What's the difference between the "left"path and the "right" path?

I will agree that even what can be considered “black” as in " done with selfish disregard for others" is subjective.

Cursing someone- most people consider that black Magick because cursing is " wrong"

But cursing someone who hurt you, that would be Justice. To say that we shouldn’t do that would be the equivalent of saying that people shouldn’t be punished for their wrong doings. Bye bye penal system then.

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Stephen Flowers covers this pretty well in his book Lords of the Left Hand Path:

As for black vs. white magick, some people define the former as “bad” or “evil” magick that is done to harm others or for selfish reasons, whereas as the latter is done for selfless or “good” reasons.

In practice, however, you’ll typically find white magick is whatever the magician in question does & approves of, and black magick is whatever other magicians do that he or she doesn’t like.

Mr. Koetting describes black magick as “magick that makes things happen”. I think that’s pretty accurate.
The “left hand path” is a term that was coined by Madame Blavatsky after she traveled to India. It is derived from the Vamachara in the Hindu religion. Over time, the term has come to encompass basically all things black magick. But if you want to learn about its roots, here you go…

The term “right hand path” didn’t come until much later. It is, obviously, the opposite of left hand path and mostly used to describe white magick as well as new age crunchy hippy bullshit.


There’s not one. There is no difference. Many paths will use both, including unknowingly, so I say to hell with Left or Right. If you want to heal, heal. If some one needs fucked up, see to it that they’re fucked up.

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There is no left hand path. There is no right hand path.
Meditate on this image.

Eliphas Levi identifies the Sabbatic Goat as both the Devil celebrated in the Sabbat and also the Christ of the dissident priesthood. Notice the pentagram is upright. Note also that the stoics identified the Demiurge (a Satanic figure in Gnosticism identified with the god of the old testament) with the Logos (whom John’s gospel identifies with Christ). Like the Yin / Yang symbol everything can be seen to contain its opposite.

It’s also interesting to note that in its original Tantric / Vamachara context; the left hand path is clearly identified as a path to “god”.


Its kind of hard for me to explain. Like if you pray to someone or something to change some one or something, your still thinking its going to work, and your taking the first step by starting the prayer. If you become possesed by a demon or something angelic, either way your drawing power down into you, or into your concious mind from within you. So which one of those things I just mentioned is Left or Right handed?
Take this post I directed at a new member for example:

“There exists truth outside of every mold…”-Bruce Lee

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In my view the RHP & LHP are a false dichotomy.

This false dichotomy is brought about by becoming heavily polarized, which will inevitably lead to dualism

LHP culture usually is comprised of people who have been wronged in some way by the mainstream religions specifically to JCI’s, and the left hand path allows them an outlet to vent their angst. Not all are like this but most seem to be.
I.e-" I am the black sorcerer of evil demonic power and darkness!, Hail the Bringer Of Light." :rofl:

The RHP culture is composed of a lot of self proclaimed “lightworkers” and other such crazy newagers, usally they are heavily polarized just in the opposite direction the seem to be unhinged mentally, spiritually & physically.
I.e-" I am the starseed of divine feminine energy from the galactic federation of light, come to save the world with christ consciousness, Praise Buddha." :laughing:
(RHP also prosthelytize alot.)

These 2 dualistic extremes are false and serve as a hindrance.
(at least to me and my cosmological view)

Walk the twilight path, because there is no light without shadow, no eclipse without a moon, no magnetism without electricity, or vibration without frequency.

“Nothing is true, everything is permitted.”

“Boy: Do not try to bend the spoon; that’s impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Boy: There is no spoon.
Neo: There is no spoon?
Boy: Then you will see, it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.”

Side Note: @levilevi post is correct with the link regarding the history of the LHP.


Yep, my whole jam is Balance. The harmony of polarity; acknowledging and implementing the way in which all things are composed of “opposing” forces. As I’ve written elsewhere, it’s not opposition…it is cooperation. That is how nature and the universe itself holds together. That is how all things function.

Now, that belief structure does not equate with “Left hand path” obviously, as it disregards any set rules for “left” or “right”.
I’ll go back to what I said up there, which is Koetting’s description of black magick being magick that makes things happen. It has tangible results. While white magick would be paying respect to nature and more ambiguous healing practices, etc. They both have their place and, really, are part of the same basic thing that we call Magick.

This whole thread just shows how hung up people get on labels.


I just noticed people throwing those labels and I wasn’t sure what they meant that’s why I made this thread

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Labels are hard to use when we’re talking about experiences that are hard to describe (and sometimes even ineffable), but they’re still useful, particularly when there seems to be a fairly clear-cut difference between the goals of the RHP and LHP.

In addition to Stephen Flowers who I quoted above, Thomas Karlsson also does a pretty good job of explicating the difference in his book Qabalah, Qliphoth, & Goetic Magic:


That’s a lot of info

do you know of any adept who has actually done this? It sounds absolutely compelling and has echoes of Nietzsche’s Ubermensch as child - creator of his own values. But as Nietzsche himself recognized; this state has not yet been achieved in history; the closest example he gave was Cesare Borgia (and, ironically Jesus Christ). If this has not been achieved, how then do we know that such a goal is attainable?

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Good question! Firstly I would say that since we are all posting on a forum entitled “Become a Living God,” we are at least open to the possibility that this goal is attainable, even if we all aren’t consciously striving for the goal ourselves.

Secondly, it comes down to how you define being reborn as your own creator. If you’re talking about the literal interpretation of this, in that a human becomes able to explode planets with his or her mind, physically travel in time, and rip the very fabric of reality asunder with their bare hands, then I’d obviously be hard-pressed to find historical or even living examples. :smiley:

But I look at it this way: the more I pursue magick; the more I learn to unlock those latent abilities within myself that permit me to manipulate situations and events in my life using extra-ordinary means, the more I become God-like. As magicians, we are all in the process of becoming co-creators of our reality. Maybe our abilities aren’t wholly perfect, and maybe (definitely) there are quite a few kinks still to work out before we’re able to achieve the instantaneous manifestation of our desires. But this doesn’t mean that the goal is impossible. It just means that there’s more work to do.


Let’s go as far as we can :wink:

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If its attainable how does one get to the tenth ring/phase

Interesting. :thinking:
The druids revered the salmon, Creature that swims up streams though I don’t know if that’d make it left hand path.

Especially since as an analogy the salmon doesn’t swim, it is swam,

The commonality with that stream idea is that both paths are in water and use the flow differently for different purposes.
Both are used in balance.



What that quote is referencing is the Qliphoth, otherwise known as the Tree of Death or the NIghtside Tree. It is the inverse or opposite of the Sephiroth, or the Tree of Life. Both trees contain ten spheres (or eleven if you include the hidden one, Daath). Think of the trees as maps or models of reality & the human psyche (both the macrocosm and the microcosm, in other words), wherein everything that exists can be attributed to a sphere. As such, a sphere represents a particular force or current in reality, and each sphere is associated with various entities and spirits.

Now, you can pathwork the trees, where you successively expose yourself to the forces of each sphere in turn through an initiatory process (either with invocation or astral travel), which if successful will bring you one step further in your spiritual evolution and enlightenment. It is recommended to first pathwork the Tree of Life, as its associated entities/angels are generally seen as benevolent. The Tree of Death, on the other hand, is considered to be much darker and potentially quite dangerous if approached foolishly and without caution.

Some origin stories of the Qliphoth say that they are the cast-off remnants (Qliphoth means Husks or Shells) of God’s first attempted creation that broke or shattered because they were unbalanced. Their very essence is that of unbridled force without restraint or balance: the entities within the Qliphothic spheres are therefore demonic and vampiric in nature–they represent the Shadow side of the psyche and all the dark things lurking deep within the id. Approaching them without prior magickal experience or confidence in one’s Inner Divinity can lead to obsession, insanity, and ultimately one’s own destruction. :flame:

So to answer your question, getting through the tenth sphere of the Qliphoth would entail being initiated through all ten previous spheres: Nahemoth, Lilith, Samael, A’Arab Zaraq, Thagirion, Golachab, Gha’agsheblah, Satariel, Ghagiel, and Thaumiel. VK Jehannum has some excellent Qliphothic initiations on the site I linked above, and in addition to Thomas Karlsson’s book Qabalah, Qliphoth, & Goetic Magic, Asenath Mason has some truly in-depth material on the subject. Not something to be attempted as a newbie or without prolonged research on the matter, IMO.


I like trees :grinning: :deciduous_tree::evergreen_tree: