What would you tell your 15-year old Self If You Could?

Start meditating, start reading and you don’t have to be nice to others, it doesn’t count . you only have to be strong. And in future you are going to be a GOD, if not The GOD, so just bear it for a while.


Don’t stick your fingers in that!


Leave him, where were going he can no longer save us. What we will evolve too is something greater than what you are.


Nothing, a 15 year old me would not listen to anything…
What can I say… I was a stubborn kid … :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


What could I possibly say to my 15 year old self? Nothing, because my past has shaped me to who I am today. Why would I change that with some premonitional clichés like: “You will get your heart broken a few times.”, or “There will be struggles and deaths in your family.”. What could 15 year old me do about these kind of revelations? Would I invent a curative elixir for cancer to save my dad when I’m 24? That’s a whole lot of pressure on a 15 year old that allready struggles with hormones and heartbrakes on a girl he’s deeply in love with.

I rather re-live the experience beyond the 15 year old me and do nothing to change it.


life doesn’t get any better…


Instead of copying and pasteing everyone else’s answers I’ll just say all of the above.


dont pick the brunette girl pick the blondie one and half of your life will be awesome…


Frankly I’d go to 8th grade or seventh grade me. I’d explain Aspergers to him, then tell him his friends care about him and he needs to open up and communicate with them. I’d then encourage him to get into the occult, to start with something simple and practice at it. However, he should not tell anyone else. A secretive magician is a safe magician. Then he must get a job to fund an altar. Also, he should go out with Helga when she expressed an interest. Even a temporary relationship means experience.

Honestly, I want to project my consciousness back in time to do this. I believe its possible.


I like this! Well stated.


This is beautiful!


Empowerment! I like this. At that age I felt like the person you are describing. I would have given anything for someone to give me the same advice. My pastor did NOT help me at all.


You’ll never speak to any of these people again after graduation. Go get your Ocha!


Dont smoke, practice instruments and meditate.


I’d tell my 15 year old self to try and get into nasal snuff from Sol Levy Tobacconist Extraordinaire in Sydney. I remember getting into serious amounts of caffeine at that age.

I’d also tell myself: That if your Magick isn’t fun you’re not doing it right!



Go and find Sallos as soon as possible!!!
I met him 4 years ago.I wish I had met him before


If I knew then what I know now about high school, I would have stopped attending and got a GED instead. Peer pressure was a waste of time.


The next five years are going to be a roller coaster ride good and bad. So here is some advice:

  • Most people aren’t assholes. It’s just that they exist. Know the difference and don’t be a fucking asshole!
  • They tease you because they fear you. If they don’t respect you, then they must fear you. Respect yourself.
  • Find a place that teaches something called Krav Maga, Kung-Fu, Boxing or Karate.
  • You like basketball and football. Continue to play sports, even if you suck at it. You are good at running. Those long walks with Grandpa have prepared you well. That flexibility and stamina will come in handy.
  • Mama is being hard on you and an asshole for a reason. Learn from this. You will understand why later.
  • Grandma loves you, but she is not your friend, See above.
  • Learn from your uncle’s mistakes. You won’t end up like him. Mama is not so sure. Prove her wrong.
  • Try to save as much money as possible. Learn to invest. Something called Google is coming. You will know what to do.
  • You are good at science and computers, but they are not going to make you any money. Improve your weak math skills. Seriously. You will see arithmetic, fractions, algebra, and geometry again. Get ready for something called STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). Especially if you want to:
  • Program computers (coding). Learn something called Visual Basic. Improve those math skills! Then learn something called C++ or Python.
  • About girls/women: They are trouble! Roses have thorns for a reason. Leave them alone. Focus on improving yourself. Be selfish in this regard. Focus on yourself. The right girl will come along.
  • Most females, especially the the pretty ones, seem like self-centered, egotistical, selfish bitches. Well, because they are. Learn to see beyond their bullshit and you’ll find that there is actually no mystery to them. Start to know what to look for in a woman. There is a list in the book of Proverbs.
  • Again, don’t give a fuck what anyone else says, even Mama and Grandma, They will screw you over! Focus on yourself. Be selfish in this regard. Make your own decisions. Use your common sense. Think about the consequences of your actions. Learn from people, but don’t let them run your life. You will see the wisdom of this very soon.
  • The path you started with mediation in junior high school is the right path. You will find out many things. You sense that church is not what it seems. You’re right. Believe in the teachings of Jesus. Just leave the religious bullshit alone. Find your own path.
  • In fact, if you need further advice, I recommend the book of Proverbs. You can’t go wrong.
  • A hard head leads to a soft ass. There is a time to be hard headed and there is a time to just be humble take advice and obey. Life is about knowing the difference. Prioritize!
  • You are going to have to do the things you hate to get what you want. Get used to it. So get up off your lazy ass and do it! Prioritize!

Well first thing I’d say stop letting your mother guilt trip you and stop owning the nonstop beratement and control of your father
Join the military and escape this hell
Also dont go into Christian ministry all the selfless devotion won’t win you any love
And your Dad was right you are dammed to hell and cursed by an angry God but it be ok
And break ties with family dont let Amber talk you into restart a relationship

You are trans you idiot. Men don’t want to be women deep down. You are a trans woman deal with it. That’s what I would tell my 15 year old self.