What's your banishing/cleansing method

The title says it
Maybe that’s why I don’t feel energies like before?
There fucking MONTHS that I did not cleanse my room so much that I forgot my methods and techniques


Ebook “kingdom of flames” has an enchantment for cleaning


Incantation for Banishing
Ashta Malku dozef lata
esh pon ron te suro maka
Izzef mun to so rem ba te ka
Lux onf inido


LBRP, but it hasn’t really done what I thought it would do. It just drives the nasty people in my home outside of my house and isn’t necessarily getting rid of residual energies. Or maybe it is and the energies that are still left over are just harder to remove. I also use saltwater with herbs for objects and surfaces.


Awesome thank you guys I will try both of them

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I’ve used white sage before, didn’t really notice anything.

I could go for a cleanse now that I think about it.
A lot pent up anger and hatred I’m trying to keep under control.

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Why throw it away? Put that energy into your magic. I promise you will get powerful results. I recommend using it toward revenge work or secks magic (for angry sweaty rumping).


I discarded the visualization of a bright blue sphere around the room (often used in the past) for example because afterwards I may visualize another colored sphere, prior to summon a certain entity. Also, there’s this part of me preferring white for cleansing purposes.
Found that method in a book of Will Parfitt, but blue is featured in LBRP too, for example. And after all it somehat reminds of flames and ozone…

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I’m not big on magick for banishment, if your house is clean then fine or if it needs sprucing then cleanse floors with ammonia and your fav surface cleaner or vinegar (mixed together in hot water)… apple cider vinegar is nice for a change of scent if you don’t like heavy duty cleaning vinegar. Then de-clutter, if needed, then do whatever other magick or summons you care to do for this, maybe pick a deity that is helpful with hearth and home issues. (there are many, any female from your own pantheon will probably also work). Reason I say hearth and home is because that is a typical reason why unwanted spirits may come into your space or leave a trace of their energy after they are gone, so upkeep may be needed too. Seems like it’s more common than people think. Cheers.


Thats interesting

I use the Hecate banishing from Jason Miller’s book Reversal and Protection Magick