What technique can i use to drain someone’s energy to the level they cant even think properly and just become weak physically?

I am a beginner and i can imagine things well so i am trying to get into vampirism as this suits me best. I need the technique step by step to drain the person.
Any help would be appreciated thanks!

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Any technique that allows you to drain should be sufficient, simplest being the tendril one.

You can also use your non dominant hand like a vacuum and visualize it pulling in energy as you inhale. I would envision a mouth of some kind in your palm as you do it.

The rest is a matter of willpower, honestly.

You’ll probably be working at it awhile to achieve your goal.

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So the person i am thinking of doing it on i know their whole environment when they sleep and the bed and everything so i can imagine being there at the night? And imagine a tendril going from my hand to their heart chakra and pulling the energy in? If this is right method then how much long should i do it for to just weaken the heart chakra a bit and gain the benefits of that into me?

This isn’t an exact science.

This kind of thing has a lot of variables and nuance.

You’ll have to figure it out when you do it. I can’t give you a prescribed amount of time or anything. Follow your intuition.

Added tip: one technique used for vampiric beginners is to fast for a long time so that you become physically very hungry, and use that feeling to drive your feeding. As above so below, as below so above

Sure, that should work.

You could also visualize a portal that connects your space to theirs that you shoot the tendril through.

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I know where person sleeps but the person lives far away from me. How should i do it?
Should i imagine myself being in their room and standing over them while they are sleeping and having my claws extend and suck that energy in?

I am a beginner so anything would be helpful

If you have to ask then you are probably not ready for such an operation, even most unenlightened have some defences in place, if you knew how to punch through such defences then you’d also have no problems knowing how to “drain someone’s root chakra”.


I will be doing sigils to break protection and petition king vine to break any protections if they have.

What should i do next

@SonOfLucifer Please keep your posts that are for the same issue in the same topic. I have merged your new post in here to keep things together :slight_smile: :+1: .

You already have two topics open for your research, one about books and this. It’s helpful for others to see the answers you have already been provided so that they can offer something different and not just repeat what you already heard.

I dont have astral abilities and i wanna drain someone’s chakra is there any method of visualisation by which i can achieve this?

Bruh! Please stop making duplicate topics.

This was already answered above. No one said you had to astral travel.

Imagining being next to them is not the same as astral traveling. It CAN be, but you don’t have to intend it that way. You do have to connect your energy to theirs somehow.

Did you try the search yet? Look up vampirism tutorial.

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Hey sorry, but i looked up many places and I thought astral travel is required to travel to their place and then doing the energy work
So i can just do it with imagination?

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Sorry for these much posts i got confused my bad and i am new sorry again forgive me

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Pick up a copy of the Anthology of Sorcery Volume 3 and read up on the Ugly Stick curse, by Reine Sharpe, which is all about attacking someone’s chakras.

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Thank u