What languages would you be willing to learn in order to ascend?

What i’ve found, is that our spirits are omni-lingual anyways.
My Godform can translate things i could hardly grasp,
even when using all digital resources to translate it.

In reality, it’s like remembering you already know from long ago,
instead of learning something new,
especially when it comes to languages which aren’t
actively spoken by anyone outside of sorcery.




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-my recomendation would clearly be:
Stick to Enochian.

Those other, living languages you can access easier.
The Enochian is a spirit language,
and knowing it gives you much more insight into spellcasting,
as well as influence during out of body expieriences.

In celestial planes you’ll gain much more influence with that.

For Infernal Planes, Nabatean has proven to be useful.

Plus, one you use those spirit languages your general over all ability to understand,
and comprehend other languages increases drastically.



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If you know they’re ‘hieroglyphs’ and not ‘hieroglyphics’ you’re already ahead of 99% of people !

I actually bought material to learn years ago but never got around to it, maybe in the future though.

Is anyone familiar with the Language of Thought hypothesis?

I’m no linguist, but essentially, it’s the theory (supported by Chomsky) the biological mechanism in the human brain usedfor language did not develop for language.

Rather, the human mind developed a more advanced way of thinking, which eventually became expressed with language.

“In its most basic form, the theory states that thought, like language, has syntax.”

This would be pretty important to us I suppose. Because this syntax would maybe facilitate magick?

C++, LUA, basic, pascal, assembly and maybe something else.

Then I recall what a god awful time I had and the stress and I say forget it.

I’d much rather go back through all English courses.

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Irish and French are all I care to know.

Maybe Norwegian… you get it