What is your most terrifying or creepy occult or mundane experiences?

I found him i overlooked him in one of my dream journals


Scariest mundane thing:
A while back, I was given some medication by a doctor that it turns out can cause massive neurological damage. I took it without knowing this and only found out about the dangerous side effects after I started having problems. Anyway, it was pretty terrifying, but I slowly started doing better over the years. Of course, with medical and mental health problems, there is always the possibility that any time you start to feel bad again it might be the time you don’t recover. That’s pretty scary too. Anyway, years ago, I was on a mailing list for an online support group for the medication. A woman showed up who had taken a related medication. She talked about how she just knew that she had holes in her brain, and her description of how she was losing her mind was terrifying. This wasn’t some creepy but ultimately unrelated problem. This was someone who had taken something similar to what I had taken and was having problems, like I was, only worse. I’ve had ups and down since then, but luckily, it has never gotten as bad as what that woman experienced. (Although, it turns out that the medication causes brain lesions, which I guess are like microscopic holes in one’s brain stem. So, she was right.)


Probably having sleep paralysis and seeing a face covered in blood smiling at me and only moving out of sight once I could move again.

Also having a lucid dream where someone asked for my soul, then proceeded to say “you can trust me” (yeah right…) and then she got sucked into a portal

I get woken up to screaming in my ear sometimes which is always lovely.

Also being chased by a shadow person in my dream that had the same height and build as me (leading me to think it may be my shadow self forcing me to pay attention to it, sounds a lot like me tbh) chasing me until I would wake up.

That’s all.


Well when I was 14 I tried to summon a demon. I had no idea what I was doing I was just rebelling against my southern Baptist mother. I had Christian views and I approached this conjuring with the WRONG mindset. I ended up summoning what I can only describe as a hellhound. I have searched for anything resembling this creature for a long time and have found absolutely nothing. It had eyes like a spider, at least 2 tails that were more like snakes, a head like a lion a body like a bear but legs and feet like a dog and when it ran it sounded like hundreds of horses charging. At the time I took it as a warning but now thinking back I feel like it was a mediator and it sensed my fear and left.

I was outside smoking a cigarette the night after the ritual when it showed up in my back yard/driveway (our driveway went pretty much all the way to the wood line.) When it showed up everything else went black. There was only me and this creature nothing else existed. I was paralyzed. It snorted and turned and ran with the sound of thunder. I haven’t seen it again in real life or on the internet. it’s as if this thing doesn’t exist. And no I was not on drugs.


I can relate to this about sleep paralysis having to think about what I could have posted from my own experiences. I had absolutely forgot about my sleep paralysis that occurs once every time or so. Not as frequent thankfully. Anyway I guess I could say most terrifying experience I had was in the form of sleep paralysis that happened recently. About two months ago once again I had woken up I realized I was in sleep paralysis but then after the fact I realized I was actually still in the dreaming state in my own room as I recall seeing floating small black shape-like dots around the room (I have a red colored lava lamp that I leave in a secured spot) which explains why I could see them so vividly with the naked eye even while in the dream state.

This occured for about 3 minutes then I noticed my hearing was becoming a little high pitched when in the no where I heard a very but short loud bang (more of something hitting like sound) if that makes sense. This is where things got very disturbing after the sudden bang there came a sound of someone screeching in agony as I described it before here it was the type of sound no one should be hearing. The Forbidden Sound as I called it in my dream journal. From there It almost felt like the air was being sucked out of me I couldn’t take the shit anymore so I woke my self up by moving my fingers as much as I could. I Instantly remember waking up but I was still completely frozen locked in my bed. It’s where I noticed whispers in my ear that I couldn’t make it out what they said as my heart was on full blast for a short second. After my heart settled down, my sleep by this point was all over the place.

I stayed in this position (my right side) for a couple more minutes then had another small awake dream like state where I could hear tapping on the closet walls and this backround gasp of someones voice that was not pleasant whatsoever. The problem here is that I was falling into a deep in and out cycle of sleep that was interfering with this sleep paralysis. I had to completely wake my self up I noticed it was about 4:22 am. Got a glass of water then drank some orange juice I noticed looking around my kitchen (now 4:32 am) it felt as if I been drained in a way from my energy but health wise I felt fine. I knew there was nothing that followed me from the dreams because one of my senses I use to work with my spirits would have triggered something by now. It was just a terrible case of sleep paralysis by far in a long time. The day after the Incident I did a cleansing meditation for postive energy boost which helped perfectly. Haven’t got anything as bad as this one yet.


I have way too many to share… haha

My 1st one was when I was around 3 or 4 years old when me and my mother saw an airy lady dressed in black telling her that her wish would come true. Then when we were home… at the junction of the street we heard a strange sound of dripping water. When we arrived home we found the washing machine topped over and a leaf of the calender from the kitchen floating in the water. The date of the calendar was the exact date my mother got her wish come true. We still have the paper at home as a reminder.

Second one was when I was a student. I had weird dreams of my dead great grandmother. She pointed me out an accident by the car with all details and told me to say to my parents. I told them. Next day they were in the exact spot she mentioned and they got a car almost hit them. Because my dad knew the dream and he was prepared, he managed to avoid the car and both my parents were seated from certain death.
At that same house I would feel half an hr earlier that the light bulb would explode without it showing any signs. And every time I would leave the room it would blow up. No electrical faults.

Some years later when I moved into my new house I had a shadow person passing through me twice. It was absolutely scary because I felt like I was see through like a cloud.
Same house I saw another dream of the 4 elders of the universe. At the time I had no idea about them. I found out years later when I got involved in the occult.

New house years later and a newly built too. I had a dream the previous day about archangel Michael protecting me. The next day I went to take a selfie and I got a proper outline of a man standing behind me. I might post the photo. You don’t have to be spiritual to see the man.
Same house… couple of months later… I had lit a candle to St Michael and I went for a shower. I returned back in the room later on and I felt some really strong electric current in the atmosphere that was making it hard for me to breathe. I shouted… st Michael is this you. Immediately the power went off and on. I was staying in awe watching around me.
I also had a massive orb opening the door behind me and then closing it pushing me out of the house.

I had more experiences when I started working with the djinns. They told me about Covid before it was even a thing. It was on a dream. Then the next day when I woke up I saw one of my plants floating in front of me and then they dropped it. They also unlocked one of my cupboards and closed it back.

I also saw a demon with my real eyes. He looked like Sallos or Sitri… more like Sallos. I was not on any drugs or medication and what I saw truly convinced me about the occult. Next day an unexplained dirt and dump appeared at that spot that lasted for half a month and we could not find the reason so we can repair it.

Well the list goes on and on… I think the scariest were the one with St Michael, the demon and the spiritual rain …


I get whispering in my ears too sometimes, usually something whispering my name. The banging sound could be exploding head syndrome? I also hear tapping during sleep paralysis, like someone is waiting for something.

I’m glad it doesn’t happen to you anymore.


The banging sound was part of the sleep paralysis not anything health wise. This was part of the experience of hearing a loud bang on my wall followed by the disturbing sound of agony while in the sleepy dream state but awake inside the dream and aware of your surroundings. The sound of pain was so intense and impactful that I had to do my own cleansing on myself as I said in my post. Believe me if I knew it was anything health wise I would have Immediately checked myself out at my doctors. This was just a terrible case of sleep paralysis. I’ve been trying to use sleep paralysis as of recently as a gateway to astral projection as I want to jump on that section of intrest again. One trippy night won’t stop me from experiencing a spectacular OBE. Once Again there hasn’t been anything as bad as this one terrifying Incident. I had similar crazy sleep shit happened in the past way before I even moved into the knowledge of the occult. So this had nowhere near to do with my works into the demonic nor my entities I work with who are demons. Just a shocked experience. I do appreciate your concern. These days I sleep the moment I get on the damn bed :laughing:


What do I do to achieve this? :thinking: :laughing:


So when I was working with astroth I knew nothing about her. After I called her she showed but a rat was there protecting her. He had many scars like he was in many battles. After I had this casual experience with the rat and astroth I finally came by a picture of astroth. Appearntly she’s riding a fucking rat!!! I had no idea this picture existed till after I met up with the rat. So this is the moment I always go back to when I start to challenge my beliefs. Becuase there is no way I could have know.

Here is the pic

download (3)


It’s about as natural as it can get with me man :laughing: I’m a big tea drinker so I always once in a while enjoy myself some tea with honey and let the calmness take me over. Half of the times anyway I always get tired at the right times causing my body to kick in its sleep cycle. If your having minor sleep iffys here and there I’d recommend looking into some natural tea brews that aid in sleeping. Always a top healthy choice in home remedies. Chamomile is my personal favorite. Gets me in such a great mood at night my bed is practically calling my name :rofl: It’s just the right touch to get my sleep going.