What's normal? (Creating Wards Walk-Through Tutorial)

They’re energy forms, if you don’t want them to start becoming sentient make sure to program them to be like machines. Please do not create sentient life then end it, that may bite you in the ass later and it’s better to release them if they become too lively. Think of them as your mind’s children, and you want them out there ready to lend a hand if needed.

Set a clause they’ll be released automatically to seek their own destiny if not called for say 18 months. Magick is very legalistic in some ways, baking that in will win friends and influence people (spirits).

Sunlight, moonlight, starlight are all good, never get them to feed on anything you don’t want to create more of yourself/will not be in good supply from the outside world.

By feel really, same as any spirit. At first your senses and creative ability may not be that strong but ashould increase rapidly, I was making these as a child, just believe in your abilities. You can ask them to flash you an image of say the post you got that day in your mailbox/ on the mat before you p[ick it up.


There’s no agreed upon calibration I am aware of but you should be able to feel them.

Keep visualising them and welfaring them, make sure they’re okay, treat them like created citizens in your own kingdom.

Depends, words vary. These are meant to ward you in this world.


Beyond this tut, I don’t usually talk about defensive/offensive magick here, maybe someone else can handle that one. :+1:

Absolutely, keep it to things you can believe in and which you won’t start feeling silly about.

If needed btw, anyone can send orphaned/lost etc thoughtforms here, they’ll be given a new home: