What my angelic decks has for you! (Practice readings)

Could I get a reading from deck 5 please? Thank you for offering this

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An orthodox approach is needed at this time. Follow the structures and rules already in place. Make choices that favor the status quo. This is not the time to take a risk – instead, a conservative route might be the best.
Bring your issues to a trusted advisor. A spiritual leader, therapist, teacher, mentor, counselor or other authority figure may be able to help you find the solution to your issue.
Check in with your moral compass – let your spiritual beliefs guide you to making the right decision. Follow your conscience and take the higher road.
Seek a solid foundation – whether that be a foundation of knowledge and skill or a structure such as a “regular job.”

You’re almost to the finish line! Stay on your grind and you’ll reach your destination soon.
If you want to achieve big things, you must be willing to put in the blood, sweat and tears. Put your back into it!
Persevere, even though the burdens feel heavy.
If you have the resources take on extra responsibilities. These responsibilities could be anything from new duties at work to taking care of a family member.
Things may feel rough at this time, but you’ve got this. You’re strong. You can do this!
If you’re feeling overloaded, seek help rather than going it alone.

Embrace change. Do not fear it or run from it. Instead, lean into it. Initiate it, if need be.
Let go of the old, the outworn, all the things you’ve outgrown. Do not hold on to the past for the past is gone. Declutter. Liquidate. Get rid of it all. Get down to the bones. Clear it all away to make way for new growth. Out with the old, in with the new.

Follow your higher calling. If you are being called toward a particular path or action, answer the call. Use good judgement at this time. Examine every aspect of the situation before making a judgement call.
Throw off the old, embrace the new. This is a time of awakening, or rebirth. Rejoice for a major change is at hand! Once cycle closes, another is about to begin.
Consult with your higher guidance. Let your guides lead the way.

Make a change in your life. If you’ve been struggling or walking down the wrong path, it’s never too late.

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The shadow you have felt hanging over you will soon pass, and the warmth of your life will return.
Organize and examine your thoughts in solitude. Your dormant qualities of inner strength and self respect will guide you.
Your imagination will bring you success if your thoughts are coupled with practical action. The struggle to reach your potential may bring about many conflicts in your life, but the results will be beautiful.
Your dreams may hold answers that the your conscious does not. Your subconscious rises to the surface.

The cards heavily insists on relaxing! Meditation and sleep!

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You maybe in a position to mediate a conflict, or you are caught in the middle of a dilemma with no clear outcome. The resolution of this state will likely bring peace for you.
There is unexpected news on its way. In order to benefit from the changes coming, you must rely on your intelligence and ability to adapt.
A joint partnership is moving forward fast and you will reap the benefits soon.

“Let there be light” . . . And with those words creation sprang forth from darkness and propelled all of us on our eternal paths of discovery and enlightenment.

Our Ancestors live on through us and within us.

Hi @MiKu , could I have a reading with Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Metatron?

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

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I really appreciate this

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2 cards about children! There might be something important here!

Card 55 holds a Master number vibration and the energy of the Red Ray.

What you feel as random, chaotic, and disjointed in your world is a result of your scattered thoughts, words, and feelings that you have sent out into the greater universe, either consciously or unconsciously.

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Of course and ‘this’ hurts my soul

I would say yes, and the woman appears to be our Mom. But a part of me agrees my mom’ could be toxic but I also understand everything was out of love. She only wanted him to be a better person. He is 31 and still acts like he is 18. I can’t figure out what it is with him but it hurts my soul every time…all of his mates I knew way back are living ‘at least’ fine maybe not luxury but they are settled.

I have no idea what that could be? Did he lose himself?

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I don’t know :confused: maybe you should ask him what he lost?

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Thank you @MiKu , it hits home very well!

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I would really like a reading, I have been experiencing nothing but disaster when I work with angels. Honestly it feels like the more I try to connect and do pathworking the more angry and cynical I feel.

This has happened again and again each time I work with them be it any of the 72 angels of Shem, or any that is not Raphael, or Metatron.

I have been feeling confused and angry for days and could really use some clarity. I’m guessing the last deck, the Metatron one since I feel fine general working with him. Maybe that and the Raphael one?


Thanks @MiKu for the speedy reply. This reading really hits home and I know is extremely accurate to my situation. Thanks again

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If you are still reading, can you read with anyone about what i should do in spiritual growth ? thanks

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I am using the angel tarot to get a better look about your situation!
There might be someone around you that does not have your best interests at heart. They are immature and like to focus their energy on drama and conflict.
Miscommunication is coming up too…
The information you received isn’t complete, which caused the struggles you’ve experienced. Lack of preparation and small setbacks to your plans is causing you to feel defeated.
The defeat your facing is traumatic, and you need to retreat and regroup. You may have suffered injury to your pride or self-esteem. Be warned not to get caught in the cycle. Handle defeat with grace, move on, and success will come to you.
In order to succeed, you must be honest with yourself.
Are you being taken advantage of in an important relationship in your life?
If you open your heart to new opportunities, you will find that what happened to you is the exception, not the rule. You deserve to live a life full of love and intimacy. You can only do that if you open yourself up to something new.

Somewhere along your life’s path you can expect to be truly happy. It is heavily tied to creative endeavour and good wishes for the future. The goal you have set for yourself is down the road a ways. Stay true to your desires and you will reach the destination you seek. Balance your heart and mind to find a true calling.

Release your worries and try to relax, so everything improves faster.

You are asked to take a moment to think about what you really believe . . .

Card number 7 links to the energy of the planet Neptune, helping you dive into your imagination and intuition as well as the land of dreams.

Since this card mentions Neptune! It might be helpful to know its retrograding…

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Thank you so much! This has given me a whole lot to think on, and I feel like it will help me navigate my situation.

I think the person might be myself, I am not being honest with myself and don’t really have the right motives.

All this really spoke to me and I can thank you enough seriously.


well,ill admit im a tad curious

id like you to give me a reading from the guardian angel deck

I’m really quite curious as to what these cards have to say about a demon-possessed,polytheistic satanist like myself :stuck_out_tongue:


What a great reading!! Thank you so much, I appreciate this a lot! :’)


Thank you so much for that. That has given me some clarity on some of things going on right now. You we spot on.