Whats your guilty pleasure

My guilty pleasure is being called Daddy by a cute/hot girl. Whipped cream and melted chocolate being in places where they shouldn’t. Rawr rawr. :smirk::sweat_drops::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::sweat_drops::smiling_imp::sweat_drops:


OK, I must be a really tame person compared to to all you guys. I am almost ashamed to say what my guilty pleasure truly is.

A can of Coke. Yes, as in the cola.


Don’t laugh, OK go ahead laugh.

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That’s not a bad guilty pleasure. Everyone’s is different.

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My guilty pleasure? I have feet fetish :yum:


PTX, and hiding my chocolate from my kids so they can’t have any! They get the cheap stuff…

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KFC and Ikemen… um… lemme see…? What else? Watching meme videos on YouTube and cats… loads of cat videos.


Living on the edge! Seriously, that’s a ton of sugar. Hehe. I’m similar. It’s spring water 99% of the time, and that 1%? I use my soda stream to make it fizzy. Had my co2 canister for three years. Same canister.

Feet are desert. I’ll suck on that.

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I don’t know how to understand reference, English is not my native language.

Grippo’s Barbecue Cheese Curls or riot.

As for guilty pleasures, another one of mine besides My Little Pony is pushing the limits of the boundaries in my life. I am The fucking Tower after all.

My guilty pleasure
I love watching American reality show even though its dumb

My guilt pleasure? Watching Disneyland vlogs regularly and… shit I oddly can’t remember right now.


Watching dark web mystery box videos. Specifically the ones that go wrong. Real or fake idc as long as they genuinely look afraid. It’s hilarious.


ha I’ve been watching those pretty funny stuff like Jay Station also britty44 is pretty good for paranormal shows

for me lately guilty pleasure is ASMR and watching crappy B horror movies just watched house of 1000 corpses again pretty good movie

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would suggest ASMR for those who don’t know about it really good stuff…


Seraph, I was joking about feet being like sweet cake. I like feet too.