What my angelic decks has for you! (Practice readings)

Absolutely and indeed, thanks @MiKu.


Yes! Still doing this!

This situation, as it currently stands, won’t bring you the joy that you seek. There are options available to you. One is to wait. This will certainly improve your outlook, either because you will learn more information, or because something better will come along. The second option is to go ahead with the current situation. You certainly have the free will to do so.
Your life has been noisy lately, and you need to escape into a place of natural tranquillity. It is time for you to be alone in nature, even if it is for just a brief while.
It’s not your imagination. You really are psychic, and you have connected with the spirit world. These mystical experiences are occurring due to your increased spiritual openness, and because you have asked about your angels and life’s purpose.
You were in a temporary pause waiting for the investment you made to bear fruits. Whatever it is, having the 7 and 8 of earth means that the work is not done even with the amazing rewards you are reaping. You are learning when to be patient and when to take actions. There is a possibility that there will be a lot of things that you need to address. Hard work is essential, but you still need to find a balance.
The situation will come to an end and you will be free to start something else!


Hi, if it’s still open can I have one reading under number 9?

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I am assuming, since you replied to me, that this reading is for me?

I didn’t even choose a deck lol

Thank you!

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I would like to receive a general reading (deck of your choice), if possible :slight_smile: Thank you so much

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Lol! What decks did you want?
I’ll do readings when I get the time!

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Hey MiKu, can I get a reading from decks 6, 8 and 9? My question is a two parter if that’s okay. “Are my abilities improving” and “Is my shadow work responsible for any improvements?”

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No worries, my friend. I thank you for the reading. There is no need for another. I appreciate your time :slight_smile:

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Your fantasy is being born! The Lilac and Evolution cards tell a story of a magical child who is attuned to the higher realms!
The last 2 cards feel like your light needs to replenish so you need to invest sometime for your meditation to circulate your energy. You are using your energy to the limit…

Cards discreptions!

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You seem to be held by worries! Know that everything will be fine and you are safe and protected! So let go of control because you always land on your feet! You need to nurture yourself so you can have more energy to stand your ground. Don’t give your power away.

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Thank you so much, it matches very well!

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Very slowly! Its lacking the motivation! Work on one thing at a time. The dragon forecasts a good fortune!

Yes! The cards suggest to keep working on that! You are close to fully integrating with your shadow!

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I am working on that already :slight_smile: Thank you so much, it resonates very much.


Hey :slight_smile:

If its possible & you’re still open, I would like a reading (from the deck that you intuitively feel called to use) about the entities present in my life & overcoming mental/emotional pain that have plagued me for years.

Thanks a million for doing this.

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Thank you for the reading! I didn’t know I was so close. That makes me want to get it in gear.

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I am using this deck thats not on the list! Its just improvisation!
So to your first question! Entities:

Are you happen to be born on those times Pahaliah guards?
Queen of cups represents a woman who’s Compassionate, warm, kind, intuitive, healer, and supportive! I feel like she is an ancestor of yours! She seems to work with Azrael too!

On the other part of your question! Overcoming mental/emotional pain.

Creating what you love will help you through the healing process! Forgive the people who caused you pain and forgive your self for allowing it to happen! Know that its not your fault and you are stronger than what you think! No pain no gain! Using chemicals and addictions to avoid the pain is not working! Stop avoiding it and start dealing with it!

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Hey can I ask another reading? Any deck of your choosing is fine :slight_smile:

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Hello. May I also get a reading? Gabriel’s deck, please.

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Hi Miku, you’re reading was spot on last time . Been going through even rougher time now love, legal, etc . Also having extreme dreams . Not sure what’s going on. I would love one ! Any deck is fine .

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Hi if you still doing readings can I get one .Any deck you choose is fine,thank you in advance

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