What's ur thoughts on this?

So i watched e.a koetting video about the “7 waves” thats coming to earth and the message he received and i want to know other peoples thoughts on this. I beleive the 1st wave is the virus. What do you think?

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Yes the first wave is the virus, I do not think all of the waves are going to be negative. The last wave will be in 2025, but idk what the others are.

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I think the virus is not related to anything Ea has done, Conner has done, or anyone on this small forum has done. The virus isn’t new it was already here years ago. It’s nothing to do with some ritual that a few people did in their basements or bedrooms.

This is like the same stuff new age was going on about with 2012 being the first wave and the last wave being 2020.


i wonder what the next one will be. I remeber seeing someone post a interveiw with King Paimon and he said that “it would get worse and worse each time and thousands will die”

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Yes by 2025 there will not be many people left on Earth, most will die, diring this virus certain people died that were not supposed to as well

well i guess ill probably die then lol but what does this achieve? i think this whole thing is some kind of test but why kill off a bunch of people ?

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They are not worthy to become a better species, to evolve, they are very close minded and believe that Jehovah in his various names will help them out and they also are looking for someone to save them, they do not want to save themselves. I am getting back into my practice, I need to, I have a very important role in this, I am told.

So you believe that those that died were mostly Christian worshippers?

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Yes and no, mainly yes, but some of them just can not accept the truth of the world and are in denial about a lot of things that they need to fix or they will not survive these “waves”

What brought you to that conclusion?

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How about they are a lot on number?

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Most of the people on the world are from Abrahamic religions for one. Most people do not have minds for themselves as well. Spirits have hinted at this by mentioning a HUGE war in 2025 that will be both spiritual and physical and these spirits are sick and tired of Jehovah having absolute rule over most of the people and these spirits also want us to turn into a better species, but only those who are worthy

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what do you mean by better species?

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i think he means more spiritually evolved

More advanced, better in every way (or almost any way), we will also be more advanced in all areas of life and magick will be easier and accepted more than it ever has been.

like we’ll have superpowers lol just kidding but that be cool

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people been prophesizing the dawn of a new era for Ages, I always doubt it

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Basically our limitations will not be here anymore (for the most part)

This time it seems very dofferent and it WILL happen

not to be that guy, but thatas been said constantly, remember 2012?

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