What kind of people annoy You the most?

I remember that you said a human can kill a spirit,I tagged you because of it,its just something I didn’t do yet but I take your word :smiley:

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Well, I didn’t “finish” it, I guess. I just sort of did the introductory course to each sphere.

Hist insists otherwise but fuck me I guess.

Oh! Well yeah they aren’t exactly spirits in the first place. They are living, breathing individuals on their plane. Of course you would have a hard time doing so as a beginner or here because here they appear as spirits. However, on their plane you can affect their body to a point you can kill them, elementals and things like them would be a bit more difficult as from what I gather they can simply choose to be reborn through the element they embody or reincarnate, etc.


Oh my… That is some annoying $hit indeed :joy:

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When it comes to hate I’m a certified and accredited expert. I hate pretty well everyone; but in particular the uneducated, unthinking and often unwashed masses. I hate ‘pay, pray and obey’ Xtians who, the more they love their sicko god the less they love humanity. If circus clowns raped and sexually abused as many children as religious figures do there would be laws making it illegal to take kids to circuses. I loath feminazis, socialists, fascists, Jews, blacks, whites and Asians. I hate Muslims, Hindus, even Baha’is! I’m one of the few Australians who can point to Finland on a world map – because (just like every other group) I fucking hate Finnish people.

I can’t stand occultists whose grades have been given, because grades should be recognised. Wiccans dancing naked around a fire to ‘Knees Up Mother Brown’ and their idiotic threefold law. Anti-smokers, ‘my dad’s better than your dad, I’m better than you’ types and in particular, people who want to help me!

I despise those who are cruel to animals (and killed one once via the Goetia).

P.s. I also hate people who are into fondue, because they are mostly ‘look at me’ show offs.


Thus spoke Uncle Al. :joy:

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Wow man. That’s A LOT of hate :joy:

  1. People who are convinced their religious belief is the only true one and try to constantly shove their dogma bull shit down your throat. I’ve seen it from:

i. Christians randomly interjecting you’re doomed to hell unless you convert to one of their god’s brainwashed worshippers and keep giving 10% of your coin to the church. This tactless and predatory behavior has occurred at the funerals of atheists, at the beside of a dying man, and – my personal favorite, at my brother’s wedding where our mother had the balls to tell the pastor who was the marriage officiant inside the church he presides in that he’s following the wrong religion and won’t make it to the highest kingdom of heaven unless he accepted the Book of Mormon.
ii. Enlightened militant vegans who look down and preach from their cruelty-free soap boxes to meat eaters about how immoral the consumption of animal products truly is. Meanwhile, their superiority and in-touch with nature fat heads seem to not give a fuck about the animals displaced as more mono-tree almond fields are grown, nor about the stress the declining honey bees experience as beekeepers transport their hives after being hired as contracted pollinators, to the diseases these same bees are exposed to by being in the vicinity of other communities of bees they’re normally isolated from, to the slave trade involved in harvesting the cacao beans and chocolate used to make their non-freetrade-yet-vegan mocha cappuccino. And especially fuck them forcing vegan philosophy on their own pet cat or dog.
iii. The dogma-entrenched practitioners in the magickal community. It seems to be disproportionately Wiccans, but then again Wiccans are the largest group. You know the type. They insist you can only be given a tarot deck as to buy one for yourself is bad ju-ju. Ouija boards are 100% evil and you’ll get possessed by demons. Angels = always good. Demons = always bad. You must be initiated into a coven to be a real witch. You must have all pf these tools – don’t think outside the box. Love and light, but no black magick at all. Not to gain something financially, not to punish a jerk, and absolutely no spells for love. You have to forget about your spells after they are cast. You have to only do spells with the correct moon phase, planetary hours, and with magickal supplies I sell conveniently from my shop. Witches who don’t do magick.

  1. Any of this The Secret/Law of Attraction/New Thought fucked up bullshit. It basically puts the blame always on the person if bad things happen because either they’ve displeased God, they didn’t pray hard enough and truly believe God will answer their prayers, that they need to be taught a lesson in God’s great plan, that they eat meat, that they don’t eat meat, that they didn’t visualize hard enough, that they let themselves think about what they didn’t want and fucked it up, that they didn’t keep the spell a secret, that they must have bad karma from a previous life, that they were reincarnated to learn this lessen through their suffering, etc. The world is imperfect and cold. There is nothing a person can do to deserve being raped. There is nothing a child can do to warrant a painful and agonizing life spent in a hospital bed as the cancer ravages their body. There is nothing a mother needed to learn that required her to suffer the death of her baby. Life is full of suffering. We shouldn’t add more of it to others.

You got me ranting like a grumpy senior citizen.


But You are right. And I agree with You :yellow_heart:

Another annoyance, people who flex they’re [insert entity or race] and their only claim to it is their own. There’s no form of verification, no divination, no nothing. Occult can be confirmed through readings and it’s not a bad thing to get them. The psionic community confirms constructs and such made through scanning or even physical occurrences in life can confirm things.
If you have no bit of confirmation in my opinion you shouldn’t claim it and if you have to let everyone know what you think you are or who you think you are then you’re most likely not.
And if you have to shove it in everyone every chance you get then you’re most likely not.

People who empty gloat about their fantasies is so annoying lol.


Indeed @anon48079295 this is why I always seek confirmation from the sources I deem trustworthy by not only me, but also many other people. First, check the source. Then judge its authenticity. This is what I always do.

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I’ve went to many communities, kept to myself about my soul and such. Until there’s an offer to scan and I will trade or get one and collect the information and see the common theme with my own findings of myself. It’s what I’ve been doing for years now lol it’s really helpful and even then shouting it at the roof tops is usually a red flag.


I know… I am saying only as much as I am remotely comfortable with and only to explain certain viewpoints I have on certain stuff due to my own personal experience :blue_heart:

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In the occult sphere- the Love ‘n’ Light types who tut and finger-wag anyone who practices anything even sort of dark. Shut up Princess Moonbeam, not every problem is solved by lighting a white candle and shoving a crystal up your butt. Sometimes demonic assistance is the way to go.

In general- People who insult, condescend, and snap at you when you’ve done nothing wrong. I have a lead at work right now like this. She insists we ask her for help if we’re not completely sure about something but when we do, she gives sarcastic, head-patting responses that imply you’re the absolute stupidest person ever and you should feel terrible for not knowing this already. Then, after she’s scared you off from asking her anything ever again and you end up making a mistake or not complying with some policy that you were never made aware of, she lectures you on why you didn’t ask her for help as if she didn’t give you a thorough dressing-down the last time you dared to admit you didn’t know something. I’ve met lots of miserable people like this but she’s the first one that came to mind. We’re getting a new lead soon and I’m counting the days.

Sorry, I’m in a mood today.


This “I hate everyone” type of shit is soooo 13 year old


I can relate to this type of behaviour. Nature is not all “love and light”. Nature is ballance and ballance can be only achieved with two opposite sides existing simultanously. Sometimes to really get what You deserve You need to get Your hands dirty. I agree with that. People should never be ridiculed or insulted just because their way is different than way of someone else. I’m very glad You’ve brought this up :smiling_face:

Oh my… That line made my day :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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:joy: :100:


Oh yes… I’ve known nearily 20 year old people acting this way… Pathetic :joy:

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Seriously parents who don’t take their turn when leaving the parking lot picking up their kids, as if their time is more valuable than everyone else’s.

(My life is pretty good and my interactions are total housewife/mom)