is problem solving. They should fade over time as you give it other things to think about.

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