What kind of people annoy You the most?

Use your creative energy to make money , focus tons of energy on your passion, build a good internal image , dress good, be delusionally confident

Like Kiteman in Harley Quinn?

I like Batman because my lil bro obsessed with it but idk who that is

Kiteman’s a minor Batman villain. Basically he’s a man who has a kite on his back. In the current Harley Quinn tv show, he’s a loser with the delusional confidence you’re talking about. He’s dating poison ivy.

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like at this moment a WHOLE LOT.
Im sleep deprived and disappointed so that might have something to do with it

i know right? most superficial people focus on sex as the center of the relationship. THey avoid you if they think your aiming for their pants which isn’t the case. People have no depth these days due to tech and cell phones/social media. And they wonder why they can’t find good people in their life. it’s cuz they treat good people like trash.

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Fundamentalists of all stripes. By that, I mean those who are convinced that their way is the only possible way. They exist in every imaginable facet of life, from weirdos who “gatekeep” their hobbies (in terms of who can be a “real” member or fan) to religious zealots. Different people have different approaches. Some are very rigid and serious, while others are freewheeling and lighthearted. Many others are moderate. There’s room in the world for a variety of opinions, methods and approaches. So, having said that, tell me how to do my thing-whatever my thing is at the moment-and I’ll wreck your kneecaps. :grinning:

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UPG addict walking LARPs who compulsively try and “correct” traditional/relatively conventional/actually useful understandings of how the fucking world works.


“Incarnate deities” that talk big and exhibit the maturity and wisdom of a
young teenager at best.


Elitists and closed minded assholes who you have to deal with. People who claim “no, THIS is right and you are terrible and also a liar and my proof is fuck you.”


Satanists and luciferians who are taking some quack’s definition of their beliefs and doing stupid shit like burning bibles weekly or living in filth, the “selling your soul” culture.

I annoy myself.


The people who see that you into black magick, and the first thing that comes out of their mouth is either something about trying to save my soul, or, even worse, the guy that says that he “worships Satan” as well.


Some of the very few people who learn I actually practice magic who upon learning this, pass me a deck of playing cards and ask if I know any card tricks. Turns out it is easy to make a card stick to a forehead if you practice throwing a deck of them often enough


One can use the tarot via a basic deck of card, sooooooo

I mean, yeah!

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True, but that was not the kind of trick they were asking for lol

The truth is funny like that.

“Sure!” Uses pyrokinesis to set the deck on fire


Oh pyrokinesis like that would be a dangerous skill for me to possess…lol

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Dude we need to make a pyromancy club.

Unfortunately, we can’t advertise seperate groups, so it’d have to be a group journal.

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That is an option. Putting aside fantasy, I am not sure how it would work if it was possible. In my earlier days, I did experiment with it with visualizations of my finger being a match to light a candle. Only managed to soften the wax though. I would be interested hearing in others thoughts and experiments on the subject.

But we are derailing the thread so best to get back to topic.