Whats a good spell for a 1 night stand :P

Wow the ladies have really lite this thread up who would have thought… Is something lacking perhaps :stuck_out_tongue: J/K

Not lacking, just experienced in knowing how to get what I need when I need it.


If you have the BOA, evoke Fro’ghla’tasch and see how that goes. And…if you do, tell us your experience with that. :slight_smile:

As I’ve experienced in the past, one-night stands are exhilarating and intense. Especially if you are the “spontaneous type”. Also, once all the fun & thrill has gone out of it, it becomes quite empty. Not to “lecture” or anything, but it can also become quite addictive, so make sure you’re clear about exactly what you want.
Example. Ask yourself: Do I want just one random one-night stand or an array of one-night stands (3 - 4 times a week)? What are you looking for in a lover? What kind of sex do you desire to have? There are other questions you can ask yourself, but once all is analyzed include it in your ritual.

Like RidgeRunner stated, “I would be careful of the wording of the spell, making sure to be clear that I’m intending to draw someone hot and ready but who also wants a one night stand specifically.” And like Cheezus stated, “Put in some type of ‘leg work’” by going to your local fetish community. Also you can dress enticingly, (not like a prostitute or anything) to get “noticed”. If it is too good, you and/or the guy can become clingy so once again, make sure you’re clear about what you want. Hope this helps and HAVE FUN!!!

So what’s the spell or entity to evoke? I don’t have BOA so any others would be helpful. I can be very specific with the type of woman I want, and exactly what I want from her. And I’m not at all shy about doing the leg work.

I do think it would be pretty fucking cool if I was to spell out exactly what I want and then the type of woman I want walked up to me out of the blue. That would be a refreshing change of pace, to the typical way of doing things. Let’s hear the ritual ladies. :wink:

Well ZachD like I said I generally just do a typical candle magic spell and call upon Babalon for matters relating to lust and satisfaction. She’s not exactly one that you can just evoke like a demon or angel (in my experience), but I’ve found that using her 777 seal and other symbols seem to lend her influence to the magic and make it more potent. Babalon is representative of sexually uninhibited women (Crowley’s Scarlet Women) so I think her symbols would be good to evoke to find the kind of woman you described. This is her seal: [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Babalon_seal.png]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Babalon_seal.png[/url]

I would print or draw the seal of Babalon, write out exactly the type of woman you want to draw on the back of it, use EA’s method of sigil activation to open the seal, put it on your altar or working space along with a vase of red roses, and burn a candle by it daily until your lady manifests (focusing on the seal daily too when you light the candle).

I’ve had excellent results with these kinds of methods for drawing specific types of people into my life. Hope this is helpful! :wink:


Zach - I can’t say I would add anything to RidgeRunner’s spell - or take away from it. Its good, solid, simple Magick … the kind that most often turns out very favorably.

RidgeRunner - You remind me alot of Me! :wink: Z

[quote=“Zoe, post:26, topic:253”]Zach - I can’t say I would add anything to RidgeRunner’s spell - or take away from it. Its good, solid, simple Magick … the kind that most often turns out very favorably.

RidgeRunner - You remind me alot of Me! :wink: Z[/quote]

What a lovely compliment Zoe, thank you! :slight_smile:

That sounds like a very reasonable spell to use! I’m going to work that up and definitely let you ladies know how it works for me! I really appreciate your help ridgerunner!!! And always appreciate your input Zoe!

You’re welcome, good luck! :wink:

i seem to notice that women need the atmosphere to shift and change by the power of words can cause movement in there brains. its very strange phenonmenon most men dont think of a hot hollywood female actor that creates an atmosphere of coolness and closeness. but women on the other hand are over taken by atmosphere shifts of reality example leonardo decaprio and matt damon in movies can create this atmosphere shifts for most women. but men dont care about a woman way off in hollywood we know more importantly that words and atmosphere are cheap and action is better. so knowing this how can you call a spirit to set up the sex trap to let the lucky lady drift into the spirits arms then the spirit to prompt you to take it from there anyone know any good spirits to call

Hmm… I find your wording and your generalizations confusing and off putting. You are most definitely making some sweeping generalizations of what women and men are like. Not all women fall for cheap atmospheric tricks and not all men are immune to them. The very reason why some of us (men and women both) do love magic is to put a non-physical call/draw out to someone who’s unique, uninhibited, and at a level beyond this kind of stereotypical nonsense when it comes to sex.

I think he was talking about confidence. I think it’s quite natural for a woman to feel the presence of a highly confident, self-assured man when he walks in the room. It’s the way we interact, not only with women but also with other men that draws a woman in. She is a most observant creature who picks up on the subtle energies of our interactions. It’s those actions that the hollywood actors personify. It’s true that many men can imitate these behaviors, without having any substance to their character. We have a word for such men, it’s called Douchebag. Some ladies (not all) are unable to discern the difference between a dominant man and an imitator, dominant men can spot a poser and a weakling instantly. It’s our nature to do so. That really has nothing to do with magick or spirits though.

ZachD: You think like a grown man, and it is evident in the way you translated that nonsense! Thank you for that. But it doesn’t absolve the obviously juvenile thoughts expressed by the other.

RidgeRunner: Thank you for calling shite shite.

lol thanks Zoe.

I think RidgeRunner did a fine job of calling him out on his adolescent bullshit. Quite entertaining to try and figure out wtf he was talking about.

Alcohol, loads of alcohol…that works like a charm

I disagree on some of the things mentioned in this thread. In reality the only thing that makes it possible to get laid by a woman is some very strong magick. Without magick it is nearly impossible to get laid by a women. They just simply aren’t interested in sex otherwise. When I say strong magic, I mean something much more than a simple candle spell. Believe me, I’ve tried. A simple candle spell works great for other things but less for getting laid. Every time I’ve been laid it’s been after doing some big spell. According to my journal I keep, my spell is only effective during certain times a year during the right conditions.

That being said, what kind of big guns can one use to get laid more regularly. I am considering Babalon but I’m not quite sure how to invoke/use her. Any thoughts or suggestions or spells, etc. either with Babalon or anything else if more effective? Thank you.

Oops. I guess I should have read page 2 about the babalon spell. I can try that BUT my interest seems to lie more with what this fellow asked. Something very powerful.
By the way, I saw what people said about that guy thus I want to avoid that by giving my reasoning here. I am an adult (not juvenile) but I have the skills of a NASA scientist with an early PhD (because I am one) that I got a couple years ago. This is what I have rather than the skills behind attracting girls. Thus magick is absolutely necessary to get the ladies.

Can you just use E.A.'s Sigil Magick to influence a lover? or must you do a full evocation of a spirit such as Sitri?


See my thread about froglatash. It should help you in your quest for knowldedge.
