What would you do if you’ve got an enemy in the occult?

Learn defensive Magick. And also protect those that you care about that can’t protect you. Your weaknesses are them. Try to not make enemies of you feel you will never be able to win, but do make allies having friends can save your ass.

But biggest thing of all just don’t go toe to toe with the big fish if your just a Fry.

A strong will alone won’t stop someone from harming you energetically, not to pick on your anxiety or anything but it’s better to rip that Band-Aid off before the wrong idea becomes spread lol.

The comments that basically tell you to learn defenses is the best way to go, personally my defenses are general by that I mean I continuously alter my vibrations (not in the silly new age sense) but my vibrations never vibrate on the same frequency at a given time which is a defense in and of itself.


Sorry I didn’t even know what she meant

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You can’t worry about what can happen you need to be proactive.

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Step 1: locate enemy.

Step 2: Punch enemy’s face until they are no longer a threat.

Step 3: Go have a beer.


If he say send demons not worry. worrie about the ones whit voido. Palo. Or spirts from far away
I have been treat by a lot of peopls, whit years of magic, the last one one cementary guy,who work whit spirts, read above suite u condition, baths be like 25/help clean u area maybe 14/ spirts invocation, offerings 60/changes.and do a atack back. To reduce damage in case hws good

I typically go on the offensive, as I regularly update my wards and other protections. It’s come in handy when some people like to “ping” me. Happens from time-to-time and it’s better to practice before you need to use it.

Bind them, send servitors and willing spirits to harass them as they try to sleep, petition higher level entities to intervene on my behalf, baneful candle magic…

There’s nothing that says you can’t practice your baneful spells in advance. Go find the local sex offender registry (you’re misusing the system, so don’t give details to anyone), practice your spells, keep an eye on local news/gossip. Or if you know someone that needs someone dealt with, then they can be your eyes and ears.


Ah, I always knew you’re a smart dude.

The thing about fists is that, at difference of magick, ALWAYS work and always work the second you want to use them.


One… make peace with him/her or… two… get smarter !

First off, I breathe and calm myself. Panic does not help situations and can lead to very easy mistakes. Matters like this require patience and observation, so a level head is necessary. You will also have to keep your work quiet, so acting dumb or unaware is not a bad idea. I’ve had targets literally tell me what they were attempting to throw at me while I was present because they thought I was listening to music with headphones and could not hear them (I love the reveal one’s enemy ritual from magickal attack).

I go both defensive and offensive. I make sure my wards and shields are strong as well as efficiently layered. This involves a variety of techniques that intervene with eachother.

Once that is covered, I need to learn as much about my enemy as possible, especially personal flaws. This can be done by making associations with individuals close to the target or general observations. Once i have it, i begin a series of smaller rituals that build up to a strong offense involving said weakness.

I know this is not exactly detailed, but I am in a similiar boat as @Lady_Eva, as I don’t want to give away all my tricks. For every one I share here, I have others hiding in their shadow. I’ve been involved in conflicts involving magic outside of the forum.


Is the master protection ritual from magickal protection by Damon Brand and LBRP enough to protect from occult enemy?? @Dralukmun @Ryce ?? Performing it few times a day??

I am currently testing the master protection ritual so I cannot say for sure. I am currently pondering the calls to the genius spirits mentioned in the book and debating if it would cover all avenues of attack. While curses can be directed completely to the person’s body (sych as baneful magick), it is not the only method of attack. That is why variety is important, and luckily that book does provide that with the other rituals.

LBRP is great for clearing the air, which could be a good defense. I do like the Sword Banishment technique as well, and nothing quite beats an old uncrossing when you find yourself tangled.


It says it deflects curses and attacks , and acts as an uncrossing ritual. It ensures you’re less likely to be a victim of violence , random accidents and bad luck. I wonder if this ritual works against an occultist enemy but yeah tell me how it is :slight_smile:

Right, it deflects it off the person. But, depending on how skilled an enemy is and whether or not they are calm enough to adapt, there are other avenues for attack. If one’s defenses are too strong, attacking the things the target cares about is an efficient means to break them down enough for that direct attack to work. That is why there are other rituals to protect specific aspects of life in the book, otherwise the master protection ritual would be enough and it would be a very short book.

And it is important to note that while there are lines that people who do curse may not be comfortable to cross, it does not mean an enemy won’t. For example, cursing a loved one of the target so they watch the suffering. It’s not a line i won’t cross but i know it is not something outside of the realm of possiblity if someone wanted to hit me hard, which is why i went down avuenes to make sure it is covered


How are your defences?? Can you pm me?? If you don’t trust me it’s fine , I’ll do my best myself , you’re right, there is higher potent curses that may break the master protection ritual I believe… I’m looking into the rituals past the master protection

…sometimes you get in your own way with that kind of thinking.


I am still experimenting with it so I cannot say for certain one way or another. It does look solid for a protection for the body, but there is more to the body than the self. The relationships and social interactions/systems we take part in build up the ego. Attack those, and you can bring even the strongest to their knees, which is why it is important to cover that as well.

My defenses work for me, and it has been an ongoing process to weed out all the cracks, which many were self made. Mine revolves taking the basics (shielding, wards, servitor creation, tailsman creation, energy work, spirit work, specific spells) and building a system through those smaller rituals. As well as maintaining them often.

I will say that learning how to curse and getting into that mindset is an efficient way to get you starting to think how to layer protection. To get started with that, I recommend Magickal Attack by Gordon Winterfield as a place to start. From there, examining how curses work in multiple traditions and start to see how they are structured and methods of attack they use to better defend yourself.


Very true, it should hold off many attacks and very few can destroy it . It’s the mindset I believe so thanks

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I have never used the Master Protection Ritual. I read mostly ‘old books’ xD

The LBRP is a great ritual. It can be modified and used for all sorts of different things. Using it for defense, my suggestion to you would be to really focus on the pentagrams, the invocation of the angelic archetypes, and really get a feel for energy that you are moving. One time a day is good enough. If you want, you can do it it two times a day: once in the morning and once before bed.

To protect yourself and others with the ritual, don’t just anoint the halls with the pentagram. When you are in the ritual, drawing the pentagrams, expand them. See them shielding yourself, your house, your property, those close to you. Keep them all in the protective circle you are creating. Feel the energies realign around them and know that they are safe within the sphere.

As a preamble you could do the Qabalistic Cross as a sort of invocation of Omnipotence before and in closing after. As is traditionally taught. It will give the ritual an extra oomph in power.

Once you have preformed the LBRP, you could do the Analysis of the Keyword, or LVX. Its another ritual taught in the Golden Dawn, but it draws down divine power potently. Instead of your typical white light, you should use Red and project the properties of the Archangel Michael into the light. When you command the light to descend, you bringing Michael crashing down into your earthly sphere of reality, drawing forth his protective, cleansing powers, to saturate you and those around you, your property, etc. Be sure to see and feel every atom get anointed with the angels power.

So the order goes:
Qabalistic Cross, LBRP, LVX, Qabalistic Cross.

You can do it once or twice daily.

But if that all is complicated, I admit it might be for a beginner, you can just stick with the LBRP. Just project the pentacles out into a space, via visualization, so that it protects everything important to you as a catch all.

Other than that C.Wilson has some good points.

Believe in yourself, and don’t shoot yourself in the foot by doubting yourself or your effectiveness. You are fighting magic with magic. If you are in this serious of a situation, you don’t have the luxury to doubt yourself. Your curser surely has self-confidence, and you don’t doubt their abilities? A lot of people give their ‘enemy’ way too much credit in terms of power. <-- Just an FYI there. As I said before, doubt, worry and anxiety bring their own energetic values to your workings, and they don’t effect them in a positive way.

You are just as worthy to wield magic as anybody else.


So once LBRP is enough a day to keep them off?? Okay and I performed the master ritual as well that works as uncrossing and deflects attacks and curses , thank you for directly telling me this , no offence but most people don’t give out direct answers and I needed a direct answer in this case , you mentioned me just once or twice LBRP is enough, so thank you , you’ve got “great reply” on your reputation so I’m more confident that I trust u , no offence to others !!!