What's a good way to recharge quickly?

Invoking gives me a light headache, I’m approaching burnout.

Thing is, I don’t want to stop. It’s so much fun and I’m just ready to keep going.

What’s more, it’s essentially my entertainment. So I just want some ideas. What should I do while I recharge or more importantly, how do I recharge FASTER?

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Keep your physical health high with exercise and healthy food. Stay away from junk food. Drink lots of water. Take a day off. You’ll return refreshed and empowered.


Get a good night’s sleep and explore your dreams instead :grinning:
Keep a dream journal.

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its 4:30 and I’ll be fine tomorrow.

Meditation is a good way of recharging as well.


The fastest way I have found to find a balance again is by walking barefoot in grass.


Okay, I can do it immediately via shamanistic practices plus a fun meditation practice for instant grounding I like.


Let me know what steps you take to invoke, what’s your thought process, your energy raising process. Where do you feel the energy comes from when you raise it?

IT’s. Like. I focus on the sigil, focus my mind on it. MY brain instinctively drops into a trance state. I repeat the enn or their name and say, “Blank, I invoke you” however many times until I feel a rush of unfamiliar energy. Then I talk to them.

So then I’m assuming with the headaches that you were forcing your thoughts to harsh. Are you calling the energy into you because you use the word invoking was just curious on that.

Instead of using personal energy by raising it within and pushing it out, you may want to look into using external energy, gathering it from your surroundings, that way you’re more about energy conduit than an energyGenerator it’s a lot easier on the body and same effect.

I’m not sure what your skill level is withdrawing in energy from the external.

Yes, the word invoke makes things snap.

It works just fine for me. I do a lot of earth/grounding related stuff.

ALso, no. It’s the communication. Their words boom in my mind, I do this on purpose as to not miss a word.

Maxwell, thanks for posting. I do not get ill from working, but currently I am fukn BLITZED !! Depleted as fuk due to several issues. Worst of which, [and I will try to not be a bitch about the wife thingy, but] After 36 years of marriage- which any “Normal Human” would have bailed from decades ago… but stayed in mostly so I could try to run interferance for the kids-- have found out my wife is not just a [uber} Master Manipulator, but is a at the atomic level MALIGNANT NARCISSIST. long ago some nut called me a Narc. and I looked it up, and walked away thinking he just was using fancy words. Never went further than that. But the last month has been a crash course PHD event for me, I went years thinking she was just wildly broken from her psycho circus family… i am on near 24/7 gaslighting- racket balls get more still time than me.
Recharge- this ‘battery’ likely needs outright replacing !!!

This needs a change demon. Call yourself up a painmaker.

Fastest way to recharge is to draw down the sun:


YiJinJing & XiSuiJing qigong, meditation, a mostly vegan grain-free diet (basically, avoid heavy foods that take a long time to digest), plenty of water, eat no more than around a cup of food per meal & no more than once every four hours, & minimal masturbation (actual sex is fine, treat it as making an energetic circuit with a partner to circulate energy). The dietary thing is so your body is blowing less energy on digestive function, the masturbation thing is so your body blows less energy on replenishing your nut reserves, the meditation thing is to train your mind to blow less energy on booshiet. Qigong is to flush, strengthen, & expand energetic network so you naturally regen it more quickly. As a whole, my advice is meant to make your energy usage efficient & expand your energetic abilities.


basically your telling me to eat japanese food. haha. they have small portions.

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I’d pop a couple of Advil first and keep going, personally.

I find music helpful. (I also need to be away from other humans for periods of time…even if I love them they are draining AF.)

Go vegan or die :heart_eyes::laughing:


Go outside and hug a tree. No joke.