What would you tell your 15-year old Self If You Could?

I Would Tell Them That The Future Would Be Full Of Challenges, Hardships And Tough Times, But Things Do Get Better.


All of the superbowl winners for the next 25 years.


I would tell myself to study harder in math and stop worrying that you don’t have a boyfriend because in a few years that will be the least of your worries.

Also keep up the occult stuff.


I would be frank and honest about what life is actually about. It is for living in the present. There is no tomorrow.

Do not become part of the system. Don’t pursue a degree. There is no such thing as a career, only jobs that keep you barely afloat.

Don’t care what anyone else thinks about you. Live for yourself. Go into the afterlife with no regrets or remorse.


Assuming that my three children would still be born oh, here is my advice…

In the very near future you would normally Embrace something known as being born again. Reject that even though it’s going to be difficult because you will be very lonely without any group of friends. You need to stick with martial arts and find a way to get hold the Necronomicon in any other occult books that you can get your hands on. Also, College really is not for you and you need to pick a career path that does not require higher education.

Your asshole father has been fucking around on your mother for years so don’t maintain ties with him so that you can encourage somebody who never had the guts to divorce his wife and move on.
Follow your heart and resist Dogma and all will be well.

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Look up magick and become a living god, but tread carefully.


Dont fall in love


@Gwenevere my 28yo self needs to listen to itself more too. For real :slight_smile:

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Haha super cute.

I would tell two things:

Go to Art school in other city!

Don’t take anything you read in New Age book so seriously!!

There is more than one way to solve each and every problem that you have, stop letting your emotions control you and in the future you will learn to think more logically and rationally. - all of which came true

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I completely understand intention of that yet It is hardly possible for 15yo even 16yo to control emotion - it is still peak of puberty when you can’t help hormones :sweat_smile:

Lol, tbh even at 15 I was considered more mature than other 15 year old students, especially by my teachers and my friends parents. I knew what I wanted to do in life, how to articulate what I meant in a conversation, social cues, I was also very analytical and a deep thinker at 15, tbh emotionally, I feel the same now as I did when I was 15 and I’m in my mid-20’s now, the only thing that’s changed is the self control part.

But yes, hormones do come into it.

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Trust yourself more.


Thats’s awesome… It is so vital to build up confidence and immune to gaslighting or else shitty things that can happen :blue_heart:

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If I could convince my 2006 self that my 2021 self was really imparting warnings and wisdom I would say some of the following: I remember how broken and hopeless you feel BUT HEED MY WORDS!!, I know it’s hard but Do a better job finding social contacts they are close by, but you are so jaded by the harassment and rejection from some that you are pushing them away. Keep talking to girls, and you will find your excuses as to why you can’t find one that likes you disappear. Here are instructions for passing high school and getting the right employment post HS no one has told you about, you learn about Aleister Crowley and the occult at 17, here’s how not to get into strict atheism at 19 like I did with certain spiritual practices.


I would say drop out of Government School, Get your GED, and then Go to college since the courses are the same and people would be more apt to throw money at you for your education because you seem more interesting.

I would also tell myself that STEM is complete propaganda made by deceiving megacorps who want to rip you off. You will have to take time to see though the lies to get in the best position. Verify before you trust, but you can always pretend to keep things moving along as long as the steaks are low enough.


Hello, Me. I imagine this may be a bit of a shock. I hope you take these suggestions and ideas seriously; I certainly wish I had received a ‘magick letter’ like this, in my own past.

First thing’s first: Diet. You feel like you can eat whatever you want right now, riding high on the robustness of growing youth; but that’s only because you can’t see the damage that has already accumulated. Don’t worry about that, though- you can fix pretty much all of it. your prescription is: No more plants. For any reason. No bread?!? No sugar?! ESPECIALLY no sugar. You’re an addict and don’t know it. If you doubt me, then just do a trial run, test it; 30 days will be more than enough. Meat is your new medicine, and you shall take it every day. Aim for fatty meat. Ground beef, 80/20, is perfect to eat all the time, learn to cook it up in patties on the stove. You may find yourself craving other meats, follow this signal. Your parents will probably argue against this bizarre decision; stand firm. They will demand justification, do not yield to them. Your doctor will be shocked, if not outraged, will demand you stop and go back to those 12 servings per day of Whole Grains, will make claims of cholesterol and heart attacks, will try to put you on medication if you persist. That ‘science’ is a sham. Do Not Yield. The results will speak for themselves. Seek out ‘zero carb’ communities online if you feel you need social support.

Next: Martial Arts. Get into Brazilian Jujitsu if you can find a school nearby, otherwise research for yourself what sort of practice is most appealing. Keep in mind that some styles are more injury-prone than others, even just in practice.

Highschool: Take the learning more seriously, the homework and studying isn’t THAT bad. You will regret failing and sub-optimal grades more than missing an extra hour of CoD every day.
Stop trying to be emotionless Spock-Data-Robotperson. Humans just don’t work that way, you are hurting yourself. Don’t be afraid of your feelings. You don’t master them by trying to crush them out of existence.
Take the social scene LESS seriously. Yes, you’re awkward. Guess what? So is everyone else, some of them just got past it sooner. Don’t try to be perfect, be natural instead; relax. Learn to laugh at yourself. Genuine people will laugh WITH you in empathy, not at you.
Stand up to bullies. Take no shit, respect yourself and assert your boundaries. You probably won’t HAVE to use that martial-arts knowledge, but you’ll for sure be glad you have it.
GIRLS. They’re flirting with you all the time, dude, don’t ignore them. There’s nothing like teenage love, you don’t want to miss out. You probably aren’t going to meet your soulmate, but you’ll have a lot of fun and learn very important things. Ask out your crushes, learn to take "no"s and breakups in stride, they aren’t nearly as bad as you think, you always recover, there is always a new opportunity afterward.

PORN. Quit it, it’s a drug. You don’t want it the same way you don’t want to get on heroin. Fantasize about sex all you want, but don’t use porn, video, picture, or book. It’s complicated and no one is really talking about this yet in your time, so you’re gonna have to take my word for it, just like the meat-diet; but trust me, you want to break up with this particular ‘demon’ ASAP.

Did you think that was going to be all? Just boring old adult-sounding nonsense? “Where’d my weird go?!?” Boy, you have no idea how weird it gets.

First, get a journal. Actually, get two. Start using one for whatever you like right now; save the second.
Next, a book, to be acquired as discretely as possible; you don’t need your parents in on THIS business. Maybe you’ll be able to download an ebook version? Easier to hide, that’s for sure.
“Advanced Magick for Beginners”, by Alan Chapman.
YES, magick. Shut up. Resist the impulse to reflexively deny a thing that doesn’t fit in your current worldview. How ‘scientific’ is it, really, to dismiss an idea without doing any tests at all? You don’t know, right now, but oh are you going to find out. Keep your skepticism on hand, cause there’s a lot of nonsense in the magick scene, but keep it honest too. TEST. TEST. TEST. Keep pushing the limits- it’s the only way to find out which ones are actually real.
One other author to keep an eye out for, (he isn’t publishing in your time quite yet, wait for ~2014), John Kreiter. He was my own introduction to ‘energy work’, and presents the paradigm and techniques without the kinds of woo-woo nonsense you may stumble upon reading other sources on the topic.

Following the above advice will likely lead to a lifepath diverging from my own in ways I cannot know with any kind of certainty, so it becomes difficult to make further concrete suggestions. I’ll tell you a little of my own path, in case you are curious. I spent too long just reading about magick, instead of investigating it. I leaned hard into the Chaos philosophy. I decided that serving some ‘Outside’ force or god was not for me, and began pursuing self-empowerment, personal Godhood, The “Left-Hand Path.” My main archetype of interest is the Vampyre, and I am reading many books on the practice of vampyric magick and the predatory metaphysical stance. Perhaps you, too, will find that figure inspiring?

… Tell your family you love them. Right now. And keep doing it. You don’t know how much they really mean to you, and you might not find out just how much that really is, until after they’re gone.

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TMI and cliche, but I actually wrote this months ago so I’ll add to it…
please put down the pills, the stomach pump you’ll wake up to isn’t fun and there’s so much waiting to happen.
Life will surprise you.
Ignore the fake friends you have at the moment and just go for the “weird witchy shit” - it’ll pay off a lot more than what you’re planning to do- just partying and drugging with those fake friends into oblivion.
Know your worth
Know your power
Know your thoughts have always been true and you never did your man wrong
Stranger danger stranger danger that man is too old for you and he plays basketball with your teachers!

tw// self harm

You can’t help everyone. None of the “friends” will be there when you need them. Stop hitting yourself. Stop blaming yourself. You’re beautiful. I wish you could feel how amazing you are, I wish you could feel the strength you have within you. I wish you had someone with you who would give you the space to just feel. You did well, little me. You did well. You can take a break now