What is the ultimate insult to yhwh?

so because you went off the image?


this is another tarot with the queen of swords, going off image alone isn’t accurate tarot reading.

Keywords related to the Queen of Swords Shadowscapes Tarot: honesty, profundity, downrightness, experience, strong will, sharp mind, sarcasm, autonomy, ambition, analytical ability, aloof attitude, cognitive ability, profound insight, fair assessment, wise decisions, communication, teaching, independence, common sense, determination, concentration, skill.


I Just know that yhvh is evil and i got a lot of proof. He created this world and man in his image and if he were good everything in this world was different


Your “proof” isn’t proof, many here like @anon10524665 have had good experiences with him lol, you’re speaking from a manmade religion not actual experience with the Deity, like any Deity he can be a asshole if he wants to but good and evil isn’t real. He didn’t make this world, if you want to know how earth came to be look into science, humanity was made through evolution not the image of a single Deity.


i had bad experiences with him that i dont want talk about

Doesn’t mean he’s evil, just means he might not be the right deity for you.


I guess you could ask him why he created you/who created you, why they placed you here, and go against that. Talk to whatever spirits could help you go against him, break free and fight any spirit who tries to make you go back to his abusive nonsense.

I told someone today of a bruise they gave me years ago. I showed them the picture of the bruise to their face and the counselor and they still acted like it wasn’t real. They told me today that I gave myself the bruise and why am I only telling them now when I reminded them that I told them and other people years ago soon after it happened. Like I’m going to hurt myself for attention? Why not call them out on their abusive behavior instead?

Abusers always blame the victim, tell them everything is their fault, lie to their face even with evidence showing their abuse, never admit their mistakes, etc. Find the spirits holding you down who don’t want you to continue your agenda and fight back when they keep pushing. If physical people are aggressive then spirits will be even worse. Especially spirits who aren’t limited by something like time or bad health.

I believe I had an encounter with him a few days ago. It was unexpected and left me with more questions than anything, but it was overall very positive and something I definitely want to look more into. I wasn’t raised in ‘his’ religion, or any religion, for that matter.

But I agree with what @anon48079295 and @anon10524665 are saying to you and I think they’re both giving you some solid advice. If you don’t vibe with him, just let go, find someone/something you do vibe with. There are many, many out there, not just him. You’re keeping yourself trapped.

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I just really really hate Yhvh. He caused me a lot of damage. My wish is that he will be destroyed in the end by another deity

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Nah. He will let Jesus do the water to wine trick and they will all get drunk together.

For real though, I get that you are hurt, and I don’t want to ridicule that. But through your hate towards that deity you waste your energy, which you could use for other, more useful stuff.
Or, if he really is a narcissist like you said, the best thing you could do is to ignore him and walk away, free yourself from him.


II Kings 2: 23-24.
What is the interpretation of this passage in Bible?
Should I not take it for what it is and serious. and if so why take other passages serious?

Heck, I was about to go to bed but I cannot leave this here unanswered.
I’m not a fan of the bible, but let’s check this story out.

So, some teenagers did not respect Elisa and made fun of him and he answered with a deathcurse, which YHWH answered.
Oh I have seen so many people here bragging about putting death curses on people for making fun of them. Is it a difference if they ask Lucifer to do it or if they ask YHWH?

The bible is a short summary of stories, myths, poetry and letters. A lot of it was cencored and changed so it would fit into a religion. A lot of meaning was lost in the endless translations.
Some stories were completely left out or the original texts suddenly dissapeared, some names were erased. You can be sure that each time the bible says “an angel did something” there was a name attached to that angel originally.

What I am trying to say is, I would never take the bible literally, and I would never consider it as my primary source of information about YHWH.


What is your primary source for YHWH?

My own experience with him, the way he made me stronger, independent and saved me (not in a salvation from sins kind of sense, but as in he showed me where to go, to be successful in my life, and he continues to do so) and the experiences of others.


I do not consider myself a christian by the way, I never really felt connected to Jesus.
That is not important though.
I do not follow or worship YHWH, but he is like a trusted guide to me.

Yes understood. Experiences.
Romans 12:14 contradicts II Kings 2: 23-24.
I’m just seeking answers .

Trace Yahweh’s origins back to before monotheism, but also experience is a good source.


It is not really a contradiction.
II Kings is history/myth, it’s stories of kings.

And romans is a letter written by Paul after Jesus died and raised from the dead. It tells the christians about Jesus and it is advice on what christians should do.

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I’ve followed YHWH and had got good results that turned sour eventually. I’ve drifted away from him but I believe he is always still there. I dont know if it was all a test. But yeah he is powerful .

He is a god among many. You can work with him, or not. That is up to you and him.

Also, let me give you an interesting comparism.
When someone makes a thread and says they have been invoking Azazel for a long time now and he never gets results, his spells do not work and all that. Would people say “Fuck Azazel he does not care about humans!” No. They would tell that person to work hard, to stop doubting their abilities, to try method xy.

And why should it be any different with YHWH?


YHWH and Azazel are not for everyone.
I’ve got more results with YHWH than Azazel.
Both I realised are not for me to continue.
For me YHWH results are quick but don’t last. Or made a situation more worse .
For you YHWH is for you so. And some people whom have long term results.
It’s about personal opinions and results.