Interested in seeing these answers , what’s your guys personality type ? I’m an INTP, and my personality type traits are prerty much all accurate to what am I actually like. This is the quiz to get your personality type Free Personality Test | 16Personalities
Such idleness, in a Saturday night, on the internet, very magickal indeed
It would be interesting to see if certain personality types are more into to magick than others and if so what kind. I love psychology
I’m an ENTJ into chaos magick mentalism alchemy shamanism etc
Thank you thats what I was gonna add, ENTJ the commander , wish I was an ENTJ prob would actually get shit done
Being into spirituality is pretty much a genetical thing. I had a little course about this test when I was in the university, among other systems, but doing it just to show the results to people is just like doing tests to know what anime character we are.
That’s really pessimistic , just stop if you don’t wanta participate
Well I actually have a lot of love for the introverted perceptive types
Also as an entj I’m finding I’m really burned out and going into therapy next week…so then maybe after I’m fixed I can go back to getting stuff done
Still try though
Never did it just to show the results to people but to understand myself better and be more productive Also found it helps understand your relationships better
I analyze 8 sides to every decision , chronic over thinker , see my body as a transporter for my head
Mbti isn’t always accurate but mine was extremely accurate and so far reading the types my friends are helps me to understand them better really well actually
Where I live, companies make people go through a lot of tests that tell them things about the workers that are totally unrelated to the jobs, but that may be compromising, thus people developed systems in order to lie in a convincing way, otherwise they wouldn’t be hired, thus nobody has respect for these things, but if you can make a good use of it, that’s cool.
Im INTJ, I overanalyze EVERYTHING, im introverted and dislike connecting to other people. As a natural empath and telepath, my younger years sucked, always connecting to others and feeling there baggage.
We’re not using this as a means to get a reward like in the situation you described therefore everyone leaving their response is most likely being genuine, no point in lying about it here
I’m an INFP. I’m not certain how that relates to my magical practice, other than perhaps my (usually) preferring to do it alone, and not being overly hung up on following other people’s paths and methods. An INFP is often a loner, and also a wiseass. My magick is like that sometimes.
The mastermind , do you set big goals a lot for the future and have a strong visionary mindset ?
Atleast you have the Feeling in your personality , which can help you be aware in social situations, I’m an emotionless robot at times , Do you kind of feel like your being walked over for being too nice at times ? INFP are like the peacemakers I believe
Yeah, im your typical stubborn fae, my goal is becoming stronger then my enemies and crushing them. Then I’ll finish what I started long ago.
I do feel rather emotionless at times myself. I’ll do whatever it takes to reach my goal. I have a very difficult time connecting to people, or giving a damn about them.
INFP-A / INFP-T Mediator. interesting, thanks for posting Mr Wick
Same I relate to that last part so much , I like bonding with people over passions and deep conversations , but besides that most people aggervate me for being too loud or I just think what they’re saying is retarded ,I love intellectuals , small talk is so appalling to me, it’s verbal crap, INTP and INTJ are both seen as almost sociopathic at times , more so INTJS because they do anything to accomplish their goals