In concordance to astral manifestations I have been seing for years, I finally discovered one of the intruders behind some of the floating eyes I use to see. It sounds dirty; but, knowing an aparent group of energy extraterrestrials were pretending to be succubus and were disrupting and blocking my efforts to connect with real woman shaped succubus, I let them flow with me one night… yes… all night, so I woke up with a STRONG physical sensation of electricity in some parts of my body, incluiding my head… So, that morning, in the bathroom, I put of the lights and I saw amazingly crear the image I draw. And, is a pity I´m not good drawing, cause it looks really cool. LISTEN THIS: his-her (this mdfk is non binary XD) face were constantly changing, but always preserving some geometrical patterns, some face-style, some energy patterns like the colors and the facts that the tones were SHINING TONES of the colors, with small lighting -tone dots or yellow dots, in the respective colors. An other important point, is that there are 3 clear types of floating pupils in the floating eyes, 3 of them reptiloids, and that is one. That being seems like a high range member, and a type of magician. And yes, I tried to speak with those beings, but they dont answer. The last thing, is that the picture alien is special, not as a race, but as an individual. It was more or less a weak ago. I tried to find her-him? but nothing…
PD: I saw that being in the mirror, in place of my face, because the sex with the aliens was used by them to implant me and controll me, but as I´m strong, I let that happen in part to revert the mechanic of the interaction and use that transference to see them better, and then have power over them (knowledge is power)
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No idea, it’s also interesting that you drew what could be a merkaba above it’s head. Those in some ways of thinking about them, are vehicles you can use to manifest in 3D. There’s a meditation to create your own that I’ve been playing with.
That’s frustrating that it showed up so clearly but didn’t come back. Can you remember the feeling of it, the unique personality and energy that you could use to call it like a signature instead of a name?
Brother, let me tell you that the next night of the night of that day, I had an experience with an audio of Satania youtube channel to crystalize the etheric body. For first time on my life, at the end, I saw with closed eyes a supernatural rainbow rayes descending from my hearth. The rays remain for a 10 seconds or something more. So beautifull, and rare, at the point that bright was someting I never saw, and because of that the lenguage fails to describe. In that medidation with that audio, I use an improvised merkaba visualization. The key was to make the energy spin, faster and faster, to stop the audio in a very high point, cause a very powerfull fallen angel was a little bit angry with me (I send her hugs AJAJAJAJAJ, cause fighting would have been a disaster for me), and I tryied to vibrationally scape from her (I´m not gonna say who was, and was not a succubu), after the fallen angel started to make a torment, once she saw I called her for … curiosity
About your answer, I would call him-her “Dominant”, and if you let me use to words: “magic and dominant”
Reptilians have a reputation as a race based in slavery and extreme control, possibly having a hive mind sort of culture. If that’s true here, it makes sense it would see you as someone to attempt to be superior to: you’re either fighting to be in charge or you deserve to be subjugated in thier minds. Not all are like that though.