What Is Consciousness?

Right now, I can’t think of what else philosophy explains, (in a nut shell) usually some type of mental masterbation. Quite frankly I find it mostly useless, but not entirely. Maybe 95% useless, and as far as philosophy replacing science, totally useless.

To me, consciousness is just an awareness that you are a living being or any kind of creation with sentience.

I agree

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Conciousness is the core vibration of the essence of the Person. If it’s fun, hate, vicious, perverse, loyal or whatever translating in music and colours and forms.

Maybe a better question is what is not consciousness.

Conciousness is the core vibration of the essence of the Person. If it’s fun, hate, vicious, perverse, loyal or whatever translating in music and colours and forms.

That’s a good way to put it

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Maybe a better question is what is not consciousness.

Singularity or “oneness” is a concept often taken for granted, misunderstood or misrepresented. There have been statements such as “everything” is consciousness, which I think is an obvious anomaly. But my simple answer to that question would be, what is not consciousness is what you need consciousness to percieve.

Being that everyone has consciousness and uses their consciousness to percieve it in different lenses, it’s not realistic to define it in simple terms, any more than the quantum stratum

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You need consciousness to perceive consciousness and just because you can’t perceive something does not mean it doesn’t perceive you. Get it? I mean it quite literally everything even matter is consciousness condenses and given a form and pattern and you tune yourself in right you can do amazing things with different models to interact with your own consciousness or the consciousness of reality or things within it. Overthinking it is just going to bind you up in webs of thought until you strangle yourself with them.

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Ya I get it, I just don’t buy it, that is strictly metaphysical supposition, IMO. You are equating energy with consciousness, which is fine, but I think it is more of a force.

Dealing with consciousness and mind power your dealing with something different. There is a difference between energy and a force, Because you believe something doesn’t make it a fact. If you think that is factual, can you give some concrete examples?

If you want to take a deep dive into consciousness, as you can see, it’s a bit complicated

And then once you dive deeper into mind power, you get into areas like parapsychology and precognition, which adds a different dimension to it

Actually I have experiences that make it more likely that belief is fact. Consciousness is everything. It is force and energy and neither of those things exist except as ideas. Our reality especially physical reality and all things effecting such are just manifestations of consciousness woven together. Our own and others. By pure belief and will to enforce that belief in our consciousness and outer consciousness for instance monks can perform feats seemingly impossible, traveling vast distances, moving through what should be solid matter, changing the weather instantaneously, being unharmed by the elements even to the point of immersion in boiling water. You idea of energy and force is still purely physical. Force does not exist except within definitions of a physical relationship by the very nature of our language and dimension of existence.

I believe I will be unharmed by something but that someone else has no such protection. They are burned and I am unscathed. See my whole thing is consciousness in the form of trance, hypnosis, magnetism, mesmerism whatever you want to call it. It is energy, force, neither of those, it adopts whatever form and model is most convenient or chosen for it even if not quite convenient for us without the keys to control the model it adopts and move within it. I believe I am so I am. I believe I am somewhere else and others see and interact with me there while I am somewhere else and people see me there too and interact with me there. I believe I can fly and have flown and others have not seen but I have seen them. I dream and believe the dreams and I wake smelling of those dreams or covered in the dirt and debris of those dreams.

I can give many examples of my own experiences and what I have seen others do but are you able to believe and accept them so you can experience the same? Are you willing to let go of preconceived notions to experience for yourself without a map or clue where you are going only that you must learn and shift through states of consciousness and trance?

I’ve had those experiences, but on a limited basis

only that you must learn and shift through states of consciousness and trance?

On some level

What is consciousness?

The ability to make Choices.
Choice = Justifications + Rationalizations

Now imagine you can have them all the time and do the seeming impossible all the while no one around you even perceives it despite the evidence and results right in front of them because their own beliefs change the feedback of their senses to match the level their consciousness dwells in.

The ability to make choices

It’s very simple

I just want to come back and retract my quote.

Matter can be created out of nothing and it happens all the time… in this video at about 9 minutes in, he explains what happens when a high energy proton collides with hydrogen in the Earths atmosphere, how both particles are blasted into their constituent quarks, and since quarks cannot exist alone, they spontaneously create new quarks to go with them:
Although it’s argued that in this case, kinetic energy is being converted into matter, and the statement is still true from that perspective.

I’ll finish the video when I’m done. No, I don’t agree with that. For the very simple reason that hydrogen, cosmic rays, quarks, protons, are still matter/energy and cannot quantify as “nothing”. IMV It’s impossible to create something from nothing, unless there is some kind of divine intervention. I wrote an essay on this, I didn’t archive it, so I don’t know if I’ll be able to find it.

The essay was based on this article