What is Hell actually?

Yes, it was the Purson/Horus post I made.

Hm… so is hell the borderland?
*Sorry, i can’t get this song out of my head (and i don’t wanna forget it :3 )

The crossroads, hell -everything on the same “level”?
-That idea gives me an (naive??) hope, that hell could actually survive the death of an universe, because it is an arupa-plane or just a part of the chaos/rootmatter/mulaprakriti which is not formed by the universe/adam qadmon/brahma but from intellegence which has plit from it, to form the matter after its own will.

What do you guys think about that idea?
And what do you think about the universe-lifetime-cycle-theory-crap in generall?
(Antharratu also told EA, that this is the final incarnation, the world into which we forced ourselfes, so that we become gods.
And don’t judge me for the themesong!

I’ve always pictured hell as I place where you’re alone with your own thoughts for a time period. Eventually you’re reincarnated and continue this process until you reach elevation

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Hell is where you will all be going!


Nah fam I very much intend to either take a vessel or wander the astral realms, thank you.

As for hell, it’s up to perception. It is a few things, in my book. 1) mindstate, 2) a dimension out of several, 3) edge of perception, as velly said, which is brilliantly put.

I got put in hell once, so I would understand what it was. It was just this void of flames and pain. The flames billowed and the pain pained, and I screamed and screamed endlessly. Eventually I turned my head up and screamed, “I haven’t done anything to deserve this! You can’t do this to me! I deserve a trial!” Then a big, booming voice boomed, “For all the lives which you have destroyed with your witchcraft, you have been judged and you are guilty!” Then the flames roared and the pain pained and I had this total collapse of spirit knowing that this would go on forever and ever…

Except the whole time I was watching this safely reserved in my “inner” mind and I realized that there was distance between the pain and my mind. I also had no ability to stop screaming and thrashing around ,even when I exerted my will to do so. And that whole speech demanding judgement… it was like my body did it for me. Eventually I realized that the “etheric body,” for lack of a better term, that they had stuck me in was completely programmed so that the person in that body had no control over it and just had to experience everything exactly the way it was programmed. So I connected to my higher self and pulled down a big beam of energy… and they immediately kicked me out of hell and I woke up.

Hell is a computer program, probably in Yesod aka The Moon. And if you break it they kick you out. All those people who tell the story about how they were yanked out of hell when they called out to the higher power they believed in… guess what happened?


THANK YOU - not for the first time, our experiences align, I was kind of talking about that in another thread recently where I mentioned when people call on “God” (including for protection) they actually access their Higher Self, and the general tendency of the Source “within them” (of which they are one and indivisible) towards more life and following time’s arrow forward.

I can’t tell you what it means to see reflections like this in someone’s post!

One of the reasons I’m more inclined to view Xians more favourably than other monotheistic desert cults is that their religion, taken to the point of profound personal mysticism (personal communion with the Divine instead of simply rules-following and fear) leads to more or less that same conclusion, that the “Christ-Self” within is indivisible with God/Source/Love (including love of life, living, etc).

That the troll-like “god” of the Abrahamic faiths essentially vampirised that by commanding the faith and power be placed on its altar (so to speak) is also a factor, but some transcend that and locate the Source where it was all along - within.


And for those who don’t know about the moon…

There are these things… I call them Astral Theaters. From the outside it usually looks like a box. Inside, it’s a sentient computer game. There will be a limited setting with characters and a fixed storyline of some sort. This is how they fake alien abductions. Several occultists have reverse-engineered that. They can evoke people into the box or send it to you as a “dream.” There’s some kind of vibrational thing they use to block you from getting too lucid or having your memory kick in and cause problems. But if you can wake up enough to start breaking shit, they will usually kick you out. They like to stick multiple people in these at a time… I’ve seen as many as thirty at once… so they don’t want you breaking the illusion 'cause that will wake people who see it up.

The Heaven and Hell that most people experience are just these boxes in Yesod, which is very low on the astral plane so it’ll seem vivid and realistic. If you die and see somebody beckoning or waiting to escort you, do not go with them. You are a powerful being and more than capable of getting around without their help. All they do is stick you in a storage box on the moon for a while, wipe your memory, and then stick you back in another body. They wipe your memory to slow down your spiritual/magical development–it makes it hard for you to remember who you are and access the abilities you’ve developed. You don’t need their help to get another body. They’re just hacking the system to make things harder for you than they’re supposed to be.


How have your abilities increased from this experience? Are you grateful for it?

I think it was just kind of a thing the person that showed it to me wanted me to know. I grew up in a really conservative family and was a devout Christian once upon a time. Seeing Hell, or at least that version of Hell, for what it really was probably helped me get past some residual fears that might’ve been still effecting me.


I’ll try to give the simplest answer hell Is the void, but it acts as a infernal nexus of unlimited possibilities.

That’s as simple as I can put it.


If you didn’t grow up with the Christian concept of hell would it have effected it?

I imagine this was just one box of many. The Buddhist hell was probably two boxes down.


did this come to you in a dream?

To me this is the most accurate :slight_smile:


I was just going to say that, Gehenna was a rubbish tip at the edge of the Hebrews city, criminals as final punishment instead of being buried on consecrated ground which the bodies would be left undisturbed untill the messiah returned and who would raise them, so throwing the criminals body onto the smouldering rubbish tip was seen as the ultimate punishment, this is where Abrahamic idea of hell originally came from.


Yep. Gehenna + Norse Hel (Helheim) = Hell in Christian mythology, essentially.

How did you get put in hell? Did you die before?

I escaped apparently or this is my second chance.

Hold on, this all sounds very interesting but how did you learn about these boxes?