Im quite torn on this topic.
On the one hand I think its good that the LHP advocates for finding your own truth, not only because that will give you a solid foundation upon which to build but also because imo the vast majority of occult service providers are frauds (not saying all, because I have met some genuine people).
On the other hand, having to find your own truth without a guiding hand whatsoever at every twist and turn upon the crooked path is insanely hard and frustrating and I personally enjoyed the very few confirmations of more experienced practitioners that I got along the way.
Now, a couple weeks ago I probably wouldve never asked that question because I had adopted the belief that as the LHP is very individualistic, you should not relay messages from the gods to other practitioners, believing that it might actually hamper their progress or make them reliant on outside confirmation (which I still believe is a very real risk but maybe isnt as black and white as I used to believe).
A couple weeks ago then I had written a post in an occult community and someone approached me in DMs. They asked if “popular demon name here” was reaching out to them. The demon in question was one I am in contact with but adhering to my belief and also not being confident in my ability anyway, I started writing the typical “this is an individualistic path, other practitioners cant…” and right then it happened! I heard the demons voice in my mind right then and its been by far the clearest Ive ever heard a demon talk to me and mind you this was out and about and I wasnt even in meditation.
So I pondered for a while…deleted my message and relayed the words that the demon spoke to me.
This has only happened once and I didnt intend for it to happen, although it did fill me with immense pride and happiness when it did happen.
Now I dont know where to go…obviously the potential for corruption is through the roof with this one and Id be lying if I would say that I didnt enjoy the attention.
Hopefully someone has been in a similar situation before and can offer some words of wisdom.