What sigil can i put on mousepad for wealth?

So i use a blank white sheet as my mouse mad and i am thinking of putting some magick into it any sigil of demons or angels. What do u recommend?

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I recommend Bune’s sigil.


bune sigil

As for looks she is very gorgeous, she kind of looks like a mix of Jennifer Lawrence and, some say, Cardi B. I am not familiar with the male aspect of Bune. Bune has always appeared female to me.


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No wayyyy this coincidence

I petitioned bune a few days ago for job and the paper is still there havent got the job yet but i thought about putting that paper as my mousepad now I definitely will


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bune is great, but I think she’s very slow to carry out the requests, but when she does, man you have the world

You know, the funny thing about bune for me is many people swear she is a female goddess, but I’ve only ever directly witnessed Bune as a dark multi-headed male serpent entity. Deep voice and weighty, earthy energy.

I thought of her as a dragon with a female lady calming voice idk why maybe i am shit at imagining something

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The UPG of a former member of the forum equated Bune with the Egyptian goddess Wadjet, and everyone else just kind of picked that up and ran with it. Suddenly people started experiencing a female entity.

More traditional magicians, such as Henry Archer, believe the proper name of the entity is actually Bime and that Bune is a corruption.


I always believed she was feminine, even my altar to her was with an Egyptian woman and she was called she,
In the end he appeared to me like a big black panther with a deep voice and I understood that he was male to me

I also believed this about wadjet, but today I see it as another bestial creature or non-human animal, many people persist in wanting to assimilate daemons with deities from random pantheons and not the simple fact that they are demons or jinn and that’s fine, they may even have their counterpart in some deity as inspiration such as Lilith, Isis or even a Mesopotian goddess, but today I simply treat them as demons, spirits, etc… and this has made my practices much easier
Why don’t they need complex or crazy research if you accept the fact that they are demons for example, in the end for them, perhaps it is more comfortable to make agreements or pray to gods than demons.

Couldn’t find a better image BUT, this one (it’s in one of the anthology of sorcery books, third? Was it?)


When you’re fidgety, you can rotate your mouse counter clockwise over it as an invoking of wealth energy.

I would also include other sigils.

You might also try:

It was my intention that this should be viable even very much after the fact.

I can say with a fair bit of certainty that it’s helped immensely all year long, in tandem with other workings as well.

Hasn’t been a cakewalk, but things always lineup the way they need to.

I should probably do something of the sort again before the year is out…

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