What's your goal or reason for practicing?

Im just curious what made you practice and what motivates you to stick to your path of choice?


What made me start practicing: the need for revenge :sweat_smile:

What keeps me practicing: I want to explore the possibilities and limits of everything I am currently capable of or will be capable of. Also because it actually inspires something along the lines of authentic joy. Maybe anyone remembers something they liked to do as a kid before someone or something came along and slapped the joy about it straight out of your soul? That never happened with magick for me, it just kept on giving this sense of wonder, keeping me curious and giving me a lot of “Aha!”-moments, despite all of its drawbacks at times :slight_smile:

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I started because of an idea I had about magick giving physical immortality but, besides, I wanted the powers, being able to see/hear spirits and from what I could gather, at the time (childhood, even) I already met the concept of possibly becoming a god.
I’m still interested in Evocation, but also in spells, astral projection and Soul Travel.

Well for the lack of better terms… To simply change the world!


Yep! That’s it, simply as that. But of course I had a boost in my skills and motivation (I practiced almost everyday, from Chaos Magick to simple evocation, spiritual communing to hypnosis and mind control psychology) when I was faced with an Adversary that was trying to make my life miserable (he was also a ped*while) and I worked hard to just get not just my revenge, but to prevent he do any harm to anyone. So just like @A_Pariah what drove me to my current state in magick experience was revenge and the desire to do my own justice (not waiting for God or Karma to do “their things”).

My current plans for my life are still in their development, I’m in a phase of studying the meaning of humanity as whole, but also each individual experience that the individual self feels. Making new friends and watching from memes, movies, animes to documentaries, news, scientific books to get a better perspective (also working in myself to understand my motivations and desires). So, you know, doing all of that so I don’t become in the future people like the ones in the past that tried to change the world in their egoic way and failed.

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It’s so fascinating and fun

Mainly curiosity. It’s the last frontier, to borrow a phrase. :slight_smile:

I mean yes, space in the last frontier, but you can use astral travel to visit that AND other dimensions too, so it’s that and way more.

I want to know everything, I want to remember who I really am, and understand what it’s all really about.

to get some money, haven’t gotten a lot yet, but literally a penny helps, and I’ve had some success. Also, to get back the one I love - nothing on that front, but it will happen!

It started out I typed “the force” on google for fun because I was a Star Wars fan in my teen years. I dreamed about being able to use the force to crush my bullies, get laid and protect those I cared about, so when the typing randomly brought me into a Wiccan site I became interested right away that I wanted to learn witchcraft so I could use magic.

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I started because i was angry at the judeo christian god and i’m staying because it feels like home. No more mental disconance, it’s just where i belong.

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Bringing certain specific individuals to justice. Thats still a work in progress. But I’ll get there sooner or later.

My practice is much much broader than this of course. But that was the biggest part of what got me into this and remains my lifes mission.

The majority of my work actually relates to other types of things, but that remains my most important objective.

It’s a different angle at spirituality for me.
And one hell (pun intended) of an awesome way to explore the unseen and unknown.